Titanic-Wreck Tour Sub Charging $250,000 a Guest Has Gone Missing

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If it did indeed implode then at least death came swiftly for them all. RIP

Lets hope that lots of woke individuals are inspired by this story and do the same thing.
This pos and his cohorts will go to any length. Cover up. Rather waste money on a search and rescue mission knowing full well they were already dead. Nothing for the bum on the street. Burn you old demented pos.

If it did indeed implode then at least death came swiftly for them all. RIP

Lets hope that lots of woke individuals are inspired by this story and do the same thing.
Well, the Wokesters working for that outfit, are gonna have to find other jobs, fer sure.

There won't be enough left of that business to even sue. The USCG and DoD are almost-certainly going to try to recover some of their expenses. SOME of...since what the search cost, is doubtless many times Oceangate's total value of assets.

As an ongoing business, it has no value. It's titanium can is destroyed and the CEO was in it. No white 50ish submariners involved...hope he was inspired, in the last seconds.
WSJ is reporting Biden knew these people were dead many days ago but kept the story going to deflect the shit going on with his crack head son.
From a "president" who ignores a spying Chin balloon, until it completes its American tour, and THEN suddenly it's all-hands to blow it up?

I would expect nothing else from this demented slob. But what's surprising me is that the mediuh are now TURNING ON HIM.

I don't know what THAT signifies, but it tells me they're fronting for a planned or underway coup.
From a "president" who ignores a spying Chin balloon, until it completes its American tour, and THEN suddenly it's all-hands to blow it up?

I would expect nothing else from this demented slob. But what's surprising me is that the mediuh are now TURNING ON HIM.

I don't know what THAT signifies
, but it tells me they're fronting for a planned or underway coup.

That simply means that the Intelligence Agency blackmail rings have already lined up their next puppet to control. Pedo Joe has become too much of a liability.

WGOW Shipping discusses OceanGate, Titan, Titanic & US Navy (SOSUS) detecting implosion | LiveNOW​

Jun 23, 2023


In this episode, Sal Mercogliano - maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner - appears on LiveNOW on FOX to discuss the discover of wreckage of the submersible Titan near the site of the Titanic wreck, the report of US Navy SOSUS hearing the implosion, and what comes next with the recovery operations.
^^Why are we surprised at any if this? Once I read that on Sunday the Navy got an indication of an implosion, I knew we were being lied to. The Navy knew about the Titan dive.
The Navy knew about the Titan dive.

The original Titanic exploration was a cover for monitoring and checking military projects. It just so happens they also found the Titanic. FACT.

I don't know about the current tragedy in the toilet paper tube submarine. It could simply be a cheap business model gone bad?

Titan Rescue Timeline & Scenario | Pelagic Research Services | Odysseus 6K​

Jul 3, 2023


In this episode, Sal Mercogliano - maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner - discusses the timeline and scenario developed by Pelagic Research Services to bring the Titan submersible from the ocean floor back to the surface using their Odysseus 6K?

00:00 Introduction & Odysseus 6K ROV
02:16 Rescue Timeline
08:54 Rescue Scenario

- Pelagic Research Services - Odysseus 6Khttps://pelagic-services.com/web2/ind...
- Pelagic Research Service end-of-mission news conference - WGRZ-TVhttps://www.youtube.com/live/YoBAqZ9V...
- Horizon Arctic https://horizonmaritime.com/vessels/
- Deep Energy https://www.technipfmc.com/en/what-we...
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