Today's ramp job at the DOW

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Praying Mantis
Reaction score
Waaay south

I just watched the DOW bounce off the low of the day and rally like a motherfucker with twenty minutes left in the session to the high of the day. Hell, the PPT may even push this bitch in to the green. Ya gotta love this shit, you really do.

Anyone with actual skin covering their frame left this ponzi a loooong time ago. This has algo written all over it in bold red ink. She's sitting at 12,870 at 3:57, so it does look like we'll see green today.

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Sadly for me, I bought VXX in the morning, was looking at a good profit, came back, and wham - really red.

WTF - it's supposed to be the volatility, the fear factor, and shouldn't be able to drop that fast even if the market zooms - it's based on the price of both kinds of options after all (in theory). Volatility isn't supposed to have a "sign bit" - it's motion, not direction. Well, it might just climb again, things are exciting just now.
Got out of that VXX trade in the green today. Whew. I'm thinking it might have had something to do with the investigation over LIBOR manipulation, which figures into option pricing.
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