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Posting for reference for those who haven't seen it (because I reference it all the time):


Bernanke was almost stuttering on some of his answers. Quite funny.
Well at least Bernanke was right about something, it IS a precious metal! LOL Oldie but goodie!!
More comedy gold from the Bernank:

NYT said:
During the cold war, West Germany followed a policy of storing its gold as far west as possible in case of a Soviet invasion. While that worry is gone, there is still an argument for keeping some gold in financial centers like New York and London. It remains the one currency that is accepted everywhere. ...

how times change eh ?
I reckon I would put my gold in Moscow rather than Berlin, New York or London
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that was my opinion 3 days before Russia kicked off its Special Military Operation in Ukraine
And subsequently amplified by everything I am aware of that has happened since.

The 'west' appears to be in decline and desperate to take down the perceived threats to its belief in its US hegemony.
Russia seems to offer a future based on family values and fairness in regard to trade with other countries.

They switched on the 'hate Putin' and switched off the 'fear Rona get your jab' literally overnight.
* bump *

Saw this referenced on X/Twitter (from Nov 2020):

Yeah, the bold emphasis is mine...

given that I've no idea how hashtags works... are you asking:

... to reply to your post a) quoting a post mentioning Central Banks + Gold and b) using in the reply-text "#tradition"?

... or to reply to any post mentioning Central Banks + Gold, using "#tradition"?

... are you asking:

... to reply to your post a) quoting a post mentioning Central Banks + Gold and b) using in the reply-text "#tradition"?

... or to reply to any post mentioning Central Banks + Gold, using "#tradition"?


X tracks the number of times a hashtag is posted (anywhere). When a hashtag gets posted a lot (within a window of time), it can appear on the "trending topics" list. Even when not on the trending topics list, people can search for a hashtag to find posts where it has been used. So posting it everywhere it's appropriate helps people find that related content (once they become aware that the hashtag is being used for that purpose). Posting it as a reply to my original post is always welcome too - you can do both for extra effect.
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