Treasure hunters accusing FBI of stealing lost civil-war gold bars

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I saw this story on my local news last night.

In early 2018, Dennis Parada, owner of a treasure hunting company Finders Keepers, and his son contacted the FBI to inform them that they potentially found a lost shipment of gold, believed to be around 739 troy ounces. According to local lore, the gold went missing in 1863, just before the battle of Gettysburg, and was on its way to the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia. The gold was believed to be lost in the forest near Dents Run, Pennsylvania, about 3 hours northeast of Pittsburg.
In the interview, Parada said that he suspects the FBI conducted a clandestine dig overnight between the first and second day of the court-authorized excavation. The gold was then covertly spirited away.

Some residents in the area have come forward to say that they heard loud noises during the night and a convoy of government vehicles and armored cars. However, the FBI said that it did not conduct any overnight dig.


More details on the story here:

Court case details here:

Folks at metaldetectingforum seem to be following the case closely (seems to be a lot of folks skeptical of plaintiff claims FWIW):

* update (from October '23) *

The FBI’s highly unusual search for buried Civil War-era treasure more than five years ago set in motion a dispute over what, if anything, the agency unearthed and an ongoing legal battle over key records. There’s so much intrigue that even a federal judge felt compelled to note in a ruling last week: “The FBI may have found the gold — or maybe not.”

Now, two witnesses have come forward to share with The Associated Press what they heard and saw in the woods that late-winter morning, raising questions about the FBI’s timeline and adding plot twists to a saga that blends elements of legend, fact and science – and a heavy dose of government secrecy.
... McCarthy recalls hearing the unexpected clang of heavy equipment as he worked his way up the mountain in near-darkness, a dusting of snow on the ground from a recent squall.

Later that day, while breaking for lunch, McCarthy and Reichel watched a trio of armored trucks rumble past. One of the vehicles rode low, as if it was carrying a full load.

“They took something out of Dents Run,” McCarthy insists now. “Something heavy.”

Reached by phone, Reichel, McCarthy’s 73-year-old shed hunting client, corroborated his account of hearing early-morning clatter and seeing a loaded truck on March 14, 2018. Their recollections echo earlier statements from residents who told the AP of hearing a backhoe and jackhammer overnight and seeing a convoy of FBI vehicles, including armored trucks.

This is believable. When it comes to money & honesty the FBI comes up short. Lying to a judge to get a warrant, raiding / robbing a bunch of safety deposit boxes, then lying again to try to keep the stuff they stole. Yeah, I could see them doing this.
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