The dollar will literally be dead before those buffoons' do anything. Anything except spend like drunken sailors that is.
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How is that not true?the crisis at the border — described by many as an emergency — did not, in fact, need any legislation, just a stricter position from President Joe Biden.
Yea, close it only after 5000/day have already come across.This position echoed that of former President Donald Trump, who — some might say cynically — opted to put his partisan and political ventures ahead of national security in opposition to a bill that would have provided billions of dollars to close the U.S. southern border.
With a bit of good fortune they won't make it back in time.The critters have scurred away on recess. When they get back they'll only have a few days to pass new bills before a shutdown happens.
It'd be cheaper to just send in the Marines. They only cost $50 billion a year, and they're already paid for.$60 billion in military assistance to Ukraine,
It'd be cheaper to just send in the Marines.
So in other words, literally start WW3.A bit off topic but I have wondered about NATO the same way.
All the money, all the lost lives.
Would it have been better for NATO to have created and enforced a no-fly zone over Ukraine, mobilized in the west (of Ukraine) and pushed east until they reached the Russian border? All the while they could have broadcast (via radio) that they want Russians to overthrow Putin and join with NATO for peace and prosperity.
Just a thought.
So in other words, literally start WW3.
My suggestion was simply a way to try to open eyes to the sheer amount of wasted money that's been sent there already.
After already sending enough money to pay for the Marines multiple times, and they still haven't won, what possible good could it do to send enough to pay for 'em again plus a 20% tip?
It'd just be more wasted money on our nations credit card for our children and grandchildren to make perpetual interest payments on.
....or do you not care about that?
You really think we'll be that fortunate?The critters have until Friday to do something. I'm thinking it'll be a shutdown.
You really think we'll be that fortunate?
Yea yea, whatever.. “It helps parents and veterans and firefighters and farmers and school cafeterias and more.”