VP Buyden: $8MM Advance for book -- Shared Classified Docs with ghostwriter

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Unca Walt

Immortal. So far...
GIM2 Refugee
Reaction score
Not internet rumor. This is CONGRESS discussing this.

King Joe the P-Doe is above the law.

NOTHING he says, does or allows, will he or his Deep State handlers and puppetmasters be held to account for. I'd love to see that miserable wife of his hanged for Treason...and his son, Cokehead, sodomized into toxic-shock in prison...but none of that will happen.
Fortunately, it is on every TV news station and newspaper in the country.

The morons have dug their heels in.

Taking their cue from the empty skirts on display on the Mockingbird News channels. Ignore facts that don't fit with the Narrative that's pounded endlessly. And now, too much empty idle time, thanks to jobs lost, no money, so many previous leisure activities are gone...has a lot of people eating filth, drinking beer and watching the Mockingbirds.

There is no changing their minds. Oh, a few will come around. I fear, not nearly enough.
The morons have dug their heels in.

Taking their cue from the empty skirts on display on the Mockingbird News channels. Ignore facts that don't fit with the Narrative that's pounded endlessly. And now, too much empty idle time, thanks to jobs lost, no money, so many previous leisure activities are gone...has a lot of people eating filth, drinking beer and watching the Mockingbirds.

There is no changing their minds. Oh, a few will come around. I fear, not nearly enough.
When Reality (with a capital "R") hits, they will be the fodder.
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