Fog Reveal - Every Step You Take - Every Move You Make - Someone's Watching You

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Government agencies and private security companies in the U.S. have found a cost-effective way to engage in warrantless surveillance of individuals, groups and places: a pay-for-access web tool called Fog Reveal.

The tool enables law enforcement officers to see “patterns of life” – where and when people work and live, with whom they associate and what places they visit. The tool’s maker, Fog Data Science, claims to have billions of data points from over 250 million U.S. mobile devices.

250 million tracking devices.
Does everyone but me carry one of those hand held digital devices everywhere they go?

I find it interesting that the neither the media outlet publishing this article nor the quoted Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) identifies the owners of Fog Data Research the maker of the tool. Why not?

Building tools like this is not the realm of small Ma & Pa startups. Fog Data Research has to be backed by big money to afford to get such a tool off the ground and negotiate the hundreds, if not thousands, of contracts required just to obtain the raw data never mind the cost and overhead of processing such large data sets into a useable product.

How much you want to bet if you follow the money it will lead right back to our own government trying to circumvent its own laws with our own tax dollars?
See also (older news on the same topic):

See also (older news on the same topic):

My bad. Shoulda used the search option. Would have posted in the original thread. Maybe hook the 2 together?

Fog Data Science

Also, from Wiki:
FOG Data Science is a limited liability company based in Virginia. It was founded in 2016 by two former United States Department of Homeland Security officials. Matthew Broderick, managing partner at the company, was director of operations for the DHS from 2005 to 2006.

FOG Data Science purchases commercially available location data collected from hundreds of mobile apps that sell information on user interests and movements, including the apps of Starbucks and Waze. The information is derived from advertising IDs, unique user IDs assigned to mobile devices allowing advertisers to track people's movements, habits, and usage of apps
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