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Welcome to the Precious Metals Bug Forums

Welcome to the PMBug forums - a watering hole for folks interested in gold, silver, precious metals, sound money, investing, market and economic news, central bank monetary policies, politics and more.

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Your Host
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You all rock. :clap:

:beer: :beer: :beer:
I'm a twenty percenter. :rotflmbo:
Do Chen rescued me from zero hedge and got me to take a look here, i felt at home immediately.

No insulting behaviour, and plenty of smart, thoughtful people here who actually seem to share my interests and take on where we are heading.
Grateful to be tolerated
Long may it continue, although there have been some worrying 'silences' recently, like we're all transfixed by the impact we are about to witness .........

Thank you PM Bug.
Do Chen rescued me from zero hedge and got me to take a look here, i felt at home immediately.

No insulting behaviour, and plenty of smart, thoughtful people here who actually seem to share my interests and take on where we are heading.
Grateful to be tolerated
Long may it continue, although there have been some worrying 'silences' recently, like we're all transfixed by the impact we are about to witness .........

Thank you PM Bug.

Really?!? You are grateful to be tolerated??:wave:

Hello?!?! Who is the most obnoxious, F-bomb dropping, inconsiderate, politically incorrect, swagdouche hating, name calling, <redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets> chunking, Michael Jackson hating, bitch slapping, retard calling out mother fucker here?

You are a breath of fresh air my friend..........when using the Ancona Metric that is! :cheers:

Actually, my second post got censored right out of the bag, so I thought, "So, that's it for this site already". But, for some unknown reason, I continue to be permitted to troll the board, so in all fairness I would say that the award for the biggest jackass probably belongs to me my friend, because you simply have far too much respect for your fellow man.:judge:
Actually, my second post got censored right out of the bag, so I thought, "So, that's it for this site already". But, for some unknown reason, I continue to be permitted to troll the board, so in all fairness I would say that the award for the biggest jackass probably belongs to me my friend, because you simply have far too much respect for your fellow man.:judge:

LOL That was probably me. :)
Well, congratulations to you guys!
You all have put together a great forum, and I for one am very thankful for your efforts.
Here, here, cheers! Great forum.

PMBug, I saw one of your posts on another forum which led me here. Not long after that post, you were promptly banned; I could see that coming a mile away!

This is truly an outstanding and enjoyable group of posters at the PMBug.
I saw the forum for what it was [and could be] on the first day of lurking. I read Dereks cogent posts and the serious content and decided to inject some......me.

I think we have grown in the right directdion under the direct tutelage of "\The Bug".

I am proud to count myself as a member.
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PMBug, I saw one of your posts on another forum which led me here. Not long after that post, you were promptly banned; I could see that coming a mile away!

D'oh! My one and only misstep when spreading my wings. I'm trying to play nice and be respectful. :paperbag:
There is an interesting forum in self devolopemnet soon.........

DCFusor may / may not like this off-shoot for ZH, drunk, now, sorry...

D'oh! My one and only misstep when spreading my wings. I'm trying to play nice and be respectful. :paperbag:

No need for apologies; I got a kick out of it and am sort of glad you did it. Whose says we *always* have to play by the rules???? :clap:
D'oh! My one and only misstep when spreading my wings. I'm trying to play nice and be respectful. :paperbag:

I have never quite figured out why forums ban members for giving info on another forum. I can see it if it is an ongoing obnoxious kind of thing, but to make mention of an article, etc. from another forum gets you banned?

For my part, I usually go by the language as to how I regulate my participation. If people cannot make cogent, articulate arguments for their position without every other word needing a bleep, then I automatically figure their argument isn't that strong, and just drift off to somewhere else.

What I like about this forum is that it has a sort of personal, low-key feel to it. That speaks a lot about the owner / moderators.
I have never quite figured out why forums ban members for giving info on another forum. ...

Some forum owners believe that they "own" the members of their community and jealously guard against giving them any indication that there are other venues out there.

There is definitely a difference between highlighting some interesting post or information and spamming/recruiting. I don't mind the former at all here (I encourage it actually).

The internet is a very big place and (so far) still a free market for ideas and voices. I have no illusions that anyone here is bound to our still nascent and growing community. I fully appreciate all of you peeps who do pop in and contribute and part of that is respecting your freedom of choice and building a framework that keeps this place open and also a bit fun (hopefully).
This is a Great Forum.
Thanks to all,admin & posters who make this possible.

PMBug, I saw one of your posts on another forum which led me here. Not long after that post, you were promptly banned; I could see that coming a mile away!

LOL where was PMbug banned from? That is hilarious.

Apparently, they didn't think the internet is big enough for more than one forum dedicated to precious metals and monetary/macroeconomic issues.
if it weren't for a ron paul forum, i wouldnt have found this place. I dont contribute much..err...uh....anything. but i learn alot on here, and thank you all for the things that i've been taught.
Even better, we are getting better visibility in search engines now and overall traffic is growing.
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