1913 ~ The Year the Cabal Enslaved America

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The Year the Cabal Enslaved America​


Life can be a struggle

Parents warn their children of this before sending them to college. We all know it, but we don’t know how to fix it, and those of us in this community understand that it is by design—a design that stretches back to 1913.

Prior to 1913, life was different. There might not have been TV’s, the Internet or ubiquitous technology, but people had the one thing we need back as a nation: Pure Financial Freedom. The value of money was worth astronomically more than it is today, and few had to worry about loans or debt.

The economy in America during the 1800’s represented a battle between the Founding Father’s ‘hard money’ and the Cabal’s ‘paper money’ systems. Banks started out as a convenience market, introduced as a way for people to store their US-Minted Coins.

The banks allowed their bank notes to be openly traded with other people, creating their own economy over the Official US ‘hard money’ economy. The bankers knew that, over time they could loan these assets out and charge interest on them. This practice changed from coins to paper, paving the way for what we refer to today as fractional reserve lending. The only way this scam could be stopped is if the people demanded their gold back en masse. Therefore, getting off the ‘Gold Standard’ was a priority of the Bankers.

We are now living in their gold-less monetary system, where the citizens have less power. Citizens can no longer demand their gold back from bankers, giving these banks the ability to manipulate society in any way they want to.

Before the bankers were successful in their machinations, the founding fathers of the United States had established an economy of ‘hard money,’ which was a system of tradable coins, a far cry from the system we have today. This ‘hard money’ system was the perfect economic system for the American people.

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