Aging American Leaders: What's Too Old?

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As Biden turns 80, Americans ask 'What's too old?'​

Story by By Steve Holland and Jason Lange • Yesteday

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Joe Biden turns 80 on Sunday, making him the first octogenarian president in U.S. history.

He is set to celebrate his birthday with a brunch hosted by his wife, Jill, a celebration that got an extra lift this weekend with his granddaughter's wedding at the White House on Saturday.

With Biden already the oldest person to serve as president, the 2024 race for the White House is shaping up to be uncharted territory for the United States. The nearly 250-year old democracy celebrates youth, but millions of Americans - including presidents - are now working well beyond the traditional retirement age of 65.

Read the full article:
I'd like to see term and age limits across the board. No more than two four-year terms and no one over 73 in office. Would eliminate a lot of the problems we have now.
Age itself should not be an issue.

Do you want to be discriminated against, simply because of how old you might be?

Imo, cognitive ability or lack thereof, should be the only deciding factor.

An 80yo that is provably as sharp as a 40yo, should not be denied the Right to run for office. That should be up to the People to decide.

People have the Right to vote for anyone they want.

What we need is an honest media that doesn't hide the cognitive decline of candidates they support, while grossly exaggerating the supposed cognitive decline of those they do not support.
If the msm could just do that, the People would be able to plainly see which candidates were fit for office and which were not.
Age itself should not be an issue.

Do you want to be discriminated against, simply because of how old you might be?

Imo, cognitive ability or lack thereof, should be the only deciding factor.

An 80yo that is provably as sharp as a 40yo, should not be denied the Right to run for office. That should be up to the People to decide.

People have the Right to vote for anyone they want.

What we need is an honest media that doesn't hide the cognitive decline of candidates they support, while grossly exaggerating the supposed cognitive decline of those they do not support.
If the msm could just do that, the People would be able to plainly see which candidates were fit for office and which were not.
All true.

Moreover, we need a STRENGTHENING of the First Amendment, to better protect those citizens (professional media hacks or not) who try to display the incompetence or unfitness of an officeholder in government.

Regardless of his age.
Here's a prime example of why both term and age limits are necessary.

From the link:

  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein returned to the Senate this week, defying calls for her resignation.
  • As her health declined, her staff began to follow her wherever she goes in the Capitol, per Rolling Stone.
  • "They will not let her leave by herself, but she doesn't even know it," a former staffer said.
Dianne Feinstein's office makes sure a staff member constantly follows the senator around the Capitol out of concern for what she might say to reporters amid her declining health and old age, multiple sources told Rolling Stone.

That is what a campaign is for - to demonstrate it.

Remember Rick Perry? Came out the gate, running, Sounded good.

What we found was, he had a low level of tolerance for the fatigue that was seen in debates, hard campaign schedules...the long slog. That doesn't bode well for the Chief Executive in times of crisis.

Now, the plutocrat Globalists, LIKE the kind of leader Xiden is. Because he's a figurehead; and their handlers are pulling the strings. They want nothing to do with representative government - they want tyranny. Just so long as they're the tyrants or the ones controlling the tyrants.
A 12 year old could run the country better than most politicians so age is not the right thing to be looking at.
There have been many images of Biden standing after a meeting with some dignitary standing there in a fog and someone coming to get him before the press could get to him. Remember after the White House Easter egg hunt where the "Easter Bunny" came and got him and brought him back into the White House so he wouldn't wander away.

Don't forget about all the gaffes he's made while he was talking. Even had an article saying that there is something wrong with him. If we had a more open and honest coverage of him by the msm maybe people would be trusting of him.

The most telling remark that he made was "they don't him to say anything". Who's they? There have been many images of him just sitting in some sort of mind fog. Yet his doctor's keep saying "He's fine".

We've all seen pictures of him acting like a pedophile around little girls and a creep around women smelling their hair. Don't forget his comment that children like his hairy legs. That might be some people's definition of fine but not a lot of others.

We don't have a honest media and probably will never have one again.
A bizarre exchange with reporters has raised new questions about the return of Dianne Feinstein, California’s senior senator who has been absent from Washington for months due to shingles.

Jim Newell, a reporter for Slate, ran into Feinstein shortly after the 89-year-old lawmaker voted on the Senate floor on Tuesday. When he and another journalist asked Feinstein how she has been received by her colleagues since returning to Washington, Feinstein appeared to insist that she had never left.

Related: AOC says Feinstein’s refusal to retire is ‘causing great harm’ to US courts

“I haven’t been gone. I’ve been working,” Feinstein told Newell and another reporter, according to a Slate article published Tuesday. She was asked if she meant she had been working remotely, to which Feinstein responded: “No, I’ve been here. I’ve been voting. Please. You either know or don’t know.”


That's our government. Dementia Diane; Frankenfetterman; and Preezydint Poopeypants.

We B skrood.
I'll betcha there's a shit load of these geezers running around loose.

From the link:

  • Judge Pauline Newman says her fellow appeals judges are trying to force her off the Federal Circuit.
  • But in a new decision, a staffer is quoted saying Newman is "simply losing it, mentally."
  • She claims she's been "hacked" when she can't find a file or email, the decision quoted staff saying.
A special federal appeals court says one of its judges, 95-year-old Pauline Newman, may no longer be mentally fit for the job.

I'd like to see term and age limits across the board. No more than two four-year terms and no one over 73 in office. Would eliminate a lot of the problems we have now.
Age is not the issue at all. I am the oldest here, and as I enter the Springtime of my senility, it is my betcha that I could debug a microchip circuit and write a novel way the hell before you could. And the reason I do not pilot a plane (IFR if you please) anymore is money. Oh. And I speak Mandarin. (Think: Second Hand Lions) And back off.

Unless you have detected the doddering I keep so unsuccessfully hidden and are just being kind... 🧙‍♂️

Your simplistic quote above would not touch the ugly zombie with the huge growth on his neck with an IQ of a tired duck who sits in Congress (solely because he is a guaranteed democrat vote) as you read this.

Here is the solution: Publicly available cognizant ability test results as part of ANY lawmaking Federal Government office:

To wit: President, SCOTUS, Congress. NO EXCEPTIONS.
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Here is the solution: Publicly available cognizant ability test results as part of ANY lawmaking Federal Government office:

To wit: President, SCOTUS, Congress. NO EXCEPTIONS.

I'll go along with that and add a few more. Page 4. post 137 in the elections thread..........

it is my betcha that I could debug a microchip circuit and write a novel way the hell before you could.

I put my tape-measure away a while back.
Age is not the issue at all. I am the oldest here, and as I enter the Springtime of my senility, it is my betcha that I could debug a microchip circuit and write a novel way the hell before you could. And the reason I do not pilot a plane (IFR if you please) anymore is money. Oh. And I speak Mandarin. (Think: Second Hand Lions) And back off.

Unless you have detected the doddering I keep so unsuccessfully hidden and are just being kind... 🧙‍♂️

Your simplistic quote above would not touch the ugly zombie with the huge growth on his neck with an IQ of a tired duck who sits in Congress (solely because he is a guaranteed democrat vote) as you read this.

Here is the solution: Publicly available cognizant ability test results as part of ANY lawmaking Federal Government office:

To wit: President, SCOTUS, Congress. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Are you still baiting rattlesnakes into striking at you? Or am I thinking of someone else?
Are you still baiting rattlesnakes into striking at you? Or am I thinking of someone else?
A Higher Power (my Scottish Witchie-poo) has put her dainty foot down. Cannot do that crazy stuff anymore.

A still from the video:

A 95-Year-Old Federal Judge Is Suing to Avoid Taking a Cognitive Test​

Story by Aliza Shatzman • 16m ago

Something rare is happening right now in the Federal Circuit, the circuit in Washington, D.C., responsible for patent litigation. Several things, in fact. First, Judge Pauline Newman, age 95, is under investigation pursuant to the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act, the federal law that governs judicial discipline. The Judicial Council of the Federal Circuit has alleged that Newman may suffer from a disability that precludes her from efficiently exercising her judicial duties. Second, several orders regarding this matter are public. And now, Newman is suing her judiciary colleagues, including Chief Judge Kimberly Moore, who is her boss, and the judge leading the investigation into her health.


The toe in the door. People will easily accept the concept of a "wandered" 95-year old.

Once an "age-only" trigger for competency tests has been established, the triggering age will HAVE to be clearly defined. <-- By fiat/ukase/royal command/edict it has already been established that 95 is a "safe target" to shoot at.

I completely concur with the above... with one proviso:

Since it was this: "The Judicial Council of the Federal Circuit has alleged that Newman may suffer..."

-- that triggered this tsimmis, then the standard should be a competency test administered to every lawmaker/judge. Of any age whatsoever. At defined-by-law intervals.

No exceptions. No "shadings" -- either the person passed a standardized competency test... or did not.

Why no exceptions? To keep the inevitable dirty politics contained. To be fair** to all Americans whose lives are directly affected by these people.

**This test will/has become a weapon for congresscum.

Which (both?) should be tested with a standardized test: The stroke-befuddled monster-looking guy in the democrat corner or the 95-year old jurist (who is at least sharp enough to sue those who picked her out to be tested?

Nope: Test 'em all, otherwise the test has been weaponized.
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The pedophile potato couldn't have passed a competency test when he was in his forties. I've lived in Washington a long time and Biden was always considered the dumbest man in DC.

The pedophile potato couldn't have passed a competency test when he was in his forties. I've lived in Washington a long time and Biden was always considered the dumbest man in DC.

View attachment 8634
Do you remember his 1988 "Presidential Campaign"? He had less than one-percent support, even BEFORE he was outed as a plagiarist.

The idea of him having a landslide win, after all America was FORCED to deal with his brainlessness as the second to beyond ridiculous.

I sometimes wonder if the Globalist puppetmasters pick their pawns partly for the utter ridiculousness of it - Kameltoe Giggles as VP? Xiden as America's Face?

That pornographic stand-up comic, who would have made George Carlin seem sophisticated and subtle...HIM as LEADER? The Color-Revolution leaders could find NOBODY more plausible?

No. We're being mocked, as we're being destroyed.
I watched this happen. When do we say enough, you're out to pasture.

Mitch McConnell freezes at press conference and is escorted away​

Jul 26, 2023


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suddenly stopped speaking during a weekly Republican leadership press conference, appearing to freeze, and then went silent and was walked away. Ali Vitali reports on what happened after that.
I think McConnell either faded out or dooted in his underpants like the penguin. You never see him anymore.
I watched this happen. When do we say enough, you're out to pasture.
When he starts defecating in his pants during an audience with the Pope, maybe.

Or not even then. Remember, Mitchie is married to a ChiComm spy.
NBC News sources say Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky took a previously-unreported fall 12 days before the frightening freezing incident that drew media attention Wednesday.

On Wednesday afternoon, McConnell spoke to reporters at the weekly Senate Republican Agenda press conference when he suddenly froze and stood at the lectern motionless and silent for over 30 seconds as his colleagues asked if he had anything else to say, and eventually escorted him away from the podium.

He returned shortly thereafter to take questions, and later in the evening, joked with several congressional reporters about getting a call from President Joe Biden. “The president called to check on me. I told him I got sandbagged,” McConnell told reporters.

Like pornography I know it when I see it. You got a bunch here in the USA who are well past their expiration date and one poor stroke victim up in Pennsylvania who should be home with his wife learning to speak again.
This is a civilization in decline. Collapse, even.

Rome had Caligula and Nero. Russia had aged WWII veterans, who were constantly preoccupied with finding medical aids for impotence without cutting back on their vodka intakes (has been documented).

We have the first class of Elites to come in after the mainstreaming of the Welfare and Regulatory State came to be. UNLIKE the citizen-legislators envisioned by the Framers, these autocrats were installed, saw that the regulated industries were eager to buy their regulators or those who controlled the agencies. PACs were legalized - institutionalized graft. Suddenly, Congress was not a break from life's work, for the successful - it was a WAY to success, to riches beyond measure. It appealed to mediocre people who could never get rich other ways, and who were eager to sell out to get that money.

And to stay in power - for a lifetime.

Corruption on corruption; in the midst of it, a veritable army of midwits, with NO redeeming social value. What does McConjob bring to the table, that he should be in office 40 years? NOTHING. He can't even speak properly. He's unsightly. His ideas are vacuous and his methods, criminal.

We need - needed - TERM LIMITS.

But it's too late, now. What we now need is "National Divorce"/State Nullification/Secesssion.


A confused Dianne Feinstein tried to give a speech in the middle of a Senate hearing vote and was told to 'just say aye' instead​

  • A top Senate Democrat pleaded with Sen. Dianne Feinstein during an awkward moment.
  • Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Patty Murray told her colleague to "just say aye."
  • Feinstein appeared to be launching into a lengthy speech during a time when senators were just supposed to vote.
Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Thursday appeared confused and attempted to deliver a longer speech during a Senate hearing, the latest in a string of episodes that have raised further questions about her ability to continue serving in office.

"Just say aye," Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Patty Murray repeatedly pleaded with her colleague.

More here:

There's no age limit needed. All that's needed is a standardized cognitive ability test that all politicians should be required to take.

Because there is no exact age that one could show that cognitive impairment becomes an automatic thing.

As for term limits, does anyone really think that the politicians we have would ever enact such a thing? In no way shape or form would they ever pass a law limiting themselves.
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