Astronomy pictures thread

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Only one problem it has a bug.
I used to get spiders on my all sky cam a lot. I happen to really like spiders so I considered it a feature to keep other bugs off.
In the summer bluebirds would frequently perch on it. Occasionally I had small hawks land on it too so their tallons would fill the view.


Have you found any meteors yet? You should get a couple most nights if it's continually exposing.
how about a picture of the set up?
A friend was able to 3D print this top cap and camera holder for me. The STL file can be found at this link -

A plastic dome was glued to the top cap to protect the camera -

This is the camera used (comes with a lens) -

Finally a laptop with a USB3 cable to the camera, provides power and the connection necessary to control the free software (Sharpcap).

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Pretty decent chance for some aurora tonight / this weekend. There are several Earth directed CMEs. This could be a significant event.

Should be a good night to look for northern lights even for those further south.
Pretty decent chance for some aurora tonight / this weekend. There are several Earth directed CMEs. This could be a significant event.

Should be a good night to look for northern lights even for those further south.
My lot in life.
I took a quick hand-held pic of the sun today to show the sunspot group that is responsible for this. Just for the memory of it in case it puts on a good display here.

I added an initial video with time-lapses of aurora from the night before last to my youtube channel here. Still processing many frames to make more vivid-time lapses so I'll probably be adding another in the next day or so.

From the "Hmmm..." department.

Why do all these Defense Intelligence Agency papers exist on Antigravity, Warp Drives, Wormholes, Negative/Dark Energy, and Extra Dimensions?

The Government has been taking Warp Drive research seriously for multiple decades. They've been able to keep it secret because it seems so far beyond the paradigm.

These papers explain that there is an extra dimension with negative/dark energy interacting with what we perceive as reality. This interaction can be used to generate propellantless propulsion in addition to manipulating spacetime itself.

The implications are profound. This extra dimension is a source of Zero-Point Energy (ZPE). Space is not empty and we can exploit this dimension to produce unlimited, green, free energy.

I believe these papers are plausible deniability for when the science eventually goes mainstream. This way the Government can say they didn't lie about this technology, they declassified multiple scientific papers about it to the public.

The Papers For Federation

Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions -

Traversable Wormholes, Stargate, and Negative Energ

Antigravity for Aerospace Applications

Teleportation Physics Study

Directed Energy Weapons- Full Review: Government Accountability Office

Canada 🇨🇦🔥🪖 Let's Talk
Diversionary tactics GH, the sorts of things they talk about in their bouts of intellectual masturbation were perfected decades ago at a level far in advance of anything proposed above.

The Soviet Obsession With Venus Revealed​

What did the Soviet Union find when they landed on Venus in the 1970's and 80's?

NASA Abandoned A Spacecraft in Orbit for 5 Years. When It Came Home It Surprised Them!​

NASA's Long Duration Exposure Facility started out as a meteorite exposure payload, but evolved to look at every aspect of material changes on orbit, in particular by the time it was launched it was realised that one of the biggest threats in low Earth orbit is atomic oxygen which would slowly erode many common materials. The spacecraft was covered with experiments and was supposed to spend 12 months in orbit, instead because of delays and the Challenger disaster it spent 69 months in orbit and was weeks away from falling back to earth.
That's Tycho crater in the lower left, right? It's amazing how you can see what looks like streaks of differently colored soil radiating out from the crater and covering what looks to be something like a tenth of the surface of the moon.
That's Tycho crater in the lower left, right? It's amazing how you can see what looks like streaks of differently colored soil radiating out from the crater and covering what looks to be something like a tenth of the surface of the moon.
Yes that's Tycho. The debris field from the impact extends far beyond the crater itself. The full resolution image shows much more detail.
Been seeing those conspiracy types saying it wasn't the moon that was blocking the sun during the eclipse.

I take strange enjoyment out of taking images that make those types scream "fake!" even though it pains me how so much of the population lacks critical thinking skills.

Original single image, unaltered accept resized to post


Same image with slight levels adjustment to show lunar surface detail
That's Tycho crater in the lower left, right? It's amazing how you can see what looks like streaks of differently colored soil radiating out from the crater and covering what looks to be something like a tenth of the surface of the moon.
With no air resistance and enough velocity, stuff can move for a very long way on the Moon.

Apollo 12 landed relatively close (600') to an older unmanned lander, and the astronauts visited it on their Lunar excrusions. I'd read that it was found to have some evidence of damage due to the exhaust gases and debris kicked up by Apollo 12's lamding.

Which makes me think that if you were on the Moon, you wouldn't want a rocket landing anywhere near you.
I added a new video with time-lapses of the aurora from 5/10 to my youtube channel.

On this one I ran NoiseXterminator on each frame of the time-lapses which took many days for my computer to process.
While I watch the pretty colors, my brain gets fooled in to thinking this is a low resolution video. My eyes drift down to the buildings/land in shadow and the resolution gets perspective. It's a mind trick that plays over in a loop as I watch. Even though I am aware of it, it still happens. Fascinating. Tx for sharing. :)
Solar full disc, double stacked hydrogen alpha filters, 1.X barlow. May 30th 2:50PM average seeing conditions.
Seeing conditions didn't really warrant it but the double stack went on with a 1.5X barlow.
The Sun in hydrogen alpha wavelength 656.28 nanometers. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter.

What are "seeing conditions"? Throw a quarter into your full bathtub. If you come back when the water is completely still, you can make out some detail on the quarter, some of the words or the date. Now swoosh the water around and see what details you can make out. That's what the atmosphere does to our earth based telescope and we call them seeing conditions. Today's software (Sharpcap) can mitigate some seeing conditions but not nearly all.
Full resolution here -

C'mon baby! I needs to sees me some Northern Lights!
Speaking of solar images now and then I look for anything I have captured on the same date. I found this from 12 years ago today.

Venus solar transit from 6/5/2012.
Where the heck was I? The next one occurs 10–11 December 2117, I'll be ready.
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