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Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, said consumers already had access to instant digital payments through private-sector platforms without the privacy concerns that arise from a government-backed alternative.
"I can see why China would do it," Kashkari said. "If they want to monitor every one of your transactions, you could do that with a central bank digital currency. You can't do that with Venmo. If you want to impose negative interest rates, you could do that with a central bank digital currency. You can't do that with Venmo. And if you want to directly tax customer accounts, you could do that with a central bank digital currency. You can't do that with Venmo. I get why China would be interested. Why would the American people be for that?"
Kashkari's remarks came during an on-stage Q&A session at the 2022 Journal of Financial Regulation conference at Columbia University on Wednesday.
All they'll need to do is to make it a requirement to receive any payments from the gov. Ie: SS, disability, tax refunds, welfare, etc etc and the masses will take to it faster than they did to get a free cheeseburger in exchange for taking a wuflu shot.will be interesting to see if they can get it done here
make it a requirement to receive any payments from the gov. Ie: SS, disability
All they gotta do is change the law to allow payment via a cbdc. Then it'll be #3 on the list.From the link:
Federal law mandates that all Federal benefit payments – including Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits – must be made electronically.
There are two ways you can receive your benefits:
- Into an existing bank account via Direct Deposit or
- Onto a Direct Express® Debit Mastercard®
Social Security Administration | Direct Deposit
The Social Security Administration’s Direct Depositwww.ssa.gov
Most big companies today use direct deposit. In most cases they will help you set up an account if you don't already have one.