CBDCs = TOFO (Tools of Financial Oppression)

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Chatter about CBDCs has grown in the last few years. Central banks around the world are engaged in various projects to design, test and integrate CBDCs for future replacements of their national paper/coin currencies. In the absence of any compelling justifications, pundits proclaim CBDCs as a solution in search of a problem. However, CBDCs are being developed for important reasons. Central banks just can't openly tell the public about it. If the public really understood the issue, they would rebel. And they should rebel.

Central banks are looking to CBDCs to effect a new world order with a medium that is a bastardization of money. The USA shot their wad with the weaponization of the SWIFT system in effecting economic sanctions against Russia and Iran. The BRICS are rebelling and dollar hegemony hangs in the balance. As the SWIFT system loses it's stranglehold on global payment clearing, the BIS, IMF and others are busy developing a global CBDC framework for a new world order. This will usher in an unprecedented era of financial surveillance and control.

CBDCs are not the same thing as "crypto"​

When Bitcoin was born, very few people took it seriously. But it's novel invention has sparked a revolution of growth in the development of cryptocurrency technologies. Bitcoin was designed to be strong on decentralization, but it's energy per transaction is not efficient/scalable. The blockchain technology does allow for transaction surveillance, but wallet ownership can be anonymous. Wallet interactions with know-your-customer (KYC) on-ramps and off-ramps can expose wallets and transaction histories to financial surveillance.

Lots of smart people have grappled with Bitcoin's shortcomings and that has led to the development of new blockchain technologies and advancements including various consensus algorithms (proof of stake, proof of agreement, etc.), smart contracts, block chain data storage (commonly used for NFTs, but has other uses too), sharding, zero knowledge proofs, parallel chains, etc.

The crypto space is evolving with tremendous speed. Where the big knock on Bitcoin (with respect to it's potential as a global currency) as always been it's inefficiencies with both energy and transaction commitment times, newer technologies have closed the gap and in some cases exceeded the cost and speed of legacy financial digital systems (SWIFT, ACH, CC, etc.).

Most central banks publish press releases and papers on their CBDC projects. They are working hard to develop systems that do the same thing that existing crypto systems are doing. The big difference though is that CBDC systems are closed systems (wallet creation is tightly controlled) designed for centralized control whereas cryptos are open systems (wallet creation is free and available to anyone) designed for decentralized control (with democratic systems for governance of network development and management).

Centralized control means that the central bank controls the creation and ownership of wallets. For wholesale CBDCs (aka wCBDC), this means the central bank controls the dissemination of wallets to participating banks. For retail CBDCs (aka rCBDC), they control the dissemination of wallets to the general public. That's a huge task and in order to do it, governments are preparing to roll out digital IDs that will be integrated with CBDC wallets.

In addition to the opportunity for total financial surveillance, CBDCs can be smart technologies. They can be programmed to reject transactions with specific wallets. The central bank can shut off access to anyone, anywhere, any time. That's total financial control. If you think operation choke point or algorithmic debanking are odious today, just imagine how central bank owned AI systems in the future will decide if you are allowed to buy a loaf of bread. Better keep your social credit in the green comrade!

The War Machine​

There are several ongoing developments working towards a convergence for CBDC implementation:
  • Central bank CBDC development - The BIS and IMF are leading the efforts for a global blueprint
  • Digital IDs - Governments all over the world are working on various projects in this space.
  • War on Crypto - Governments are trying to neuter decentralized crypto adoption and use. They do not want competition.
  • War on cash - From limiting access to cash (branch banking, ATM withdrawal limits), to pandemic propaganda (cash spreading disease) to algorithmic debanking, the war on cash has largely been waged quietly.

A common denominator in the war on crypto and the war on cash is the cry and focus on anti-money laundering efforts. Money laundering - whether supporting drug cartels or terrorists - is the rallying cry used to justify attacks on financial privacy. It's the fulcrum over which the balance of financial privacy/liberty and surveillance/control are being decided/justified.

The advent of decentralized crypto has opened Pandora's Box. Central banks (and governments) have glimpsed their Holy Grail. Absent an awakening amongst the people of this Earth, the world will continue marching towards a future without real money - money without counterparty entanglements.

Defend the money, defend the future​

There are a few things everyone can do to prevent a dystopian CBDC future:
  • Educate others - family, friends, social media strangers. Raise awareness of the issue (share this article if you like).
  • Use cash - It's tempting to use a credit/debit card all the time. But metrics on the (declining) use of cash are used to shore up political support for legislation banning the use of cash. Use cash. Enjoy financial privacy while it's still available.
  • Contact your representatives. Many States are currently considering legislation to ban CBDCs or promote gold/silver and crypto. Nationally, there is also the No CBDC Act. Let your representatives know that you support these bills (and oppose digital IDs).
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Emmer's Anti-CBDC bill did pass. My post above was showing the vote. No idea if it will pass the Senate or if POTUS will sign it.

POTUS did back down from his veto threat on the recent crypto bill showdown, so it seems like there is some recognition in the swamp that this is actually an important issue to voters.
Nothing really new to anyone that has been paying attention, but nice to see it getting more attention:

4 June 2024

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is launching Project Rialto to explore how instant cross-border payments could be improved using a modular foreign exchange (FX) component combined with settlement in wholesale central bank digital currencies (wCBDC).

Improving cross-border payments is an explicit international policy goal and a priority of the G20. FX is a key component of cross-border payments but currently, the FX services facilitated by correspondent banks can be costly, slow and complex, and they expose participants in the payments chain to liquidity, credit, and settlement risks.

Decentralised solutions, CBDC and interlinked payment infrastructures are considered promising avenues to improve cross-border payments. How they interact has not yet been explored and could yield answers that advance cross-border payments globally.

Project Rialto is a collaboration of the BIS Innovation Hub Eurosystem and Singapore Centres in partnership with several central banks. It explores a new automatic FX settlement layer solution using wCBDC as a safe settlement asset that could be deployed for interlinked instant payment systems or digital asset systems.

Ripple (developer of XRP crypto token) wants to be a cog in the CBDC machine:
With more than 90% of countries exploring, developing and implementing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) as a way to increase financial inclusion and lower the cost and risk of domestic and cross-border payment processes, today Ripple is announcing the Ripple CBDC Platform, a frictionless end-to-end solution for central banks, governments, and financial institutions to issue their own central bank digital currency. Leveraging the power of the same blockchain technology used on the XRP Ledger (XRPL), the enhanced platform will now allow its users to holistically manage and customize the entire life cycle of fiat-based central bank digital currency, transaction and distribution.

I don't think the BIS or major central banks are very interested in their solutions though. It looks like they are busy building their own (proprietary) systems.
Mario talks about CBDCs in this one.

CBDC Will Fail as It's an Effort to Perpetuate a Rotten System​

Jun 12, 2024 #money #bank #currency


What Has Government Done to Our Money?​

An echo of what I've been saying:
The world is on the brink of a financial reset, with the global elite planning to come out on top, according to Carol Roth, New York Times bestselling author of 'You Will Own Nothing,' ...
Crypto vs. CBDCs

Roth warned that some within the government are manipulating interest in digital currencies and digital assets to mainstream CBDCs and intentionally trying to conflate CBDCs with cryptocurrencies. For more information, watch the video above.

Roth stresses that truly decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin are the antithesis of CBDCs. "A central bank currency is the exact opposite in terms of purpose and focus and what it stands for than a cryptocurrency where you have something like Bitcoin, which is entirely decentralized," she said.

Roth added that one of the drivers behind the surge in cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, is the growing interest in the decentralized nature of these types of digital currencies.

"That's really what that's about. It's about preserving wealth. It's about having control and freedom," she said. "Every government is exploring a CBDC in some way. [Even] the Fed is running pilot programs and doing research," she noted.

Roth points to gold, silver, Bitcoin, and any other physical metals as hedges against the risks posed by a potential CBDC.

Bold emphasis is mine:
A court in China has sentenced members of a “gang” to prison and the payment of fines for money laundering using the yuan central bank digital currency, according to the local press.

The People’s Procuratorate of Yuecheng District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province sentenced three people to prison terms ranging from seven to 16 months for money laundering activities. The date of the trial was not given.

The gang members were identified only by their family names. They laundered 200,000 Chinese yuan ($27,580) in digital form over four days in mid-September in Shaoxing, the Chinese business website Mpaypass reported. A fourth person was arrested, but their fate was not specified.
... Public security organizations received a report of abnormal digital yuan flows among merchants and quickly apprehended the gang members.

The digital yuan offers “controllable anonymity,” as is necessary for crime prevention, according to current and former People’s Bank of China officials. That phrase was used in the press report as well.

"Controllable anonymity" - lol. Orwell would be proud.
If interested, you can click onto the "cato.org" link in the post above and listen to a short podcast about CBDCs and the book.

Edit to add: Worth a listen imo.
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IMF article:

Almost two-thirds of countries in the Middle East and Central Asia are exploring adopting a central bank digital currency as a way to promote financial inclusion and improve the efficiency of cross-border payments.

Adopting a CBDC, however, requires careful consideration. Countries across these regions, spanning a diverse group of economies stretching from Morocco and Egypt to Pakistan and Kazakhstan, each must weigh their own unique set of circumstances.

Many of the 19 countries currently exploring a CBDC are at the research stage. Bahrain, Georgia, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have moved to the more advanced “proof-of-concept” stage. Kazakhstan is the most advanced after two pilot programs for the digital tenge.

The design of the digital euro includes an offline functionality that would offer users a cash-like level of privacy for payments in physical shops and between individuals. ...

I doubt it. They talk a lot about anti money laundering measures without explanation. They necessarily entail surveillance measures. There won't be financial privacy with a CBDC.

Bahamas to regulate banks to offer cbank digital currency​

  • Bahamas launched world's first digital fiat currency in 2020
  • Central Bank preparing to force banks to provide access to it
  • Regulations expected to be in place within two years
LONDON, July 1 (Reuters) - The Bahamas, the first country in the world to issue a central bank digital currency (CBDC), is now preparing regulations that will require commercial banks to provide access to the e-money in a bid to stimulate adoption, its central bank governor told Reuters.

The Bahamas' role as a CBDC pioneer - it issued its "Sand Dollar" digital currency in 2020 - means that what it does in the Caribbean is closely watched by the more than 130 countries, from Europe to China, that are now exploring digital versions of their currencies.



Bahamas to regulate banks to offer cbank digital currency​

  • Bahamas launched world's first digital fiat currency in 2020
  • Central Bank preparing to force banks to provide access to it
  • Regulations expected to be in place within two years
LONDON, July 1 (Reuters) - The Bahamas, the first country in the world to issue a central bank digital currency (CBDC), is now preparing regulations that will require commercial banks to provide access to the e-money in a bid to stimulate adoption, its central bank governor told Reuters.

The Bahamas' role as a CBDC pioneer - it issued its "Sand Dollar" digital currency in 2020 - means that what it does in the Caribbean is closely watched by the more than 130 countries, from Europe to China, that are now exploring digital versions of their currencies.


Davos beta-test.
Beta test in a tax haven...
Beta test in a tax haven...
That would be the best place...see how much they can learn, about whatever test-subject they focus on.

Also try various algo restrictions. Maybe, too, they can study the hominid reaction once the money suddenly doesn't work.

The autistic midwit Elites might learn something. Especially about how the masses don't much appreciate being controlled by machines.

Exclusive: Bank of Israel waiting for digital euro ahead of digital shekel launch​

  • BOI committed to digital shekel plans
  • Israel's central bank unlikely to launch ahead of ECB
  • Deputy governor says BOI carrying out behavioural study
  • BOI trying to gauge if public would accept digital shekel
JERUSALEM, July 10 (Reuters) - The Bank of Israel (BOI) remains committed to plans for a digital shekel currency to improve Israel's payments system and foster innovation, but is unlikely to launch one ahead of other advanced economies.

"We’re all waiting for the first western central bank to pull the trigger, which is almost certainly going to be the ECB. And then you may see a rush of countries going forward with it," Bank of Israel Deputy Governor Andrew Abir told Reuters.



More about digital ID wallets:


- What'll happen if a CBDC / digital ID is universally enacted, and some countries don't go along with it?
- I'm really not religious but this do come to mind on occasion:
- Things are accelerating pretty darn quick
- What pretext will be used to bring tis about



Thailand Uses Digital Wallet for 10,000 Baht Handout​

While promises made on the campaign trail often fall to the wayside, officials in Thailand are fulfilling their promises to give citizens 10,000 baht ($281) through digital wallets. However, in addition to the usual problems that come with government handouts, this money is being given out through a digital wallet to leverage programmable restrictions.


India's CBDC Has 5M Users, Can be Phased in Gradually: Central Bank Governor

Governor Shaktikanta Das said there should not be in any rush to roll out a system-wide CBDC.

  • India's retail CBDC pilot has over 5 million users with as many as 16 banks participating.
  • The nation's central bank Governor hinted at the possibility of avoiding a full-scale implementation.

India's central bank Governor Shaktikanta Das has said that while their retail central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilot has over 5 million users, there should not be in any rush to roll out a system-wide CBDC.

The senior most official of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was speaking at at a conference in Bengaluru on Monday.

India's plans for a retail and wholesale CBDC were announced as part of the Finance Minister's budget speech in 2022. By 2022-end, the RBI launched pilots for both CBDCs. By 2023-end, the retail CBDC hit a million transactions, at least on one day, with a little help from its friends, the banks.


Nothing to see, can listen in one tab, play around the forum in a different tab. Worth the 16 mins to listen (imo.)

Central Banks Want CBDCs | Prof Richard Werner | BIG PICTURE​

In this 15-minute interview, Professor Werner discusses the global implementation of CBDCs, the crusade to eliminate cash, the push for negative interest rates, and how Bitcoin has paved the way for CBDCs!
A system of totalitarian control is being rolled out to micromanage our lives, driven by central bankers worldwide. There is a campaign to go cashless and make our money complete programmable.
Digital prisons are being built before our eyes and we must realize this and stop it.
During the Covid crisis, vaccine passports and restrictions on movement and purchasing taught us a great deal.

Not having seen it...it's a no-brainer. Central Banksters want CBDCs like ducks want water.

Everyone wants to be king; and this would make the Central Banker the ultimate, unlimited power in the land. EVERYTHING would have to get past the Bank and it's blockchain programming algo. What you can buy, how you can spend, where you can be. With the ultimate punishment for those who resist.

Thailand Uses Digital Wallet for 10,000 Baht Handout​

While promises made on the campaign trail often fall to the wayside, officials in Thailand are fulfilling their promises to give citizens 10,000 baht ($281) through digital wallets. However, in addition to the usual problems that come with government handouts, this money is being given out through a digital wallet to leverage programmable restrictions.



Thailand's $13 bln digital handout scheme to include cash payments, PM says​

BANGKOK, Sept 3 (Reuters) - Thailand's Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra on Tuesday said part of the government's vaunted 450 billion baht ($13.1 billion) "digital wallet" handout will be distributed in cash, in another change to its flagship populist policy.

Details are still being finalised and will be announced in a policy statement to parliament, she added.

The digital wallet handout had previously entailed transferring 10,000 baht ($292) in credit to 50 million Thais via a smartphone application to spend in their localities within six months.



Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) – Accelerating towards Dystopia​

3 Sept 2024 14:02

There is an ominous development gaining momentum across the world’s financial systems which has the potential to undermine monetary and personal freedom, yet which remains largely under the radar for most of the world’s population.

This development is the globally coordinated plan to roll out retail central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Billed by central banks and governments as the future of money, promising benefits like payment efficiency and financial inclusion, CBDCs in reality pave the way for a dystopian future characterized by total surveillance and control, which stands in stark contrast to the principles of a free society.

At the helm of pushing this CBDC agenda are two shadowy but powerful organizations, neither of which is publicly accountable in any way – i.e. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) known as the “the central banks’ central bank”, based in Basel, Switzerland, and the Atlantic Council, a US led, Atlantic alliance (NATO) ‘think tank’ based in Washington D.C. which is funded by a combination of government, corporate and foundation sponsors.

While the Atlantic Council pushes policy frameworks in favour of CBDCs and creates the pro-CBDC narratives, the BIS (through its ‘Innovation Hub’) coordinates with central banks in pushing the actual development and implementation of CBDCs. And in both cases, they have been very busy.

According to the 2023 BIS Survey on CBDCs in which 86 central banks participated, 94% of these central banks are exploring a CBDC.


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Central bank digital currency momentum growing, study shows​

  • Growing number of countries piloting digital currencies
  • Those already launched have seen usage finally pick up
  • China could fully launch e-CNY next year, U.S. lagging
LONDON, Sept 17 (Reuters) - A total of 134 countries representing 98% of the global economy are now exploring digital versions of their currencies, with almost half at an advanced stage and pioneers like China, the Bahamas and Nigeria starting to see a pick up in usage.
The research by the U.S.-based Atlantic Council think-tank published on Tuesday showed that all G20 nations are now looking into central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) as they are known and that 44 countries in total are piloting them.


Canada Moves Away From Retail CBDC, Shifts Focus to Broader Payments

  • Canada has announced it is shifting its focus away from a retail central bank digital currency but implied that it was prepared if the people of the nation decide such a product is needed in the future.
  • CBC News, Canada's public broadcaster, reported that the Bank "is shelving" the idea of a Canadian dollar.

Canada is shifting its focus away from a retail central bank digital currency after years of research, its central bank announced last week.

"With this work completed, and with other payments issues gaining prominence, the Bank is scaling down its work on a retail central bank digital currency and shifting its focus to broader payments system research and policy development," a document vaguely titled "Digital Canadian Dollar" said.

CBC News, Canada's public broadcaster, reported that "The Bank of Canada confirmed" it has "shifted its focus away from the idea of introducing a digital Canadian dollar." The story also said the Bank "is shelving" the idea of a Canadian dollar.


Good, but I'm curious as to why. What prompted the decision?
Communist China’s digital yuan serves as a model Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) to the world because it reduces reliance on physical cash while “democratizing access to banking services,” according to a World Economic Forum (WEF) report.

Published on October 8, the report “Global Financial Inclusion Practices: Case Studies from China, India and the USA” heaps heavy praise on the communist regime for having implemented a programmable digital yuan that fosters what the authors call “financial inclusion” through the democratization of banking services.

Russia plans to introduce central bank digital currency for public use next year. This is another step forward toward a completely cashless society and a step backward for financial privacy.

According to a press release from the Bank of Russia, digital rubles will be available to the public by July 1, 2025, and the system will roll out over three years. According to the press release, consumers will make payments with digital rubles using a universal QR code based on the National Payment Card System.

Cathrine Austin Fitts has a series of videos from different bankers telling you how they can control CBDC's and their use.

Not sure how long each is, but each one is a couple minutes long before changing to the next.

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