Climate Change Innovations, Legislation, Etc. (zero emissions, geoengineering, carbon tax, etc.)

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You can start applying for the American Climate Corps next month​

The long-awaited jobs board for the American Climate Corps, promised early in the Biden administration, will open next month, according to details shared exclusively with Grist.

The program is modeled after President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps, launched in 1933 to help the country make it through the Great Depression. The positions with the new corps could range across a number of fields including energy-efficiency installations, disaster response preparedness, recycling, and wildfire mitigation.

The White House plans to officially launch an online platform in April. At first, only a couple of hundred jobs will be posted, but eventually up to 20,000 young people are expected to be hired in the program’s first year. Interested candidates can apply to the positions through the portal, and the majority of the positions are not expected to require experience.



Europe's restless farmers are forcing policymakers to act​

BRUSSELS, April 3 (Reuters) - European policymakers have scaled back rules to protect nature, drawn up limits on the import of tariff-free Ukrainian grains and scrapped new legislation limiting pesticide use as farmers' protests resonate with voters ahead of elections.

From Poland to Portugal, farmers have won remarkable concessions in response to waves of street action, reshaping the European Union's green politics months ahead of European Parliament elections.

Environmental activists and analysts say the policy backsliding illustrates the considerable political influence of farmers as mainstream parties seek to impede the far right and nationalist parties' hunt for votes in rural areas.

Farmers again blockaded streets surrounding the European Union headquarters in Brussels last week, spraying manure to protest low incomes, cheap food imports and burdensome red tape. As they did so, the bloc's farming ministers backed a new set of changes to weaken green rules linked to the disbursement of tens of billions of euros in farming subsidies.


I think Greta may be insane.

Police detain Greta Thunberg in Hague protest | REUTERS​

Apr 6, 2024
Climate activist Greta Thunberg was detained twice by police in The Hague after she and a group of activists blocked a main road to protest against fossil-fuel subsidies.

I have not investigated or corroborated this claim. It seems absurd:
The European Union (EU) has thrown its support behind Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ radical plans “fight global warming” by blocking light from the Sun to lower the temperature on Earth.

The EU will join an international globalist effort to examine the effectiveness of the plan.


Comment: Businesses must collaborate with farmers to mitigate half of food system emissions by 2030​

April 30 - With a third of all greenhouse gas emissions derived from the global food system, and agricultural land use being the largest driver of biodiversity loss and freshwater use, sustainable investment in the agriculture and food sector has the potential to deliver unprecedented impact as we look to secure a sustainable future.

The private sector is uniquely positioned to drive this transition. Analysis from, opens new tab the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) and We Mean Business Coalition (WMB) shows that by reducing emissions from agriculture, protecting nature, increasing on-farm carbon capture and storage, and shifting demand from emissions-intensive commodities, the food and agriculture sector can mitigate up to as much as 9 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO2e) annually. That would amount to almost half of food system emissions globally by 2030.

More lunacy:


Carbon credit standards approval extended to 98% of market​

LONDON, May 2 (Reuters) - Five of the world's largest carbon credit programmes have now been given initial approval by a body tasked with raising standards in the market for carbon offsets, where some of the biggest buyers include Microsoft, Salesforce and Amazon.

Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets (ICVCM) has added Verra and Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART) to its list which meet its Core-Carbon Principles rule book.



Australia's second-largest pension fund blacklists thermal coal investments​

SYDNEY, May 2 (Reuters) - Australian pension giant Australian Retirement Trust said on Thursday it would stop investing in most thermal coal companies from July as part of a plan to hit net zero emissions across its portfolio by 2050.

The A$280 billion ($183 billion) fund has introduced new rules to exclude any company which generates more than 10% of its revenue from the mining and sale of thermal coal, one of the most polluting energy sources.


Shore electric is a good idea so ports do not smell like diesel or fuel oil all the time.

Republican-led states ask Supreme Court to quash Big Oil climate lawsuits​

May 23 (Reuters) - Nineteen Republican attorneys general have filed a rare complaint directly with the U.S. Supreme Court asking it to block several Democratic-led states from pursuing climate change-related litigation against major oil and gas companies in state courts.

The challenge, which legal experts say is unlikely to be successful because it raises arguments that are similar to ones the court has already refused to consider, was filed on Wednesday by states including Alabama, Florida and West Virginia against five Democratic-led states.

The complaint alleges that California, New Jersey, Connecticut, Minnesota and Rhode Island, by suing major energy companies in state court seeking damages for the harms of climate change, are essentially trying to regulate global emissions and the U.S. energy system. The lawsuit asks the high court to enjoin the defendant states from suing the companies over emissions or the sale and promotion of fossil fuel products in the plaintiff states.


Back in my day, we didn't have the gummint stickin' their noses into every little thing, tellin' us how to live our lives like we don't know what's best for us! No sir, we took care of our own business and didn't need no fancy regulations on climate change, carbon zero, and globalism to tell us how to behave!

Now they got us jumpin' through hoops, reducin' our carbon footprint, chasin' after some elusive goal of bein' carbon zero like it's the holy grail! What happened to good ol' American freedom and independence? We used to rely on ourselves, not some international hootenanny pushin' us towards globalism and one world order!

I tell ya, back in my day, we didn't worry about all this climate change mumbo-jumbo or bein' carbon zero – we just lived our lives and took care of our own. But now, they got us sweatin' every time we drive a car or turn on a light bulb, afraid we'll offend the climate change gods or somethin'! Give me back the days of simple livin' and individual freedom, not this government overreach and globalist agenda!

Exclusive: Major world economies seek to halt new private sector coal financing​

  • Proposal would restrict private finance for new coal plants
  • Aims to increase finance to retire existing plants early
  • OECD countries considering proposal, want deal by COP29
  • Backers include France, U.S., UK. Japan pushes back
BRUSSELS/LONDON, June 7 (Reuters) - Some of the world's major economies want to finalise a plan ahead of this year's U.N. climate summit to halt new private sector funding for coal projects, five sources with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters.

If approved, the draft proposal by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, would be the first move by a multilateral institution to curb financing for coal, one of the biggest causes of climate change, which produces more carbon dioxide emissions than oil or gas when it is burned for energy.


The BIS is sponsoring a project to develop a risk modeling system for central banks:
... the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub, together with the Monetary Authority of Singapore, launched Project Viridis to explore the development of a climate risk platform that could help central banks and authorities identify and assess material climate-related financial risks. ...

Skimming through their 44 page .PDF document on the project, I found this paragraph on page 10:
In line with national commitments made under the Paris Agreement to move towards net zero carbon emissions, transitioning to a low-carbon economy could also result in financial risks (Box 2). These risks potentially arise from changes in climate-related policies, technology and consumer sentiment as economies work towards reducing their reliance on certain carbon-intensive industries. Containing global temperature rises to well below 2°C, for example, would require the world's economies to refrain from using and extracting a large proportion of existing fossil fuel reserves. This would mean that fossil fuel infrastructure and assets (such as power plants, pipelines and downstream refineries could no longer be used and may become a liability even though they are still economically productive. They would become what is often referred to as stranded assets. 6 The process of proactively reducing carbon emissions through new regulations such as carbon pricing or support for renewable energy could therefore disrupt different sectors of the economy, particularly if this happens too quickly or without adequate contingency plans.7

The WEF and BIS are planning for the destruction of the oil industry. Not sure how they are going to square the circle on the world's need for plastics and other oil based derivative products.
At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, I wonder if they're planning some sort of a big reduction in population to help them obtain their goals.
The people behind this may have all the good intentions in the world but they need to rethink their approaches and timelines.

Oil and corn groups team up in lawsuit to halt Biden truck emissions rules​

June 18 (Reuters) - The top U.S. oil and corn industry lobby groups said on Tuesday they were suing the administration of President Joe Biden over its plan to slash planet-warming emissions from heavy-duty vehicles, arguing the regulations will cause economic harm.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this spring finalized new rules for models of semi-trucks, buses and other heavy-duty vehicles released from 2027 to 2032 in a bid to cut 1 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions through 2055.


Talking points.

Not news, just a talking point I came across. Probably never happen.

Here's an idea: a worldwide universal basic income paid for by a carbon tax. A study found that it could boost the global GDP by 130%.​

  • A study found that implementing a global universal basic income could boost global GDP by 130%.
  • Funding a global UBI with a carbon tax would also promote sustainability, the study's authors say.
  • Basic income programs gained traction post-pandemic to address high unemployment.
Some might say a universal basic income is wishful thinking, but one study suggests it could have staggering impacts on the global economy.


From the "you ain't gonna believe this crazy shit file"..........a tax on cow breath. What mentally incapacitated loon would come up with something like this?

Denmark will be first to impose CO2 tax on farms, government says​

COPENHAGEN, June 25 (Reuters) - Denmark, a major pork and dairy exporter, will introduce a tax on livestock carbon dioxide emissions from 2030, making it the first country to do so and hoping to inspire others to follow, the government said on Tuesday.

A tax was first proposed in February by government-commissioned experts to help Denmark reach a legally binding 2030 target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 70% from 1990 levels.



Lufthansa raises ticket prices to meet environmental requirements​

June 25 (Reuters) - Lufthansa (LHAG.DE), opens new tab will increase ticket prices on all flights departing from EU countries, Britain, Norway and Switzerland by between 1 euro and 72 euros($1.07-$77.24) as environmental costs rise, the company said on Tuesday.

The airline said the surcharge will "cover part of the steadily rising additional costs due to regulatory environmental requirements" such as sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) made from bio-based materials and regarded as crucial to making flying more sustainable.



U.S. bans on gas-powered leaf blowers grow, as does blowback from landscaping industry​

TRENTON, N.J. — The roar of the leaf blower has become an inescapable part of daily life in communities across America, leading towns and states to ban or restrict blowers that run on gasoline.

But the measures face blowback from the landscaping industry and some property owners who say that the battery-powered blowers favored by the legislation are costlier and not nearly as effective as the gasoline-powered ones.

“If you look at what this machines does, how loud it is, how much it pollutes, it's not normal to be accepted where we live, where our children play," said Jessica Stolzberg, a writer and crusader against gas-powered leaf blowers who helped get a ban on the machines enacted in her hometown of Montclair, New Jersey.

Since that ban took effect last October, “Montclair has been a healthier, cleaner, quieter community,” she said.

But the ban is being challenged in court by landscapers, she added.


From the "you ain't gonna believe this crazy shit file"..........a tax on cow breath. What mentally incapacitated loon would come up with something like this? ...

They are trying to drive up the costs of cattle ranching. They want to cripple the beef industry.
They want to cripple the beef industry.
At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist if you wanted a one world gov.............

- create a one world method of pymt for stuff (cbdc)
- get rid of family farms and have multi-national food producers

I could go on but I'm pretty sure anyone reading this knows where I'm going

Foes of California's electric car targets take their case to US Supreme Court​

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Opponents of California's ambitious targets for electric car adoption to lower greenhouse gas emissions took their case to the U.S. Supreme Court this week, the latest salvo against the state's campaign to fight climate change.

Energy companies, corn growers and industry associations have long opposed strong environmental rules in California, for decades the only state with power to request a waiver from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set its own vehicle emissions regulations that are more stringent than the federal standard.

The EPA made that exception because the nation's most populous state has unique factors like geography and a large number of vehicles that make smog a worse problem than in other states.

Other states are allowed to adopt California's stricter tailpipe emission rules, and automakers tend to follow to avoid having to produce different vehicles for different states.



Inside a company’s bid to make Alaska’s next big oil field lower-carbon​

Oil companies help stoke climate change by producing fuel that warms the earth when burned.

But the Australian company building one of Alaska’s huge new oil fields says the development, Pikka, will actually be climate-friendly.

Like many big businesses, Santos says it will counteract its emissions in part with offsets. Those are credits that companies can earn or buy from projects that lower the levels of heat-trapping carbon in the air, such as by planting trees.

Santos’ plan, though, also calls for something new to Alaska’s oil and gas industry. It wants to capture emissions from North Slope power plants and drill pads, and even to suck carbon dioxide directly out of the air — then inject the stuff into the ground where it can’t warm the planet.

The company’s focus on decarbonizing is part of a wider industry push across Alaska, and the globe: Companies are attempting to give oil, gas, and coal something of a climate makeover amid increasing pressure from investors, advocates and regulators.

ConocoPhillips, which is building the other big new North Slope project, Willow, says it’s evaluating its own carbon capture and sequestration options, and it has targets for curbing emissions across all its operations.


In this one Mario talks about net zero scams and how they may be designed to separate you from your money. I listened in one tab, surfed the forum in a different tab.

Net Zero Delusion, Green Economy Hype and the National Wealth Fund.​

Jul 10, 2024 #climatechange #uk #economy

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