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This reads like they're making it up:
They'll do whatever they think it'll take to finally punish him for having beat their hag. Been dogging him with lies and false accusations for 7 years now.Could the next step be a complete search of all Trump properties? Maybe dig up Ivana's grave at Bedminster?
Man, that'd be a TDS sufferers wet dream! LolImagine digging up Bedminster and finding not just more documents but a treasure trove of all sorts incriminating, and compromising vids / papers used to black mail certain repubs into supporting Trump. All caught on live tv.
They could do that, but the optics wouldn't look good.Could the next step be a complete search of all Trump properties? Maybe dig up Ivana's grave at Bedminster?
Imagine digging up Bedminster and finding not just more documents but a treasure trove of all sorts incriminating, and compromising vids / papers used to black mail certain repubs into supporting Trump. All caught on live tv.
A POTUS can declare anything as unclassified. This judge can't change that from the bench.Judge Dearie encouraged Mr. Trump’s lawyers to give him a better sense of why they believed the documents could be lawfully shielded from the Justice Department’s inquiry into whether Mr. Trump unlawfully kept classified records at his estate and obstructed the government’s repeated efforts to retrieve them.
Your bias is showing. Stolen? You seem to be forgetting that the cic has ultimate authority over classification/declassification. So it is not a fact that anything has actually been stolen.in connection with how he should handle the remaining stolen documents
Not my bias ( pretty sure you already know that.) This is a thread I plan on following to what-ever outcome there is at the end of the investigation. The post above was simply an update as I stated:Your bias is showing. Stolen? You seem to be forgetting that the cic has ultimate authority over classification/declassification. So it is not a fact that anything has actually been stolen.
Also, to steal something means to deprive the actual owner use and benefit of the thing stolen.
I have no doubt that the gov has copies of anything your president Trump took with him. So the gov has, in all likelyhood, not been "deprived" of anything.
Just an update on the continuing show. Nothing concrete yet.
That's not even close to true. The line in the article they use to put words into his mouth does not say that he said he stole anything.
That's not even close to true. The line in the article they use to put words into his mouth does not say that he said he stole anything.
They knew he had what he had, otherwise how could they know to ask for any of it back? To "steal" means to not let those stolen from, know what you took.
But it's the last line Trump wrote that will likely be one people remember forever: "they took with them, but not nearly so openly and transparently as I did?"
Exactly. Where is the outrage when obozo "took" stuff? Or the Clintons when they did? They "took" whatever tf they wanted.
If they do, it'll be on Trumped up charges.Do you think he'll be indicted?
Exactly. The only reason they go after him is becauseIf they do, it'll be on Trumped up charges.
Still waiting for anyone to explain what he did as potus that was so terrible that he must be destroyed for having done.
Economy was going great and America was doing better, but the loony left can't allow that to continue.
The only wrong during his Presidency was the left's four year long temper tantrum after he won the election. They been gunnin' for him ever since on one Trumped up allegation after another. None have stuck.
How many others in DC could survive a 3 year $35 million dollar investigation into everything they might've done over the past Decade? Probably very few, but Trump did.
It's nice to see someone focused, with a good memory, paying attention.They could do that, but the optics wouldn't look good.
He's suing - how do you enter in evidence? Discovery....!
The Twitter sphere, YouTube, Facecrook etc have been freaking out over the truth coming to light.