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:lmao:🍺 🍺 🍺

Good one..........(y)
Thank you. I thought you'd like that.

The question still stands though.

Didn't they?

Do you not think that hearing those lies from his government and the media, non-stop throughout his most impressionable years, didn't play a role in this?
Just crossed my screen:

Biden had tested positive for Covid.

Now, could this be an out?
Enter J.D. Vance

J.D. Vance was born James David Bowman into a working-class family in Middletown, Ohio, on August 2, 1984. His upbringing was marked by significant challenges, including economic instability and his mother’s battle with addiction, which led to multiple unstable relationships and marriages, resulting in several stepfathers. Despite these difficulties, his grandparents provided crucial stability and support in his life. Their influence and the struggles of his family are central themes in his memoir, "Hillbilly Elegy," which explores the socioeconomic challenges faced by white working-class Americans.

One of J.D.’s stepfathers, Bob Vance, played a particularly significant and positive role, eventually leading J.D. to adopt his last name.

J.D. Vance formally entered politics when he announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate as a Republican in Ohio in July 2021. His campaign was successful, and on January 3, 2023, J.D. Vance assumed office as the United States Senator representing Ohio.

Vance’s life journey is a striking example of the lengths some people will go to achieve personal ambition, even at the cost of their principles. Initially a vocal critic of Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, Vance once referred to Trump as "America's Hitler" in a text message, reflecting his deep reservations about the candidate. He portrayed Trump as a demagogue who exploited the frustrations of working-class Americans without offering meaningful solutions.

However, as Vance transitioned from author and commentator to political candidate, his stance underwent a dramatic change. While running for Senate in Ohio, Vance aligned himself with Trump and his "America First" agenda. This shift was not merely a subtle adjustment but a complete reversal, prompting scrutiny and raising questions about his integrity.

Vance’s endorsement of Trump and embrace of his populist policies highlight a troubling willingness to abandon earlier convictions for political expediency. It suggests that Vance's principles are flexible, adjusted to suit his ambitions rather than rooted in steadfast belief. His journey from Trump critic to staunch supporter appears less about ideological evolution and more about opportunistic maneuvering.

In a political landscape increasingly devoid of authenticity, Vance’s transformation underscores the hypocrisy that can pervade public life in the U.S. His readiness to pivot positions underscores a broader issue: the pursuit of power often eclipses adherence to consistent values.

The good news, however, is that if peace and prosperity in the world happen to align with Vance’s political ambitions, we can expect him to work extremely hard to achieve it. His drive and adaptability, when directed towards positive outcomes, could potentially yield significant benefits for society.


📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
(https://t.me/infodefENGLAND)📱 InfoDefens (https://t.me/InfoDefAll)e (http://cat.general/)

How could he have covid if he got the shot and all them boosters?

Can't get into the car because 'covid'... LOL maybe he should be in bed?

And just like that he has a "medical emergency". Here comes the switch-a-roo, bye man they have no more use for ya.
They should be forced to keep his decrepit old ass as punishment for lying about his condition for the past four years.

Changing candidates just because the party thinks their pick suddenly can no longer "win"*, should be illegal.
....and comin' from the ones who say Trump is supposedly a threat to democracy is beyond rich.

After all, "democracy" as they try to describe it, is supposed to be the People voting for who they want.
...and the idiot dem voters voted for slow joe. So they should be forced to keep him. Otherwise it ain't their democracy they profess to love so much.

Edited to add: * above I said "win", because we all know he didn't really win the first time.

81 million voters, my ass!
Going out on a limb here but I believe Biden will call it quits very soon.

If you were the Chief Democratic Strategist, what would you do today to prevent or at least mitigate the impending election disaster?

It is becoming crystal clear to all, including top Democrats, that Biden simply cannot win. As the presidential candidate herself, Kamala Harris cannot win either, but if she gets an outstandingly strong running mate, there is at least a slim chance she might.

So, if you were that top Democratic strategist, you’d be frantically looking for that outstandingly strong vice-presidential candidate as Kamala’s running mate.

The other options for the Democrats are:

- Finding another presidential candidate (but not Kamala) to replace Biden, but this option is highly unlikely—it’s just too late and looks very bad.
- Getting rid of Kamala Harris and finding a very strong running mate for Biden—this option looks even worse than replacing Biden himself; after all, you would need to remove Kamala and not look dumb for having appointed her in the first place.
- Eliminating Trump, but after the recent failed assassination attempt, this option has become much less likely.
- Hoping to falsify the election results, but as we know, this option is fraught with the risk of a bloody civil war and the disintegration of the country.

So, from a practical standpoint, you have only one option: for health reasons, Biden removes himself from the race, and an outstanding vice-presidential candidate is identified to run with Kamala Harris. Sounds like a plan, but who is that VP candidate?

To find the answer you might have to “boldly go where no man has gone before”—just like Captain James T. Kirk.


📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
(https://t.me/infodefENGLAND)📱 InfoDefens (https://t.me/InfoDefAll)e (http://cat.general/)

It just shows you that Voting itself was a complete fraud. It was always controlled and the people selected.

And has been for a very long time.

If the trial and execution are classified, how do these guys know any details? I could feel brain cells cry out in agony before they expired reading that.
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Going out on a limb here but I believe Biden will call it quits very soon.
No limb necessary. We've been saying that was the reason for the dems wanting such an early debate. So if he bombed, they might have time to replace him.

so original eh?

That can't be real. Is it real?

If you were the Chief Democratic Strategist, what would you do today to prevent or at least mitigate the impending election disaster?
Is sneaking into Biden's bedroom at night with a big pillow, and well, you know,..... one of their options?

BREAKING NEWS: Multiples sources outline the apparent state of play on Biden at this time:

* plans to announce withdrawal from nomination as early as this weekend, with Sunday most likely

* Jon Meacham polishing up remarks

* Biden with NOT resign the presidency

* Biden will NOT endorse Harris

* open convention with Harris and about 3 others

* super delegates will not be allowed to vote on 1st ballot

* Harris is vetting at least four possible running mates, including Andy Beshear and possibly Shapiro

More on this fluid situation at 6pm ET LIVE on YouTube

The media here are taking issue with the incorrect spelling of the dead firefighters surname on his jacket and making it a Trump failure.

1. Biden will succumb to "natural causes" in 2024. Possibly before the election.

2. Barack Obama will volunteer to be Kamala's running mate, and she will be offed shortly after her inauguration by a Proud Boys costumed man with a MAGA hat.

Barack will be President again. And everyone voting for Harris/Obama will be hoping for just that.

You heard it here first.
2. Barack Obama will volunteer to be Kamala's running mate, and she will be offed shortly after her inauguration by a Proud Boys costumed man with a MAGA hat.

Barack will be President again. And everyone voting for Harris/Obama will be hoping for just that.

You heard it here first.
Sorry, but that can not legally happen.

To be picked as VP one must meet eligibility requirements of being President, and Obama does not meet those requirements as he has already served the maximum number of terms one can serve as potus.
Sorry, but that can not legally happen.

To be picked as VP one must meet eligibility requirements of being President, and Obama does not meet those requirements as he has already served the maximum number of terms one can serve as potus.

Legal schmegal :D
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