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GIM2 Refugee
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Seeing how's elections are a hot topic these days around the world this would be a good place to discuss.

🤔👆👆👆 Trump putting his finger right on the real issue there.

How does the cabal fix primary races?

That's easy. They do two specific things:

1. They unify the Left's vote around ONE candidate, their hand-picked person who is supposed to win the general election.

2. They run ringer 'Right' or "Conservative" candidates in the other party's primaries to split the primary vote among MULTIPLE candidates to neutralize the real threat, the actual Conservative who can win.

Most people missed the point of what happened yesterday.


The Conservative/anti-Commie vote was supposed to be split among Bosonaro and a bunch of other candidates running against him for the party nomination. But Bolsonaro garned so many freaking votes the fact he had 4-5 other people running against him didn't matter.

There wasn't supposed to BE any runoff race at the end of this month.

But when that runoff race happens on Oct. 30, the Right or Conservative vote won't be split among multiple candidates this time. Bolsonaro will get it ALL.


You all saw what happened in the AZ primary races with Kari Lake, Mark Finchem and Abe Hamadeh.

The cabal ran multiple GOP ringers at them trying to split the vote enough so the RINO handpicked candidate could get by Trump's MAGA picks.


I explained it here:


[ Photo ]
The Left unifies around their Chosen One.

Meanwhile the UniParty RINOS send 3-4 competing candidates at The MAGA Threat in the GOP primary races, trying to SPLIT THE VOTE enough so their own hand-picked RINO - often the 'designated loser' in the general in November - gets the GOP nomination.

That's what was supposed to happen in the AZ governor's race.

Katie Hobbs was supposed to go up against the GOP RINO's hand-picked loser, a nobody named Karrin Taylor Robson. Kari Lake threatened their plan? Well look what they did:

They allowed THREE OTHER CANDIDATES on the ballot, one of whom had actually ended his campaign months earlier.

Look how many votes MATT SALMON got, votes pulled away from Kari Lake - and he wasn't even running anymore!

There were over 400,000 non-Kari Lake votes cast in that GOP primary race for the Governor nomination.

But it wasn't enough.
Even the 60,000 fake votes I suspect they injected into the vote totals for Robson wasn't enough to stop Kari Lake.


[Forwarded from Just Human ]

The Seditious Conspiracy trial of five Oath Keepers, including leader Stuart Rhodes, begins today. The trial is expected to last 6-8 weeks.

Some threads covering the trial:

Sarah Lynch for Reuters

Roger Parloff

Ryan Reilly




[In reply to Just Human ️️️]
I am interested to see if Ray Epps makes an appearance in this trial as a witness and informant. Could happen as at least one informant is scheduled to testify.


I know what the media is saying about this trial, and it’s programming. They are trying to program the public with a narrative that Trump encouraged these people to do what they did.


The indictment shows this is not the case. Beginning just two days after we voted in November 2020, Oathkeepers began plotting violence, plotting a civil war, and plotting to obstruct the counting of electors and transfer of power.

This goes directly against the narrative that the Dems, RINOs and their corrupt media have been pushing since J6.

Furthermore, it is NOT what President Trump asked anyone to do or what he wanted. Quite the opposite.

Trump wanted the counting of electors to happen so that objections could be made and evidence of fraud introduced.

What the Oathkeepers, and others, did by interrupting the count went directly AGAINST what Trump wanted.

Never forget that.


Honestly, I think everyone should read the Oath Keepers indictment and follow this trial. It isn't as portrayed in the media

1) you will be better informed than you could ever get by just reading headlines and watching 30sec clips on tv

2) you will see that these people ARE NOT like us (or at least they are not like me and I hope they are not like you) and they WERE NOT on Trump's side in this.

Bombshell Dominion 'Error Code' Uncovered in 97% of Georgia Counties
kanekoa.substack.com/ ^ | 10/4/2022 | KanekoaTheGreat

Open records requests reveal 64 of 66 Georgia counties have the same unsolved 'Tennessee Error' that caused seven scanners to miscount hundreds of ballots in Williamson County.

In a podcast episode released last week Thursday, David Cross and Kevin Moncla of the Election Oversight Group reveal that open records request from 64 of 66 Georgia counties show the same security error “QR code signature mismatch” and warning message “Ballot format or id is unrecognizable” that caused seven scanners to miscount hundreds of ballots in Williamson County, Tennessee.

The "Tennessee Error" is an “anomaly” discovered on Dominion’s Image Cast Precinct (ICP) Tabulators (also referred to as "scanners") that occurred during a Williamson County election held on October 26, 2021.

The Election Assistance Commission (EAC) defines an anomaly as "an irregular or inconsistent action or response from the voting system or the system component, which resulted in the system or component not functioning as intended or expected."

In Williamson County, an election worker tallying votes on a post-it note realized that hundreds of ballots removed from a tabulator did not get counted.

Even though that tabulator never signaled that a problem occurred.


(Excerpt) Read more at kanekoa.substack.com ...
This is one of many flaws in a "democracy." Not only is it guaranteed to devolve into tyranny-by-mob; but as it matures, those who would be the mob-leaders or ruling junta, find a way to jigger the system - fraudulent counts, spoiler candidates, new rules that seem "fair" until considered carefully. Such as multicandidate races with runoffs.

There was ONE place, ONE place ONLY, for democracy in our Constitution. The House of Representatives.

And as envisioned, the Federal government was NOT to be a ubiquitous force in our lives. It was to be the government of governments - only involving issues of common concern to the States.

We need both to shrink the presence of the Washington government (through application of Constitutional limits) and return to original methods of selecting a President and Senate. Direct election of Electors should be BANNED. Let the State Legislatures select Electors - and Senators, as described in the original document.
Bombshell Dominion 'Error Code' Uncovered in 97% of Georgia Counties
Open records requests reveal 64 of 66 Georgia counties have the same unsolved 'Tennessee Error' that caused seven scanners to miscount hundreds of ballots in Williamson County.

In a podcast episode released last week Thursday, David Cross and Kevin Moncla of the Election Oversight Group reveal that open records request from 64 of 66 Georgia counties show the same security error “QR code signature mismatch” and warning message “Ballot format or id is unrecognizable” that caused seven scanners to miscount hundreds of ballots in Williamson County, Tennessee.

The "Tennessee Error" is an “anomaly” discovered on Dominion’s Image Cast Precinct (ICP) Tabulators (also referred to as "scanners") that occurred during a Williamson County election held on October 26, 2021.

The Election Assistance Commission (EAC) defines an anomaly as "an irregular or inconsistent action or response from the voting system or the system component, which resulted in the system or component not functioning as intended or expected."

In Williamson County, an election worker tallying votes on a post-it note realized that hundreds of ballots removed from a tabulator did not get counted.

Even though that tabulator never signaled that a problem occurred.



Eugene Yu, CEO OF Konnech Inc. has been arrested by the LA County District Attorney

[In reply to Jon Herold]
“District Attorney investigators found that in contradiction to the contract, information was stored on servers in the People’s Republic of China.”

10x bigger than the mules folks…

Exposing LA County Elections

Eugene’s arrest by the LA County District Attorney is a big deal. Maybe you guys should give this article another read.

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[Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat]
Thank you to everyone that has shared my work!! Appreciate you all!!



FBI Conceals Chinese Infiltration of U.S. Election Software
"This is a red Chinese communist op run against the United States by Chinese operatives, and it's a disaster."

Sep 8

In a live chat released on Monday, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips appeared together on “truethevote.locals.com” to discuss their 15-month involvement with what was characterized to them as a “counter-intelligence operation” with the Federal Bureau of Investigation into American election company Konnech Inc.

Konnech, based out of East Lansing, Michigan, builds software to manage the poll workers, poll locations, campaigns, assets, and supplies necessary to run elections in the United States, Canada, and Australia.

In January 2021, Phillips said that the cyber analyst he had been working with encountered an “oddity in some of the URLs” such as vote4la.com, vote4detroit.com, and vote4boston.com, which Konnech’s “PollChief” software application used to gather personally-identifying information about poll workers.

Using Binary Edge, a software product companies use to identify and assess the risk of cyber breaches, “We began to look at where do these URLs resolve to. We found that most of them resolve to one I.P. address and that I.P. address — the URL resolved in China,” Phillips said.

“What we also learned in our review, apps.konnech.com [.net], resolved into this same URL in China, meaning that the application itself was residing in China,” he continued.

“In Binary Edge, you can figure out what type of database they are using, their database port, and all the different services offered by ports in this particular application living in China. It turned out that not only did it live there, but they left the database open.”

This database “stored the personally identifying information of over a million Americans,” he emphasized.

Engelbrecht and Phillips decided that “this was a major national security risk” and immediately took the information to the FBI.
[Forwarded from CognitiveCarbon Public (Cognitive Carbon)]
The arrest today of Eugene Yu of Konnech suggests that Gregg Phillips team was over the target. He and Catherine Englebrecht created the "Pit" event to solicit help from citizen researchers whose work in some way helped land this indictment. My hat is off to the solid researchers who did so much work behind the scenes at all hours of the day and night.

To refresh the topic, here is a post I wrote immediately after returning from "The Pit" in Scottsdale AZ.


Now that he's been arrested and will go on trial for what he did, every single one of the hundreds of US counties using Eugene Yu's dirty CCP Konnech software as part of it's Election Management System [EMS] needs to cease using Konnech's EMS platforms and apps until we find out just how much of US election worker's PII has been schlepped off to China.

This means NOT using Konnoch's EMS software for these 2022 midterms.

Patriots need to**make this happen**.

We have 35 days.


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[Forwarded from The Authority 🎖🎖🎖 (The Authority)]
🚨 A Summary of Konnech Products & The Threats Posed Against The United States 🚨

My my my... will you lookie here! So riddle me this... if mail-in voting is unconstitutional does this mean the this was the "Most safe and secure election ever!"??

Delaware Supreme Court rules universal mail-in voting unconstitutional Friday's ruling is a blow to Democrats who have sought to make permanent COVID-19 era adjustments to the absentee voting process.​

The Delaware Supreme Court on Friday that a state law enacting universal mail-in voting violated the state's constitution.

"The Vote-by-Mail Statute impermissibly expands the categories of absentee voters identified in Article V, Section 4A of the Delaware Constitution. Therefore, the judgment of the Court of Chancery that the Vote-by-Mail Statute violates the Delaware Constitution should be affirmed," the court wrote.

It further rejected a component of the law that would have created same day registration throughout the state.

"The Same-Day Registration Statute conflicts with the provisions of Article V, Section 4 of the Delaware Constitution," it continued, "Consequently, the judgment of the Court of Chancery that the Same-Day Registration Statute does not violate the Delaware Constitution should be reversed."​
The court asserted that the three-page ruling would precede a "more formal opinion" but highlighted the state's plan to mail ballots to voters by Oct. 10 as rationale for the "abbreviated order."​

"We are continuing to ascertain the details of what we believe to be Mr. Yu’s wrongful detention by LA County authorities," Konnech said in a statement that ended: "Any LA County poll worker data that Konnech may have possessed was provided to it by LA County, and therefore could not have been ‘stolen' as suggested."

What a weasel-worded statement.

The issue that now has Yu in jail - and Konnech facing legal jeopardy with over two dozen US counties - isn't that LA County handed Konnech their poll worker data.

It's that Konnech took that data and sent it to China.


Every single county using Konnech platforms and apps are going to be required by state and federal election law to ditch them before the midterms get here.

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[Forwarded from General Flynn ]
This is a monumental decision that allows those cases being fought in other states to point toward regarding precedent.

Mail-In voting is unconstitutional!!!


Konnech CEO Eugene Yu's connection to China's National People's Congress & Chinese telecom giants​

I meticulously documented everything I found about Eugene Yu for the last six weeks — and now I’m ready to teach New York Times reporters and FBI agents what I found. It’s super simple!​

Oct 6

Eugene Yu, the CEO of the U.S. election software company Konnech, was arrested yesterday in connection to the storage of election data on Chinese servers.

He was arrested in Michigan by investigators from the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office with assistance from the Meridian Township Police Department.

Investigators allegedly found U.S. poll workers’ information stored on servers in the People’s Republic of China.

The day before Yu’s arrest, the New York Times’ Stuart Thompson published an article entitled, “How a Tiny Elections Company Became a Conspiracy Theory Target.”

[Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat]
Virginia's Fairfax County Office of Elections has stopped using Konnech’s PollChief election officer management software, said director and general registrar of the county’s electoral board, Eric Spicer.

Among the PollChief products purchased by the county was the PollChief Worker Management System, PollChief Worker Self-service Portal, PollChief Asset Management System, and the PollChief Help-Desk Management System.



Eugene Yu Konnech to China on hongzhengtech.cn and yu-lian.cn​

Why did Konnech CEO Eugene Yu register hongzhengtech.cn and yu-lian.cn to konnech.com?​

1 hr ago

Eugene Yu, the CEO of the U.S. election software company Konnech, was arrested on Tuesday after investigators allegedly found U.S. poll workers’ information stored on servers in the People’s Republic of China.

Two weeks before Yu’s arrest, Konnech added an "election misinformation advisory" to its website to combat "false and malicious claims" being made about the company.

The company blamed “ignorance, racism and xenophobia” for the allegation that Konnech was “affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party.”

"Neither Eugene Yu nor Konnech have ever had any association with the Chinese Communist Party," the company stated.

In that same advisory, the U.S. election software company acknowledged, “Konnech formed a research and development subsidiary in China, Jinhua Konnech, in 2005….”

Two days later, Konnech filed a defamation lawsuit against TrueTheVote, a Texas-based non-profit election integrity organization.

“To set the record straight, neither Konnech, nor its founder and CEO, have any affiliation with the Chinese Communist Party,” Konnech’s lawyer claimed in the civil complaint.

“Konnech is not used by the Chinese Communist Party for any purpose, whatsoever.”

A Konnech spokesperson repeated the claim to the press a few days later, “I will state clearly and unequivocally: neither Eugene Yu nor Konnech are in any way associated with the Chinese Communist Party.”

Before Eugene Yu’s arrest, a New York Times reporter named Stuart Thompson confirmed that “Konnech once owned Jinhua Yulian Network Technology, a subsidiary out of China, where programmers developed and tested software.”

Eugene Yu, also known as Jianwei Yu (于建伟), established Jinhua Yulian Network Technology (金华宇联网络科技有限公司) in Zhejiang, China, on November 29, 2005.

Yulian Network’s website "yu-lian.cn” was registered to eyu@konnech.com on February 25, 2006.

[Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)]
True The Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips held an event referred to as “The Pit” in Scottsdale Arizona back on Saturday, August 13. That event quickly became controversial even before it was held, and sparked even more controversy once it was over.

I was one of the attendees at The Pit, where I took the following pictures:


AUDIO PODCAST: Dear County Election Supervisor: We've Got To Talk About Konnech
Listen now (21 min) | US County Election Data Is Part of the Country's National Security Infrastructure.

or read:



OCTOBER 8, 2022

Dear Professor Reich,

First things first: we had a mutual friend in Professor William Slesnick. Though I knew him many years after you did, he often spoke to me of his admiration for your mind, your drive, and your character. He was fond of saying that if you had set your sights on playing center in the NBA, you would have succeeded. Bill did not grade on a curve, as you may remember, and that was indeed high praise.

Second, I see that you have taken to living under a rock. Your recent essay, “Robert Reich: A Personal Question To Powerful People Who Continue To Deny Results Of 2020 Election” (Eurasia Review, October 9, 2022) has been brought to my attention. In it, you write:

“I have a serious question for people who have power in America and who continue to deny the outcome of the 2020 election and enable Trump’s Big Lie: What are you saying to yourself in private? How are you justifying yourself in your own mind? I don’t mean to be snide or snarky. I’m genuinely curious…. I’m asking you, Peter Thiel, and you, Stephen Schwarzman, and Ken Griffin and Steve Wynn and Mike Lindell and Patrick Byrne and others: Is this really the way you want to spend your fortune? Is this your legacy to the nation?
I accept your invitation, Professor Reich, to bring you up to speed on what it is that we of the election integrity movement believe we are doing.

On June 3, 2022 DHS – CISA issued a 5 page report that could have been titled (I facetiously suggested), “Patrick Byrne was right again. Again.” In five succinct pages, it explains that the most common election system in use in the USA turns out to be riddled with nine major security “vulnerabilities” so gaping that in my view it is more appropriate to call them security “failures” than “vulnerabilities”. As apparently you missed this development, I will quote their descriptions of nine hacks of Dominion equipment that tabulate 43% of ballots cast by Americans on November 3, 2020:

1. “An attacker could leverage this vulnerability to install malicious code, which could also be spread to other vulnerable ImageCast X devices via removable media.”
2. “An attacker could leverage this vulnerability to disguise malicious applications on a device.”
3. “…which could be leveraged by an attacker to gain elevated privileges on a device and/or install malicious code.”
4. “An attacker could leverage this vulnerability to escalate privileges on a device and/or install malicious code.”
5. “An attacker could leverage this vulnerability to spread malicious code to ImageCast X devices from the EMS.”
6. “An attacker could leverage this vulnerability to escalate privileges on a device and/or install malicious code.”
7. “An attacker with physical access may use this to gain administrative privileges on a device and install malicious code or perform arbitrary administrative actions.”
8. “An attacker could leverage this vulnerability to gain access to sensitive information and perform privileged actions, potentially affecting other election equipment.”
9. “An attacker could leverage this vulnerability to print an arbitrary number of ballots without authorization.”
– DHS-CISA ICS Advisory (ICSA-22-154-01)
So this past summer, DHS-CISA acknowledged that Dominion boxes are hackable nine ways from Sunday.

In addition, if one clicks through to the CVE database where one would normally find patches for software vulnerabilities such as have been announced here, one finds that there are no patches available and that all these gaping failures are simply, “Under Assessment”.

That is to say, the same federal organization that 20 months ago boldly praised itself for overseeing “the most secure election in history” now meekly reports:

“While these vulnerabilities present risks that should be mitigated as soon as possible, CISA has no evidence that these vulnerabilities have been exploited in any elections.”
– ibid
That is a considerably weaker statement. They have gone from saying We know it did not happen to the much weaker claim: We have no evidence that it happened, but we are not going to tell you if we looked, how much we looked, and the machine vulnerabilities must be “mitigated” but there are as yet no patches.

It is my burden in life that from time to time I interact with a life-form called, “journalists”. Some, after reading this DHS-CISA litany of horrors, have had the gall (I-shit-thee-not) to reply along the lines, Well this shows that they can be hacked, but it is not proof that they were hacked!

That logic may pass in an undergraduate Lesbian Dance Theory seminar at Berkeley, but as a fellow who built a $2 billion eCommerce company that faced 1,000 daily cyber-attacks for 20 years and was never defeated, I assure you, it is an absurd response. One cannot release such porous code into the wild and hope it is not hacked. Given the prize (US elections) and the shit-code, there is no realistic chance these vulnerabilities were not exploited.

In case there is any question about that, however, perhaps we should just examine the election databases stored on the hard-drives of election equipment in question. Just to be sure. Just in the six places which saw odd activity on that election night, the unprecedented act of vote counting being shut down, things like that…. Perhaps we should just look at the election databases of those six machines, so we know for certain.

For some reason, since November 4, 2020 that suggestion has sent the intellectual class into paroxysms of outrage. No one will explain why. But massive legal efforts have been mounted to prevent anyone from getting access to those six hard drives in those six counties. Massive, expensive legal efforts. And in the one county of the six where legal authority to examine was granted (in the form of a subpoena issued by the Arizona Senate and enforced by a court), the county workers deleted the election database the night before turning the machine over.

And yet, a media which normally would waste not an instant in reading meaning into that chain of events, is so disinterested in it now, one would think it was Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Thanks to the work of an American hero named Tina Peters, the County Recorder for Mesa County, Colorado (roughly speaking: “Grand Junction”), the election database of that county for November 2020 was recovered. Analysis of it revealed (in Mesa County Forensic Report #3) to have a cloaked script that created an illegal database, shifted thousands of votes, and generated thousands of others. This is exactly what the DHS-CISA warning is about: that such “malicious code” and “malicious applications” could be installed on a machine without its operators’ awareness.


Exposing LA County Elections​

Patel Patriot (Jon)
Aug 29

The Devolution Series, along with my interviews and Devolution Power Hours can be found on my website:​

I was lucky enough to attend the PIT event hosted by Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips of True the Vote which was held the weekend of August 12th. The information they revealed was jaw-dropping. The PIT provided attendees with the Tiger Project information, and like many other diggers from this community, I have been digging into the data ever since.

Catherine and Gregg found massive corruption when they stumbled across Konnech Inc., an American election technology company founded in 2002, based in Okemos outside of East Lansing, Michigan.

Konnech’s website describes their PollChief software products, which include the Election Worker Management System, Asset Management System, and the MyBallot Tracking System. These are supposedly used by “thousands of Election Offices across North America.”

During the PIT event, Catherine and Gregg shared a slide showing all the major counties in which to focus our research. In my research, there was one county that stuck out to me the most:

The reason this county stuck out to me is because of its size. Los Angeles County has more than 500 political districts and 5.2 million registered voters. It’s the largest and most complex county election jurisdiction in the Country and I think that makes it an easy potential target for election fraud. The PIT documents revealed that there is a connection to Konnech Inc. in LA County, but a deeper dive revealed that there appears to be much more troubling connections.

There is something weird happening in LA county and it has left me with some questions.

Dean Logan

In order to get to the bottom of what is going on with the elections in LA County, we need to start by looking into who is at the top.

LOTS more:

In heated exchange, federal judge demands True the Vote identify who provided access to poll worker data​

The Texas nonprofit has spread voter fraud conspiracy theories for years. Konnech Inc. accuses the organization of defamation and computer fraud in a lawsuit.

OCT. 7, 2022

HOUSTON — Inside a nearly empty federal courtroom Thursday, a fiery argument broke out between a judge and the lawyers representing Texas-based nonprofit True the Vote in a defamation and computer fraud case filed by a Michigan-based election software company.

U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt warned Houston-based attorneys Brock Akers and Mike Brewer that they might be getting “played” by their conservative nonprofit client after the attorneys repeatedly argued against disclosing the source of the information central to the case, about sensitive poll worker data managed by Konnech Inc.

In podcasts and elsewhere, True the Vote has repeatedly claimed that it directed “analysts” to hack Konnech’s servers, which the group claims were in China and thus proof of the company’s work on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party. After Konnech sued True the Vote last month for defamation, Hoyt ordered True the Vote to turn over any Konnech data the organization still had and disclose the name of the individual who’d helped them obtain it.

The contentious tone in the courtroom demonstrated the precarious position the lawsuit has put True the Vote in. The group has spearheaded the spread of voter fraud conspiracy theories in Texas and beyond for years — most recently by producing the debunked voter-fraud documentary “2000 Mules” — and has faced very little accountability for it. Now True the Vote is trying to maintain its conspiratorial claims about Konnech while also denying accusations that it illegally hacked data or misled the public about the company and its CEO.

In its own legal filings, True the Vote said that contrary to its prior public statements, the group had never been in possession of Konnech’s data but had simply been shown it by a source.

Konnech’s lawyers, meanwhile, asked the judge to hold True the Vote’s founder, Catherine Engelbrecht, and a board member, Gregg Phillips, in contempt for failing to follow the judge’s order.

In court Thursday, Akers and Brewer were reluctant to release the source’s name in court, saying they feared for the man’s safety.

Hoyt — a judge nominated to the bench by President Ronald Reagan — wasn’t having it.

The judge said he didn’t “have any confidence” in True the Vote’s version of events, in part because he said the group’s leaders haven’t submitted sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury to support them. True the Vote’s lawyers said they didn’t believe their clients needed to appear at the hearing.

“Do errors get made [in elections]? Yeah,” Hoyt said as he continued to question True the Vote’s trustworthiness. “Do people cheat? Perhaps. But all of this hustle and bustle about the integrity of the process? Is the way to fix the process to tear it apart? That’s not integrity.”

He demanded the lawyers release the name of the source.

After nearly two hours of arguing back and forth, Akers followed the judge’s order and looked through a stack of documents in his briefcase, hunting for the name. Once he found it, he wrote it down in a yellow notepad, ripped off the page, walked across the room and handed it to Konnech’s attorney, Dean Pamphilis. Not satisfied, Pamphilis asked that Akers say the name out loud for the record. After Hoyt instructed him to comply, Akers did so.

Votebeat is not publishing the name. Reporters were unable to independently confirm the named person’s identity or his involvement, and were unable to reach him on Thursday or Friday.

Thursday’s hearing was overshadowed by this week’s unexpected arrest of Konnech CEO Eugene Yu by local police in Michigan, acting on behalf of the Los Angeles County district attorney. The county sought Yu’s extradition to California as “part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information” of poll workers, according to a press release by the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office.

Yu was released on bond Thursday, hours before the hearing in Houston, and is expected in court in Los Angeles next week. The Los Angeles County attorney’s office has alleged that the poll worker data was being improperly stored on Chinese servers in violation of the county’s contract with the company but has not responded to multiple requests by Votebeat to clarify the charges against Yu.

Pamphilis said the California charges were irrelevant to the defamation suit in Texas and also asserted that his client had been wrongfully arrested.

“Konnech intends to hold accountable in court all of those responsible for the damages caused by their outrageous conduct including the wrongful detention of Mr. Yu while he was enroute to testify in this case,” Pamphilis said in a statement.

Akers and Brewer framed Yu’s arrest as vindication for the group as well as for Engelbrecht and Phillips, and as confirmation of the allegations True the Vote had made against Konnech. “Ironically, Plaintiff’s founder and CEO was indicted in Los Angeles County, in coordination with Michigan authorities, and arrested for maintaining sensitive ‘personal identifying information’ on servers in Communist China,” the attorneys wrote in a court filing Wednesday.

In a statement posted on its website and social media channels, True the Vote claimed credit for Yu’s arrest hours after he was taken into custody.

“True the Vote is honored to have played a small role in what must have been a wide ranging and complex investigation. The organization is profoundly grateful to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office for their thorough work and rapid action in this matter,” the statement says.

But a spokesperson for the Los Angeles County district attorney told Votebeat Tuesday that the office had not received any information on the case from True the Vote.

In court, Pamphilis also pushed back against True the Vote’s taking credit for the arrest: “To the extent that they’re going to claim it is relevant, all it does is demonstrate the importance of the data we’re trying to protect and their culpability in having that data in the first place, which they had no right to have.”

Hoyt agreed that Yu’s arrest and the defamation lawsuit were separate issues.


“Some kind of a James Bond kind of thing”​

Konnech’s suit cites Phillips’ public claims that he directed analysts to hack the company’s servers and accessed the personal information, allegedly stored in China, of nearly 2 million U.S. poll workers.

On a podcast titled “Prophets and Patriots,” Phillips described meeting his “guys” at a hotel room in Dallas, where they put “towels under the doors” like “some kind of a James Bond kind of thing” and hacked into a Konnech server, according to Konnech’s complaint, which included a copy of the podcast as an exhibit.

In legal filings responding to Konnech’s suit, True the Vote denied that Phillips, Engelbrecht or the group had directly possessed Konnech data, but had viewed data in the possession of someone else. Engelbrecht disclosed the person’s name in a sealed filing last month.

In a later filing, True the Vote said releasing the person’s name would have “significant national security and law enforcement implications.”

True the Vote said in the filings that the source shared the information with Phillips and Engelbrecht, who then turned the information over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which was looking into it. But at the hearing, Hoyt questioned True the Vote’s lawyers, Akers and Brewer, about whether they were certain their client’s version of events was truthful.

When Hoyt repeatedly ordered Akers to release the name, Akers pushed back, saying he was concerned for the source’s safety, as well as that of Engelbrecht and Philips. Akers also asked the judge to call the district attorney in California before requiring the lawyers to hand over the name of the source.

Hoyt lost his patience after several minutes and cut him off. He told Akers he would not do that because law enforcement in California was not involved in this lawsuit.

“You know what? That may be an obstruction of justice, what they’ve done,” Hoyt said, apparently referring to True the Vote and its leaders. “We might find that out. On the verge of this proceeding, of this hearing, suddenly the plaintiff gets arrested so he can’t show up in court,” said Hoyt. True the Vote’s lawyers did not respond to that assertion during the hearing.


In heated exchange, federal judge demands True the Vote identify who provided access to poll worker data​

The Texas nonprofit has spread voter fraud conspiracy theories for years. Konnech Inc. accuses the organization of defamation and computer fraud in a lawsuit.

OCT. 7, 2022

HOUSTON — Inside a nearly empty federal courtroom Thursday, a fiery argument broke out between a judge and the lawyers representing Texas-based nonprofit True the Vote in a defamation and computer fraud case filed by a Michigan-based election software company.

U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt warned Houston-based attorneys Brock Akers and Mike Brewer that they might be getting “played” by their conservative nonprofit client after the attorneys repeatedly argued against disclosing the source of the information central to the case, about sensitive poll worker data managed by Konnech Inc.

In podcasts and elsewhere, True the Vote has repeatedly claimed that it directed “analysts” to hack Konnech’s servers, which the group claims were in China and thus proof of the company’s work on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party. After Konnech sued True the Vote last month for defamation, Hoyt ordered True the Vote to turn over any Konnech data the organization still had and disclose the name of the individual who’d helped them obtain it.

The contentious tone in the courtroom demonstrated the precarious position the lawsuit has put True the Vote in. The group has spearheaded the spread of voter fraud conspiracy theories in Texas and beyond for years — most recently by producing the debunked voter-fraud documentary “2000 Mules” — and has faced very little accountability for it. Now True the Vote is trying to maintain its conspiratorial claims about Konnech while also denying accusations that it illegally hacked data or misled the public about the company and its CEO.

In its own legal filings, True the Vote said that contrary to its prior public statements, the group had never been in possession of Konnech’s data but had simply been shown it by a source.

Konnech’s lawyers, meanwhile, asked the judge to hold True the Vote’s founder, Catherine Engelbrecht, and a board member, Gregg Phillips, in contempt for failing to follow the judge’s order.

In court Thursday, Akers and Brewer were reluctant to release the source’s name in court, saying they feared for the man’s safety.

Hoyt — a judge nominated to the bench by President Ronald Reagan — wasn’t having it.

The judge said he didn’t “have any confidence” in True the Vote’s version of events, in part because he said the group’s leaders haven’t submitted sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury to support them. True the Vote’s lawyers said they didn’t believe their clients needed to appear at the hearing.

“Do errors get made [in elections]? Yeah,” Hoyt said as he continued to question True the Vote’s trustworthiness. “Do people cheat? Perhaps. But all of this hustle and bustle about the integrity of the process? Is the way to fix the process to tear it apart? That’s not integrity.”

He demanded the lawyers release the name of the source.

After nearly two hours of arguing back and forth, Akers followed the judge’s order and looked through a stack of documents in his briefcase, hunting for the name. Once he found it, he wrote it down in a yellow notepad, ripped off the page, walked across the room and handed it to Konnech’s attorney, Dean Pamphilis. Not satisfied, Pamphilis asked that Akers say the name out loud for the record. After Hoyt instructed him to comply, Akers did so.

Votebeat is not publishing the name. Reporters were unable to independently confirm the named person’s identity or his involvement, and were unable to reach him on Thursday or Friday.

Thursday’s hearing was overshadowed by this week’s unexpected arrest of Konnech CEO Eugene Yu by local police in Michigan, acting on behalf of the Los Angeles County district attorney. The county sought Yu’s extradition to California as “part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information” of poll workers, according to a press release by the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office.

Yu was released on bond Thursday, hours before the hearing in Houston, and is expected in court in Los Angeles next week. The Los Angeles County attorney’s office has alleged that the poll worker data was being improperly stored on Chinese servers in violation of the county’s contract with the company but has not responded to multiple requests by Votebeat to clarify the charges against Yu.

Pamphilis said the California charges were irrelevant to the defamation suit in Texas and also asserted that his client had been wrongfully arrested.

“Konnech intends to hold accountable in court all of those responsible for the damages caused by their outrageous conduct including the wrongful detention of Mr. Yu while he was enroute to testify in this case,” Pamphilis said in a statement.

Akers and Brewer framed Yu’s arrest as vindication for the group as well as for Engelbrecht and Phillips, and as confirmation of the allegations True the Vote had made against Konnech. “Ironically, Plaintiff’s founder and CEO was indicted in Los Angeles County, in coordination with Michigan authorities, and arrested for maintaining sensitive ‘personal identifying information’ on servers in Communist China,” the attorneys wrote in a court filing Wednesday.

In a statement posted on its website and social media channels, True the Vote claimed credit for Yu’s arrest hours after he was taken into custody.

“True the Vote is honored to have played a small role in what must have been a wide ranging and complex investigation. The organization is profoundly grateful to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office for their thorough work and rapid action in this matter,” the statement says.

But a spokesperson for the Los Angeles County district attorney told Votebeat Tuesday that the office had not received any information on the case from True the Vote.

In court, Pamphilis also pushed back against True the Vote’s taking credit for the arrest: “To the extent that they’re going to claim it is relevant, all it does is demonstrate the importance of the data we’re trying to protect and their culpability in having that data in the first place, which they had no right to have.”

Hoyt agreed that Yu’s arrest and the defamation lawsuit were separate issues.


Votebeat is an online media platform which reports on local elections across the United States from a left-of-center perspective. The platform publishes content by corporate sponsors and prominent donors in addition to its routine reporting. Votebeat also states that it times its reporting to match what it calls “moments of greatest consequence” in order to mobilize its reader base. The platform lists left-progressive racial ideology as one of its core values, and claims that an “ongoing legacy of racism” exists in American elections and in the media.

Tip of the iceberg.

I don't know whether to be cheered that it's finally getting out, or disgusted that it got so far without detection.

The Political Elite Class did this - lured by the promise of lifetime sinecure and Chinese money. Destroy the Political Elite Class - by putting hard, immovable, Constitution-based TERM LIMITS in. NO MORE LIFERS - ten years and OUT, any office, all combinations of offices.
[Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat]
Detroit terminates contract with U.S. election software company Konnech after its founder was taken into custody on suspicion of storing poll worker data on servers in the People’s Republic of China.

[Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat]
[ Photo ]
NEW - Prince William County, Virginia says it has suspended using Konnech's PollChief software and is erasing any data contained on Konnech's servers.


[Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat]
Election Narrative Crumbling Before Our Eyes: Konnech Chinese Servers Connected to County Poll Worker Sites All Over the Country



The Konnech Election Systems Bombshell:​

A Thread Election poll forecasting is rendered useless by election fraud. That’s why we will continue to follow & report on documented threats to fair & honest elections. Let's get started. 1/-​

Monday October 3rd, 2022

The New York Times decides to launch a hit piece on True the Vote, who they say falsely accused an American company of hosting the data of 2 million US election workers on a secret computer server in communist China.


Less that 24 hours later, the LA County DA announces the Michigan arrest of the CEO of that very same company, after an investigation, for storing LA County election worker data "on servers in the Peoples Republic of China."


Coincidentally, we also publish our latest U.S. Election Integrity poll, showing the issue again ranking at #5 among all likely voters for the upcoming midterm elections with 84% Concerned, 61% Very Concerned. We also rerun our 2020 election cheating survey.

read all about it:

The frightening thing is how much of this corruption and malfeasance has yet to be discovered. I am sure this is just the tip of the iceberg.
What I'm thinking as well.

Invasion by infiltration and subverting the election system.

We need to get back to paper ballots and forget all this 'We have no time to count ballots by hand' nonsense!

So what if it takes a few days? They're pushing 'election day' to two weeks and more in places and it's NOT because we want everyone to vote!
What I'm thinking as well.

Invasion by infiltration and subverting the election system.

We need to get back to paper ballots and forget all this 'We have no time to count ballots by hand' nonsense!

So what if it takes a few days? They're pushing 'election day' to two weeks and more in places and it's NOT because we want everyone to vote!
You got it. They're doing it to HIDE what they're doing, behind technological obfuscation.

I knew this right from the git-go. The Votamatic system, with punch cards, had turned out to be the cheapest, most-flexible, most-reliable system EVER. I had voted in three counties from the time I was 18 - two in Ohio, one in Colorado. All used the Votamatic punch-cards.

I remember how they replaced the Automatic Voting Machine booths about 1970. Our church was a polling precinct, and the county "asked" that the church store those portable stamped-steel voting booth assemblies. They were heavy; took up space. The church basement had been our scout troop meeting place, and the place for lesser drama productions...it had a stage and curtains. All that went away for four years.

The locks on those booths kept failing, and precinct election personnel kept losing the keys or giving out the wrong ones. One election, the whole day passed with the machines all locked and out of order.

It was a relief when those things were scrapped in favor of the lightweight foldable mini-booths used with the Votamatic cards. And the cards were quickly read by polling machines - optical scans, giving a tape readout that could be marked, certified, recorded at the precinct, relayed to the county and then to the Secretary of State office.

ONLY when the Dumbos tried to trick Algore into office, 28 years later were the Votamatic cards suddenly "a problem." Because Billy the Gates, knew that his magic mystery machines, in addition to sucking up personal data, could be used to corrupt voting counts. So, Dumbo operatives got sent out to discredit the election, and the cards, and the "dimpled chad." The president of the company demonstrated that "dimpled chad" could only happen if several ballot cards were put into holders at once - that is, fraudulent ballots being marked, quickly, in numbers.

But the ball was rolling. I knew, 22 years ago, that was the end of election integrity...and here we are.

And the Elites are jess' fine with it.
[Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat]
[ Photo ]
Contrary to Konnech’s claim that the company has never “had any association with the Chinese Communist Party,” Konnech registered hongzhengtech.cn to admin@konnech.com on July 31, 2015.

As a result, Konnech had core control over Hongzheng Technology’s website—a company that is partnered with Huawei, China Telecom, & China Unicom as the premier voting technology provider for China's National People's Congress.



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