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I agree, it was well said.Gotta say that speech today by RFK Jr. was epic.
RFK Jr. suspends his campaign and endorses Trump.
He rightfully called out the media, the censorship and the disaster that is the current state of the democratic party.
I'm sure you can find a good source if you haven't seen it.
Trump 2024 is the obvious unity ticket that the country needs if the people can out vote the rigging.
Maybe she can ask her candidate to do an interview and share what that future looks like under her
All leftist talking points?I'd like to hear about ss, medicare, medical care / prescription costs, housing, food security and other issues concerning people.
Those are not Constitutional government functions.I'd like to hear about ss, medicare, medical care / prescription costs, housing, food security and other issues concerning people.
I'd like to hear what they both plan to do and how they plan on accomplishing what they want to do. Supposed to have a debate on Sep 10. If it comes off and doesn't turn into a reality tv show maybe they'll actually talk about issues. I'd like to hear about ss, medicare, medical care / prescription costs, housing, food security and other issues concerning people.
I don't want to hear name calling, accusations, how smart someone is, how rich someone is, etc. Hopefully they'll talk issues.
Those are not Constitutional government functions.
Those are the TOOLS of ENSLAVEMENT - creating dependency on government.
I want to hear about sound money, border security, returning FedGov to a Constitutional footing. Including but not limited to, making the Department of Defense...ACTUALLY A DEFENSIVE ARMY. Not a tool for chaos and enrichment of the arms industry, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives in Endless War.
In essence, what's needed, is discussion of WHAT ROLE/PLACE the government plays in this.All the issues mentioned in both of the above quotes are good issues and deserve to be aired during a debate. Both Trump and Harris should be asked about their feelings toward everything mentioned and then given time to answer each issue. I'd like to hear both of them talk about the stuff both Casey and I mentioned instead of some crazy reality show nonsense. Looking forward to watching the debate if it actually comes off.
BTW.........I agree with Casey about a defensive military.
All the issues mentioned in both of the above quotes are good issues and deserve to be aired during a debate. Both Trump and Harris should be asked about their feelings toward everything mentioned and then given time to answer each issue. I'd like to hear both of them talk about the stuff both Casey and I mentioned instead of some crazy reality show nonsense. Looking forward to watching the debate if it actually comes off.
"Subverting" LOLArizona judge sets 2026 trial date for Trump allies accused of trying to subvert the 2020 election
An Arizona judge has set a trial date of January 5, 2026, for allies of former President Donald Trump charged for a criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election.
At a hearing Monday, which is ongoing, several defendants, including conservative attorney John Eastman and multiple Arizona Republicans who served as fake electors, are present in the courtroom. Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Christina Bobb, who serves as the top lawyer for the RNC on election integrity, have joined the hearing virtually.
This is the first high-stakes hearing since a grand jury handed up criminal charges against the fake electors from Arizona. Trump himself was not charged.
Lawyers for the Trump allies will argue that prosecutors are seeking an overly harsh punishment to coerce defendants to cooperate.
"Subverting" LOL
Attempting to prove election fraud is now 'subverting' elections.... LOL
Gosh... why would anyone believe a neocon?'In the Kremlin’s pocket': Ex-Trump NatSec advisor says world leaders thought he was a 'chump'
H.R. McMaster — the three-star general who served as former President Donald Trump's national security adviser for a little more than a year — is shedding new light on how the 45th president of the United States was viewed by the rest of the world.
The New York Times is reporting that in his new book, At War With Ourselves, McMaster wrote that Trump was often outmaneuvered by world leaders who used flattery to take advantage of him. This was particularly true with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In 2018, McMaster described how he once saw Trump writing a complimentary letter to Putin to go with a copy of a New York Post article in which he called Trump a "good listener" while criticizing the American political system.
"Like a child with his Christmas wish list, the leader of the free world asked McMaster to send it to the Kremlin. It was especially bad timing: Evidence was coming to light that Putin had directed an assassination on British soil," the Times' Nicolas Niarchos wrote in his review of the book. "McMaster did not forward the note, later explaining to an infuriated Trump that his letter would 'reinforce the narrative that you are somehow in the Kremlin’s pocket.'"
All leftist talking points?
Exactly what came to my mind when reading that post, especially the "food security" one. Only progressives and far left people seem to use that term.