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Shooting the messenger is the easiest game in town.Be sure to check out his private, online investment community for only $1.
click here https://georgegammon.com/pro
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Sometimes you can get some good info from vids but a lotta times they're trying to hawk their wares. Remember Gary North and Y2K? Financial doom sells.
Shooting the messenger is the easiest game in town.
You don't have to fork over $$ to listen to his argument. It's up to the individual to glean what they will and make their own mind up.
If you like what he says you can 'invest' in his program, but it's not required. Most (if not all) of his videos present information for free.
If we had a censor board I'm sure there are a few folks here who would gladly work gratis.
One thing - I never shoot the messenger. Ever. Only the post. Never the poster.
Always a playground instructor, never a killer
I don't consider myself as 'the messenger'...I never shoot the messenger. Ever. Only the post. Never the poster.
Too often folks dis the post (msgr) w/o even listening, or reading it.