Finviz charts

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Ground Beetle
GIM2 Refugee
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i dont know about you guys but recently when i click on a specific Finviz chart a Add Pops up that covers the whole right side of the chart that i cant X out of .........not sure if its just me but it has made doing a close inspection of the charts useless
desktop ....seems to be fine on mobile.......get nothing on mobile.....desktop the popup covers the whole right half screen......on the desktop the popup comes up with the chrome browser ...if i use another browser with a popup blocker (opera) all is fine
You shouldn't be seeing any Google ads from while logged in, so most likely, the ads are being served on finviz side. I highly recommend you add NoScript browser extension to your desktop browser:
The NoScript Security Suite is Free Open Source Software (FOSS) providing extra protection for Firefox (on Android, too!), Chrome, Edge, Brave and other web browsers.

NoScript is a built-in key security component of the Tor Browser, the top anonymity tool defending millions against surveillance and censorship.

This browser extension allows JavaScript and other potentially harmful content to be executed only by trusted web sites of your choice (e.g. your online bank).

You won't see those ads once you have NoScript installed (unless you explicitly give them permission to run).

^ That's what I see (click it to see full image) with NoScript installed. I only gave permission to run javascript.
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