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Welcome to the Precious Metals Bug Forums

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Fly on the Wall
Reaction score
The 57th State
On an unrelated note, who is the asshole impersonating GOLD DUCK? Also wish to mention that the organization of PM Bug is awful...cannot find anything or post anything that is in anything even resembling organization.
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What about the organization of this site is confusing for you?
If you are just visiting the home page (domain root), I would suggest having a look at the "Forums" page found here to see the topical categories for the site:

Also wish to mention that the organization of PM Bug is awful...cannot find anything or post anything that is in anything even resembling organization.

Hey has sections (forums) exactly like gim2. Each section has different subsections with different topics (no different than gim.) Click on link provided by pmbug in the above post and scroll down the page and you should be able to see everything. We also have a search function that works exactly like the one on gim.

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On an unrelated note, who is the asshole impersonating GOLD DUCK?

Interested in that myself. But calling another member an asshole is a bit much.
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