IRS plans for $80b budget

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The IRS on Thursday released a plan for the nearly $80 billion in agency funding enacted through the Inflation Reduction Act in August — including expected boosts for customer service, technology and enforcement.
Aligned with priorities outlined by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in August, the plan aims to improve several areas of taxpayer service, including a five-year timeline to digitize the filing process and the ability to respond to all IRS notices online.
The IRS has already started to deploy part of the funds earmarked for customer service by hiring 5,000 phone assistors before the 2023 filing season, and taxpayers have been able to respond to certain IRS notices online since February.
The agency's plan also aims to reduce the budget deficit by closing the tax gap, with an initial focus on tax returns for wealthy families, large corporations and complex partnerships, Werfel said.

Boosting the experienced staff needed for more complicated audits will take time, Everson said.

"The IRS has no plans to increase the most current audit rate we have for households making less than $400,000," he said, noting the audit rate for filers below these thresholds "won't come close" to reaching or exceeding historic averages."


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They cost about as much as they make for the gov.

From a quick search on how much they bring in via enforcement actions.

In Fiscal Year (FY) 2021, the IRS collected more than $92.6 billion in unpaid assessments on returns filed with additional tax due, netting $59.5 billion after credit transfers (Table 25XLSX). The IRS assessed$37.3 billion in civil penalties in FY 2021.Mar 3, 2023
The Internal Revenue Service detailed its plans Thursday to significantly ramp up audit rates of wealthy taxpayers and large corporations, using funds provided by the Democrat-backed Inflation Reduction Act that passed in 2022.

The audit rate of taxpayers earning more than $10 million is expected to increase by 50%, going up from 11% in 2019 to 16.5% in 2026.

The IRS also plans to triple the audit rates of large corporations with assets over $250 million, as well as increase the audit rates of business partnerships with assets over $10 million by tenfold over the seven-year period.

Despite the expected increases, audit rates won’t exceed those reached in 2010 because the number of filings by large corporations, partnerships and wealthy individuals have grown and become more complex, the IRS said.

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