Medical preps - natural defenses for the flu

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Since mutated flu strains are in the news again:
The World Health Organization (WHO) said it was "deeply concerned" about research into whether the H5N1 flu virus could be made more transmissible between humans after mutant strains were produced in labs.

Two separate research teams -- one in the Netherlands and the other in the United States -- have found ways to alter the H5N1 avian influenza so it could pass easily between mammals.

Two top scientific journals said on Tuesday they were mulling whether to publish full details on how Dutch scientists mutated the H5N1 flu virus in order for it to pass from one mammal to another.

Scientists fear H5N1 will mutate into a form readily transmissible between humans, with the potential to cause millions of deaths.

I thought it would be appropriate to share this bit of research I found back when H1N1 was all the rage:
A cytokine storm is the systemic expression of a healthy and vigorous immune system resulting in the release of more than 150 inflammatory mediators (cytokines, oxygen free radicals, and coagulation factors). Both pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, InterLeukin-1, and InterLeukin-6) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (such as interleukin 10, and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist) are elevated in the serum, and the fierce and often lethal interplay of these cytokines is referred to as a "Cytokine Storm". The primary contributors to the cytokine storm are TNF-a (Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha) and IL-6 (Interleukin-6). ...

Looks like Oil of Oregano might be helpful:
We examined the anti-inflammatory effects of the combination of thyme and oregano essential oil dietary administered at three concentrations (0.4% thyme and 0.2% oregano oils; 0.2% thyme and 0.1% oregano oils; 0.1% thyme and 0.05% oregano oils) on mice with TNBS-induced colitis. Treatment of colitic animals with the essential oils decreased the mRNA levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6, GM-CSF, and TNF, especially after application of the medium dose. The medium dose of the essential oils significantly lowered the amount of IL-1 and IL-6 proteins too. Moreover, administration of the medium dose decreased the mortality rate, accelerated the body weight gain recovery, and reduced the macroscopic damage of the colonic tissue. Our results indicate that combined treatment with appropriate concentrations of thyme and oregano essential oils can reduce the production of proinflammatory cytokines, and thereby attenuate TNBS-induced colitis in mice.

(PRWEB) May 10, 2006 -- A Biology teacher from Australia, named Stephen Jones, has done extensive research into the bird flu and compiled a list of natural foods that are effective against the Bird Flu virus and listed others that are detrimental.

The list may come as a surprise to many people since foods such as spirulina and echinacea are listed as detrimental. This strange occurrence is largely due to the fact that the virus is immune to 2 cytokines that the body produces (TNF-a and IL-6). Cytokines are compounds produced by the body’s immune system that attack and remove foreign bodies. The problem is that when a foreign body is immune to certain cytokines, the body sees that its immune response is not working and tries even harder, which can lead to what is called a cytokine storm, where the body becomes flooded with these compounds and they eventually destroy the body itself. Foods such as Echinacea actually stimulate the production of these specific cytokines; hence consuming it is not a good idea if one suspects they may have the virus.

During the 1918 Spanish Flu (similar to Bird Flu) many healthy young people died from cytokine storms due to their immune systems overreacting (see ). Consuming foods which suppress the production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 and enhance the production of the ones that actually are effective against the virus will aid the patient greatly.

Other foods that create mucous in the respiratory tract, such as bananas, are also listed as detrimental due to the fact that the predominant breeding ground of the virus is the respiratory tract and another way in which a patient may suffer is due to the bodies over production of mucous in this area.

The table has been reprinted below from the website with kind permission from the Author:

Folk Medicines and Herbs to use and avoid with Bird Flu
Below is a list of foods that are said to contain substances that are natural antivirals, immune boosters or they decrease cytokines TNF-a and IL-6.

Alternative medications that are most likely to help us during a severe pandemic:

Garlic (allicin) - Very effective antiviral. Best if fresh (raw) and crushed. Must be consumed within 1 hour of crushing. Dosage is initially 2 to 3 cloves per day but later reduce until no body odour occurs. No toxic effects noted. (Pubmed PMID 9049657)

Vitamin C - Boosts the immune system and is an antiviral by blocking the enzyme neuraminadase. Viruses need neuraminadase to reproduce. There are anecdotal stories of people taking large amounts of Vitamin C (children ½) surviving the Spanish Flu. Research shows that it may reduce the production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. A study on 470 people involved giving the test group 1000 mg hourly for 6 hours and then 1000 mg 3 times daily after reporting flu symptoms. Symptoms decreased by 85%. (Pubmed PMID 10543583, 634178, 16169205, 12876306)

Green Tea (possible Tamiflu/Relenza alternative)- Very effective antiviral. Also decreases the production of the cytokine (catechins) TNF-a. Inhibits neuraminidase. May have antiviral activity that is equal to other antivirals such as Tamiflu ( Pubmed PMID 16137775 )

St Johns Wort (Hypericum) - Very effective antiviral. Also decreases the production of the cytokine IL-6. Hypericum is an extract from St John’s Wort. There have been some very successful field trials in commercial flocks infected with H5N1 in Vietnam. (Pubmed PMID 7857513, 11518071, 11362353, 7857513, 11518071)

Vitamin E - Immune booster. Also decreases the production of the cytokine TNF-a. (Pubmed PMID 155882360, 10929076) Experiments involved using mice. Very suitable for immune compromised people, especially the elderly. Effects enhanced when taken with Vitamin C.

Apple Juice - Antiviral. Fresh apple juice including the pulp and skin has greater antiviral activity than heated commercial apple juice. More research is needed. Effectiveness on H5N1 is unknown (Pubmed PMID 32832, 12452634)

Resveratrol - Antiviral. In addition to inhibiting neuraminidase, Resveratrol also sends a message to cells to stop manufacturing viruses. This is a proven antiviral found naturally in red wine, peanuts, mulberries, Japanese Knotwood root (richest source), raisins and red grapes.
Resveratrol supplements are relatively inexpensive, are more stable than wine and is available in liquid form for absorption in the mouth. No toxic effects noted. (Pubmed PMID 1583880, 12817628, 15985724)

Scuttellaria (Skullcap)- Antiviral. A herb used as a tea. It has no side effects and is also a mild tranquilliser. Research suggests neuraminidase, which is a substance needed by the H5N1 Bird Flu virus to reproduce, may be inhibited.

Cranberry Juice - Early research shows that it may be an antiviral, making viruses less able to invade or multiply. Effectiveness on H5N1 is unknown (Pubmed PMID15781126)

Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa)- Decreases the production of the cytokine TNF-a. Also boosts immune system. The number of white blood cells was significantly increased during treatment. No toxicity was noted.
( Active constituents can be found in the leaves, bark, vine, and roots. Water extraction from bark used.
Children and pregnant women are to avoid. Has a potentially damaging effect on the DNA of proliferating cells (cancers, foetuses, growing children)

Curcumin (Tumeric Spice) - Decreases the production of the cytokine TNF-a. This is the yellow compound in turmeric spice. Research shows that this may be very good for preventing a cytokine storm although this is not proven (, (
Must be taken with food or gastritis or peptic ulcers may occur. Pregnant women and feeding mothers should avoid this. The medicinal properties of curcurnin cannot be utilised when used alone due to rapid metabolism in the liver and intestinal wall. When combined with Piperine found in black pepper the absorption is increased with no adverse effects.(
Obtainable from health stores in tablets, liquid, capsules already combined with piperine. Dosage is 500mg to 4000mg daily.

Astragalus root (Astragali Radix) - Boosts immune system (Pubmed PMID15588652)

Tea tree Steam Inhalation - Reduces the cytokine TNF-a. Add 2 drops of tea tree oil in a bowl of steaming water. Cover head with a towel and inhale for 5 to 10 minutes. Relieves congestion and fights infection. Its effectiveness is unknown. (Pubmed PMID 11131302)

The following substances may be best to avoid during a H5N1 pandemic

Elderberry juice (Sambucal) - AVOID - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. This substance is very effective against the common flu but may not be desirable for the H5N1 Bird Flu virus. Increases in these cytokines may trigger a lethal cytokine storm. (Isr Med Journal2002 Nov;4:944-6)

Micro Algae (Chlorella and Spirulina) - AVOID - Increases production of cytokine TNF-a (Pubmed PMID 11731916)

Honey - AVOID - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 (Pubmed PMID12824009)

Chocolate - AVOID - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 (Pubmed PMID 12885154, PMID 10917928)

Echinacea - AVOID - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. Although it is often used for normal flu, research shows that it may increase the chance of cytokine storms for H5N1 (Pubmed PMID 15556647, 9568541)

Kimchi - AVOID - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 (Pubmed PMID15630182)

Dairy products & Bananas - AVOID - These foods increase mucous production.

For those who read Rawles, his site sports a contribuying MD who will do an e-interview and let you buy survival antibiotics as well.

The info you just provided may well save a life Bug. Thank you.
Good info, Bug.
I don't know if other Bugs agree, with respect to the flu, I would stay away from flu vaccines. There is just too much info out there that indicates that even the vaccines themselves are either tainted or tampered with.

Glad to see the Oil of Oregano on the list. Oil of O is some incredibly good stuff. It should be in everyone's medicine chest and bug out bag. It is probably one of the most useful natural medicines. The first time I had heard about it was several years ago on Rawles' website that Ancona mentions,

This is not the common oregano that one has in their spice cabinet. Rather Oil of Oregano is derived from the wild Mediterranean oregano plant. The active substance in Oil of O is carvacrol which is a natural phenol that contains powerful anti-microbial activity. It is anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

It can be applied topically or ingested. Some people mix it in water, milk or orange juice, but I just put a drop or two under my tongue.

Here are a couple of good vendors:
[ame=""] Planetary Herbals Oil of Oregano, 1 fl oz (29.57 ml): Health & Personal Care@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

[ame=""] Source Naturals Wellness Oil of Oregano, 1 Ounce: Health & Personal Care@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

Another excellent natural health remedy is colloidal silver. We used to use this, which was very good,
[ame=""] Silver Biotics 16 Ounces: Health & Personal Care@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

However off-the-shelf colloidal silver is expensive so we decided to start making it ourselves:
[ame=""] Waterproof Combo Meter COM-100: Patio, Lawn & Garden@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

It is quite easy to generate very high quality colloidal silver yourself.

Also, a good way to remove heavy metals that accumulate in our bodies is with a cilantro pesto:

Cilantro Pesto
1 clove garlic
1/2 cup almonds, cashews, or other nuts
1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves (and smaller stems)
2 tablespoons lemon juice (a professional chef recommends just one Tbl of lemon juice)
6 tablespoons olive oil
Sea Salt to taste

And lastly, another very good oil to have on hand is virgin unrefined coconut oil.
[ame=""] Spectrum Naturals - Coconut Oil Unrefined, 14 oz liquid: Health & Personal Care@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

This can be used for cooking, but I think its best use is as a skin moisturizer for hands, feet, scalp, face, etc.

I had been looking for something other than the commercial moisturizers that always seem to have lots of extra chemical in them.

Not only is the coconut oil a pure natural product, but IMHO it moisturized much better than any off-the-shelf moisturizer.

In addition, it is highly stable and if stored in a cool dark place, can have a shelf life of multiple years. Most other cooking oils have shelf lives of only about a year.
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There is also a connection with insufficient sunshine and the flu. People that get sunshine in the Winter seldom get flu in the Winter. Most people get plenty of sunshine the rest of the year, and the flu pretty much does not exist then.

Since I learned that, I make sure I get at least a half hour of sun every day. And I have not had the flu in years.

For those who read Rawles, his site sports a contribuying MD who will do an e-interview and let you buy survival antibiotics as well.

The info you just provided may well save a life Bug. Thank you.

I can get meds from Dr. Bob?
Also - wash your hands, man! That's #1. #2 - don't be in crowds you have no control over so you can catch it in the first place.

I ran a small software shop here for many years. When all the people were guys who basically just came to work and went home, odd trip to the grocery store - we went years with no illnesses of any kind for any of us. We then hired on a local college student (who turned into a real superstar) but gosh, he was always bringing in some bug from the campus, which is nearly the ideal location to catch things - dense there, and people traveling to and from their remote homes a few times a year to pick up non-local bugs.

Like they say with nukes - don't be there with it goes off. Playing constant touchy-feely with the other monkey people is a sure way to catch things - you're constantly breathing the aerosols they produce and ingesting their dead skin as it flakes off with whatever else in it. And general good health goes a long way too - in most cases. The on-topic strain I understand is so devastating because it uses your immune system against you...

Dunno if this works for others, (could be one of those if you believe it it works things) but I've had to knowingly go in and work with the sick - and before I do, I take some real vitamin A (not beta carotene), some zinc, and some C. I never seem to catch what they've got. But I don't seem to get sick much anyway. Probably genes? I've never liked being in big crowds and tend to avoid them anyway, unless they are all "out there" and I'm up on the stage doing one of my other professions.

I do keep some antibiotics in my stash, have to refresh them from time to time as they get old. I'm luckily not allergic to any of them - but you should be careful...
From PMBug's clip:

"Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa)- Decreases the production of the cytokine TNF-a. Also boosts immune system. The number of white blood cells was significantly increased during treatment. No toxicity was noted.
( Active constituents can be found in the leaves, bark, vine, and roots. Water extraction from bark used."

Cat's Claw is super-respected in Peru, where it comes from. It is found from Bolivia to Venezuela and to Panama as well. There are other roots and barks that have traditional medicinal uses as well. Some of these are also found in the famed "Siete Raices" (Seven Roots) concoction, where those plants are macerated (soaked) in sugar cane liquor. We have Cat's Claw here at the house.


Re essential oils, I read sometime back that grave robbers in the Middle Ages would rub their hands (etc.) in a mixture called "Thieves Oil", which was part clove oil, rosemary oil, cinnamon BARK (not leaf) oil and eucalyptus oil. This helped them prevent getting sick while grave-robbing. Many of these oils are well known for being very antiseptic.

One thing I now do when I have to fly is soak a hanky or paper a bit with my own mixture:

2 parts eucalyptus oil
1 part cinnamon bark oil

Rub a little on my mustache and put the rest in a pocket or above the top button of my shirt while on board. BOTH of those oils are serious microbe killers (of all types). That way if there viruses going around the plane, the oils may kill off a bunch of them as I breathe them in...
A virus isn't alive, so you can't kill it. It's just a fancy chemical that causes cells to replicate it (it's a program, not the whole computer) - it has to be in a cell, hijacking the cell's machinery to have even a semblance of life, and the only way to kill it is to kill the cell at that point.

Anything strong enough chemically to take a virus apart on the way in is probably going to be moderately bad for it will have to disrupt the viral RNA or DNA (depending on which type virus it is) - you'd not want a DNA destroyer around you.
I was just reading about a guy who was fighting pneumonia, had been eating levaquin like tic-tacs, and had no response. His wife bought a nebulizer and somme colloidal silver solution, administered it for four days and cured the man. While this is certainly anecdotal in it's genesis, I think it is worth looking at twice. Silver has been used in medicine for centuries, yet modern pharma wants to have it outlawed at worst, and at least regulated. Get a generator while you still can.
Awesome stuff here.

Learnt over 30 years ago that the doctors have not always got the tools to fix and those they have, are not really meant to fix, only maintain a reduced effect, expensively.

There really are so many natural remedies, its impossible to know where to start.

I get Dr Mercola's daily newsletter. Ok its often a scare with a solution that $ benefits him but its also a great way to discover so many free, natural ways to health and he is rabidly against anyone having a flu shot .

And I only need a small nudge ( like gold to $1700 ) and I will purchase a blood doser that also makes colloidal silver from -

Home grown food and the best quality fresh water you can source, is what we are designed to run on. Its really that simple.

Be Well
Take a look at what big pharma is trying to get outlawed (colloidal silver and a host of other natural remedies),and make sure to get those into your medicine chest.

In fact this principle translates well into other areas too. In many occasions, just listen to what the bigtime media is telling you to do, and do the opposite.
I listen to these guys on the radio. They're pro western-med, but have quite a lot of info on home remedies that actually work.

I think having your mind right is just as important as the other stuff, maybe more so. But then, I'm the son of a research psychologist who proved that "faith healing" really works. But her report and subsequent book more or less peed off almost everyone, because - you didn't have to be Christian, and in fact the more meditative Buddhists did better...and you didn't need psychology or western medicine so much as discipline and attitude, and well, you can imagine - it was quite a crap storm since almost no ox was left un-gored in it. But it works!
I was just reading about a guy who was fighting pneumonia, had been eating levaquin like tic-tacs, and had no response. His wife bought a nebulizer and somme colloidal silver solution, administered it for four days and cured the man. While this is certainly anecdotal in it's genesis, I think it is worth looking at twice. Silver has been used in medicine for centuries, yet modern pharma wants to have it outlawed at worst, and at least regulated. Get a generator while you still can.

Colloidal Silver! the stuff is magic. i have used it on an injured dog that had a festering wound, and it was clear and healing in 2 days.
I'm the son of a research psychologist who proved that "faith healing" really works. But her report and subsequent book more or less peed off almost everyone, because - you didn't have to be Christian, and in fact the more meditative Buddhists did better...and you didn't need psychology or western medicine so much as discipline and attitude

Yup the power of ego-less 'intention' is truly amazing.
Waste of time arguing with anyone about it though.

And another really powerful demonstration of where healing comes from, is the power of placebo .....

generally trotted out by those desperate to show that homeopathy cant possibly work ( cos theres nothing there ) but fortunately totally ignored by the animals, who respond so well when treated homeopathically.

Our vet was so impressed by what we did with an old ewe, that he was confident wouldnt make the night after producing a lovely set of triplets, that he signed up his whole practise to go on a course.
There is also a connection with insufficient sunshine and the flu. People that get sunshine in the Winter seldom get flu in the Winter. Most people get plenty of sunshine the rest of the year, and the flu pretty much does not exist then.

Since I learned that, I make sure I get at least a half hour of sun every day. And I have not had the flu in years.

As sunshine is needed for the body to process Vitamin D, consider also increasing your D intake during the flu season. Vitamin D is an anti flu pro immune system fuel.

98% of Americans are Vitamin D deficient.
Yup the power of ego-less 'intention' is truly amazing.
Waste of time arguing with anyone about it though.

And another really powerful demonstration of where healing comes from, is the power of placebo .....

generally trotted out by those desperate to show that homeopathy cant possibly work ( cos theres nothing there ) but fortunately totally ignored by the animals, who respond so well when treated homeopathically.

Our vet was so impressed by what we did with an old ewe, that he was confident wouldnt make the night after producing a lovely set of triplets, that he signed up his whole practise to go on a course.

I was a skeptic.

Then burned my hand well, and burns are my least favorite pain. Very difficult to turn off the pain message, for me.
I do not mind pain, as it is only a message for attention and care. Pain messages are as easy to master as laughs, cries, or a warm smile feeling one CHOOSES to feel.

Was offered a homeopathic remedy for burns... and holy shite!
In 20 seconds the pain was gone, along with apprehension.
I believe it was Hypericum.
For those of you who physically work/exercise; bellis perennis works wonders on deep tissue ache.
dragonfly said -
As sunshine is needed for the body to process Vitamin D, consider also increasing your D intake during the flu season. Vitamin D is an anti flu pro immune system fuel.

Gotta be D3 though.

I take it as drops this time of year.

Possible to have too much acording to Dr Mercola who recommends testing for D3 levels.

We test using kinesiology or muscle testing, which a surprising number of people use when food shopping. Weak = dont consume. Strong = good shit man.
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Pain messages are as easy to master as laughs, cries, or a warm smile feeling one CHOOSES to feel.

Exactly right.

a few years ago i held off a nasty tooth abcess for a couple of days whilst waiting for an appointment, simply by hanging onto the thought 'I FEEL NO PAIN'

eventually realised that even this holds negative conotations and now simply use I FEEL GOOD.

And good that another skeptic has discovered an example of what big pharma doesnt want you to know.
Crataegus monogyna (common hawthorn berry)

A good friend of mine was fairly close to the edge, after a big heart op. He was on lots of different meds simultaneously, was in poor health for some time afterwards. His wife tried to get him off the meds but he wasn't having any of it. He started deteriorating. Eventually she binned the meds (except for one - it was unavoidable in this case) and put him on a course of hawthorn, made by skimming the oil from boiled berries and administered in tiny amounts each day.

That was 15 years ago. He had recovered near fully within a 8 months of the changes and never resumed the meds.

(This is a grossly simplified version of the story - there were specific things wrong with his heart, relating to damaged nerves and beat coordination after surgery which is pretty hard to repair. The meds were regulating this in various ways, but not repairing anything. The hawthorn seems to be effective at encouraging actual self-repair in the muscle/nerve interface in the heart.)

Again its dangerous if used carelessly but there's a long history of it being used to treat this sort of thing.

Oil of buckthorn (or 'sea buckthorn') - which is a kind of orange berry bush sometimes found near beaches - is very useful for mucous membrane problems, including stomach lining (ulcers, erosion etc).

I could list a bunch of others which I have encountered (or have had forced upon me! :) but the two above are worth a mention.
Everything we need to be well, is given to us by nature.

Then along come the scientists to distill out ( and patent !!!) what they think is the active ingredient so it can be synthesised and sold for profit.

We do well to learn / re learn what is available and avoid big pharma / big ags offerings.
With all due and sincere respect, while Mercola has some great and very valid solutions, he can and does offer dangerous solutions to problems that should be left to modern technical medicine. Other than that, I do like what he offers regarding natural and holistic medicines.
while Mercola has some great and very valid solutions, he can and does offer dangerous solutions to problems that should be left to modern technical medicine.

Im curious Ancona ?

and im open minded about modern technical medicine ..............
Cancer for one instance. Radio tactic therapy for brain tumors comes immediately to mind, because out bookkeeper had/has brain tum ors that were helped/healed with something called focal beam radiation therapy. Brain tumors cannot be cured ocmpletely with fundoscopic invasion.
Cancer for one instance. Radio tactic therapy for brain tumors comes immediately to mind, because out bookkeeper had/has brain tum ors that were helped/healed with something called focal beam radiation therapy. Brain tumors cannot be cured ocmpletely with fundoscopic invasion.

Gamma knife surgery? It has it's potential downsides too.
gut health is THE best defense. the trillions of bacteria in your intestines are a God given miracle

our immune system identifies invader, then builds it's own bioweapons to deal with it. it then stores the recipe for taking out that invader, should it encounter it again. it is mind boggling how many recipes the system has stored and uses them constantly.

the bioweapons that the (redacted) unleashed on us were built to fool the immune system. the weapons were moderately effective -- their trick caused the immune system to initially build the wrong defense bioweapons. but this was only temporary, as the system, after the delay, figured out the (redacteds') trick and properly destroyed their lab created bioweapons. that delay is why so many immune-weak people died.

many lives were saved by doctors not going by the book. they gave their patients drugs to suppress the initial, and wrong, immune response. this gave the immune system valuable time to manufacture the correct response to kill off the attackers. steroid/prednisone was one popular drug that was used. our amazing immune system just needed a little more time to figure out what the (redacted) did

supplements do help, as does sunshine and exercise - as they give this awe-inspiring system raw materials and cleansing, allowing it to do it's amazing work

build your immunity through gut health

1. eat the bugs
2. feed the bugs
3. protect the bugs

knowing how the system works makes a complete mockery of how the (redacted) lie and say that people/children are getting sick/hospitalized because of covid lockdowns, etc. this is patently false -- yet the (redacted) spew this crap every day in the (redacted) media
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I picked up a respiratory virus from my granddaughter this week. I started extra C, D and zinc once I was exposed. When I work up with a sore throat I started some herbals. Andrographis, Wormwood, Turmeric, oil of oregano and an antiviral called monolaurin. One thing I leaned form all our covid research was many herbals fight not only covid but other viruses too. I only had one bad day with this virus. I was tired and had a fever and sore throat and by the second day it started reversing. Also like Cheka said it all starts in the gut. That has to be worked on full time.
gut health is THE best defense. the trillions of bacteria in your intestines are a God given miracle

our immune system identifies invader, then builds it's own bioweapons to deal with it. it then stores the recipe for taking out that invader, should it encounter it again. it is mind boggling how many recipes the system has stored and uses them constantly.

the bioweapons that the (redacted) unleashed on us were built to fool the immune system. the weapons were moderately effective -- their trick caused the immune system to initially build the wrong defense bioweapons. but this was only temporary, as the system, after the delay, figured out the (redacteds') trick and properly destroyed their lab created bioweapons. that delay is why so many immune-weak people died.

many lives were saved by doctors not going by the book. they gave their patients drugs to suppress the initial, and wrong, immune response. this gave the immune system valuable time to manufacture the correct response to kill off the attackers. steroid/prednisone was one popular drug that was used. our amazing immune system just needed a little more time to figure out what the (redacted) did

supplements do help, as does sunshine and exercise - as they give this awe-inspiring system raw materials and cleansing, allowing it to do it's amazing work

build your immunity through gut health

1. eat the bugs
2. feed the bugs
3. protect the bugs

knowing how the system works makes a complete mockery of how the (redacted) lie and say that people/children are getting sick/hospitalized because of covid lockdowns, etc. this is patently false -- yet the (redacted) spew this crap every day in the (redacted) media

more receptors in the gut than the brain

what is redacted?….huh?
I'd really just prefer folks be respectful to everyone and no one use epithets/slurs so there is no need for any substitutions or lessons about the Golden Rule.
I picked up a respiratory virus from my granddaughter this week. I started extra C, D and zinc once I was exposed. When I work up with a sore throat I started some herbals. Andrographis, Wormwood, Turmeric, oil of oregano and an antiviral called monolaurin. One thing I leaned form all our covid research was many herbals fight not only covid but other viruses too. I only had one bad day with this virus. I was tired and had a fever and sore throat and by the second day it started reversing. Also like Cheka said it all starts in the gut. That has to be worked on full time.
I would add Quercetin as an ionophore to help zinc into your cells. I take it twice a day anyway, but only add zinc if I feel like I am getting sick since zinc inhibits copper absorption if over used.

Another thing to consider for us older (over 60) folks is cystanche, an herb. it helps to stave off the naive immune cell decline that hits after 60. Roundworm studies show an 8% increase in lifespan. Again, I take it twice a day.
I picked up a respiratory virus from my granddaughter this week. I started extra C, D and zinc once I was exposed. When I work up with a sore throat I started some herbals. Andrographis, Wormwood, Turmeric, oil of oregano and an antiviral called monolaurin. One thing I leaned form all our covid research was many herbals fight not only covid but other viruses too. I only had one bad day with this virus. I was tired and had a fever and sore throat and by the second day it started reversing. Also like Cheka said it all starts in the gut. That has to be worked on full time.
Do we have an 'Herbal Remedies' thread yet?

For those who read Rawles, his site sports a contribuying MD who will do an e-interview and let you buy survival antibiotics as well.

The info you just provided may well save a life Bug. Thank you.

That post is from over 10 years ago. It would be interesting to know the name of that doctor and his/her experience during the "pandemic" and to date. Since off label use of any prescription drug was a no-no during the pandemic and in our current era, that doctor probably has been sanctioned (if he offered help during the pandemic). Any mention of his name or his treatments will probably be moved to the "Hot Takes" forum as the forum owner doesn't want the public to see such misinformation (if indeed, said doctor offered help to anyone during the pandemic).

(never mind that off label use of drugs has been standard practice for decades.... it's verboten nowadays)

The times, they are a changin'

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I picked up a respiratory virus from my granddaughter this week. I started extra C, D and zinc once I was exposed. When I work up with a sore throat I started some herbals. Andrographis, Wormwood, Turmeric, oil of oregano and an antiviral called monolaurin. One thing I leaned form all our covid research was many herbals fight not only covid but other viruses too. I only had one bad day with this virus. I was tired and had a fever and sore throat and by the second day it started reversing. Also like Cheka said it all starts in the gut. That has to be worked on full time.

the problem ive had with the china flu 1 and now 2 is the nausea

both times i could not even hold water down let alone a bunch of pills

i suppose if i took an anti nausea meds it may help
the problem ive had with the china flu 1 and now 2 is the nausea

both times i could not even hold water down let alone a bunch of pills

i suppose if i took an anti nausea meds it may help
Interesting how people are affected differently. My big issue with Covid was that I couldn’t get anything down. Wanted to eat. Knew I needed hood nutrition. Tried hard to eat. Just found it almost impossible to get anything down my throat. Dunno why, the body just wouldn’t let it go down. Lost a lot of weight.
Interesting how people are affected differently. My big issue with Covid was that I couldn’t get anything down. Wanted to eat. Knew I needed hood nutrition. Tried hard to eat. Just found it almost impossible to get anything down my throat. Dunno why, the body just wouldn’t let it go down. Lost a lot of weight.
that's one of their so-called strains. the stomach disturbing strain went through my parts in novemeber/early dec
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