Monty Python and the Holy Grail said:Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who, this is supposed to be a happy occasion!
This forum is not a place to air grievances, attack, insult or upset people. Disagreements should be handled civilly and diplomatically. Thank you.
This quote was from another forum that I visited many years ago that sums up how I feel about running this forum.
The House Style is simple really - we regard this place as an open house where we host an open door party. Anyone can come in and be a welcome guest here. We have hosts (moderators) who try to help you settle in, feel comfortable, etc. We expect all guests to treat other guests with respect. To disagree with each other is a good thing, as it presents different perspectives to a discussion. Just disagree respectfully.
... Go back to that 'open house party' idea, and imagine if you'd inadvertantly spilt an ashtray over. If it is a minor spill, the hosts and hostesses of this party may simply tell you you've done it so you know, and tell you where the cleaning stuff is if you want to clean it up for yourself. If it is a major spill, we may immediately clean it up and there will be no hard feelings (but we will ask you to be more careful of course). But if you continually spill stuff, and don't clean up for yourself, we'd eventually have to ask you to leave, or the house just isn't going to be pleasant for other guests, and the hosts and hostesses want to spend their time meeting and greeting and facilitating, not cleaning up after one clumsy person.
In short, we try to keep moderation here friendly, informal, and to treat you all as adults capable of cleaning up your own messes if you should make them. Most people hardly know the moderators do anything but encourage good discussions and a warm atmosphere, and actually, that's mostly all we do.
The good, respectful community here is because we have a good respectful community here, and one we are very proud of, and eager to have you join and enjoy too.
I forgot to mention... Do not post your personal contact information - including email address(es), physical/mailing address or phone number(s) - in the public forum. This forum has a private message system that you can use to communicate those or any other personal messages safely to another member here.
This is for your protection. The internets can be a more wretched hive of scum and villany than Mos Eisley. Be smart.
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