pmbug offline????

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Praying Mantis
Reaction score
off world
so what happened to the forum these last few days, Bug ?

Ive missed everyone ...........
back online

Any word on why the forum was down for a couple of days?

From my side it looked like a server problem, but I'm no expert. I got worried that we were hacked or "Gibsoned".
Oh wow! The site is back up again.

pmbug is running on a dedicated, owned server. However, the server is situated in a colo center. The folks who manage the server for me moved the server from its original colo center to a new colo center on Thursday night. I don't know what exactly happened over the weekend that caused the site to become unavailable. I've been communicating back and forth with the server people and it's not clear yet. Best guess is a caching issue when they updated their DNS server/record.

I was unable to access the site all day yesterday for example while some of you were apparently able to reach it.
Thank you Bug.

I was a bit worried that you might have given up on us as its all a bit quiet these days.

I guess when something real happens that cannot be papered over we will all be offering our expert advice here (-;
No way I'd pull the plug like that. I haven't been posting a lot lately mostly because I've been rather busy with work stuff.

Most of the issues I'd normally post about are still happening (macro view / geopolitical). The wheels grind away.
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