Important Political and Hot Takes comments belong in corresponding forum rooms

Thread contains important information that may impact how you use the forum

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We have forum rooms here dedicated to politics and hot takes (non-mainstream topics, opinions and speculations such as conspiracy theories, etc.). If you want to post comments about political topics, figures or issues, post them in the Politics forum. If you want to post comments about conspiracy theories or unsupported speculations on various non-political topics, post them in the Hot Takes forum.

Please stop polluting unrelated threads (threads outside of those forum rooms) with Political/Hot Take comments.
The Politics and We the Jury forum rooms are now public (visible to guests and search engines). If I see that folks start spamming those forums with propaganda, I will reverse the decision. I hope that folks use these forum rooms for actual (and honest) discussion and not the promotion of 3rd party propagandists.

The Hot Takes forum room will remain a private forum as intended from the get go.
The Politics and We the Jury forum rooms are now public (visible to guests and search engines).

Smart move. This (and adding tags) will increase viewers, etc.
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