*Sigh* Platinum takes a dump, again...

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Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles represent just one segment of an expanding market for hydrogen, which some see as the fuel of the future. That's according to a recent report from Commerzbank Research, which states that hydrogen is becoming increasingly important as an energy carrier and in achieving climate targets.

The German bank expects that as the hydrogen economy grows, so will the demand for platinum. Quoting data from the World Platinum Investment Council WPIC, Commerzbank said that platinum demand in the production of hydrogen is expected to grow from 48,000 ounces last year to 2.7 million ounces by 2030.


Rafi has talked a lot about the Palladium market the last two videos. I went to see if I could buy some physical but it was non-existent. A few bars were available and they were $200 over spot.

Headlines, JPM moved Half of its silver left over to possibly deliver. Meaning they don't have much left.

Something even Bigger in Palladium is happening.
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Rafi has talked a lot about the Palladium market the last two videos. I went to see if I could buy some physical but it was non-existent. A few bars were available and they were $200 over spot.

Headlines, JPM moved Half of its silver left over to possibly deliver. Meaning they don't have much left.

Something even Bigger in Palladium is happening.

i have a bit of PL ... i have never actively tried to sell it but if you mention selling it at a coin show or at a coin shop seems like the dealers start backing away and hem hawing about how much the discount is etc, basicly they dont want to buy it unless you take a huge haircut ....unlike if you mention selling some 90% silver they will come around the table/counter to try to buy it
I had a Palladium bar and sold near the last peak (or close to what I though). I didn't have a problem but went to a bigger city quality coin shop. I also wanted to trade so I got a couple 1/2 oz Pt coins in trade plus a small check.
Bank of America noted that there are four competing technologies in the Green Hydrogen sector, with nickel-containing alkaline water electrolysers (AELs) currently being the industry standard. However, they noted that platinum-intensive proton exchange membrane electrolysers (PEMs) have gained traction and currently account for 32% of installed electrolysis projects globally, and 74% of projects slated to be commissioned by 2030.

The analysts said this growth could represent significant new demand for platinum within the next decade.

"Under the assumption that PEMs will have a 70% market share by 2030 (i.e., slightly below of what is in the project pipeline), annual platinum demand from green hydrogen production could reach [778,000 ounces]," the analysts said. "In the Net Zero scenario, which would require accelerated investment in electrolysis, it could be three times bigger, at 2.4Moz, equivalent to about 29% of supply."

The BofA analysts said that demand from the hydrogen sector could outpace the supply of platinum.

"We expect deficits in the platinum market to start kicking in later in the decade, potentially topping 1Moz in 2030," they said. "Nevertheless, rising investments into the hydrogen economy and acceleration in the adoption of PEM electrolysers and FCEVs could tighten the market earlier than anticipated."

Hydrogen vehicles will not need catalytic converters, so that supply can shift.
Hydrogen vehicles will not need catalytic converters, so that supply can shift.
i agree direct hydrogen burning vehicles do not need catalytic converters........but hydrogen fuel cells that produce electricity for electric motors do use a lot of platinum .........so its two totally different concepts

in this concept vehicles are electric motor driven but instead of batteries they use hydrogen fuel cells
i agree direct hydrogen burning vehicles do not need catalytic converters........but hydrogen fuel cells that produce electricity for electric motors do use a lot of platinum .........so its two totally different concepts

in this concept vehicles are electric motor driven but instead of batteries they use hydrogen fuel cells

It's not just on the consumption end but Also on the Production of the Hydrogen. Many options to produce the hydrogen would also use a decent amount of Pt.
Spot price of platinum doesn't matter. When you see random 1oz. platinum coins for sale @ SD for < $1k is a good buying opportunity.

Don't buy kilo platinum bars because they are hard to resell.
In its second-quarter market report, the World Investment Platinum Council said platinum could see a deficit of 1 million ounces, "the largest deficit on record in terms of both absolute ounces and as a percentage of annual demand," the report said.
"Industrial platinum demand totaled 697 koz in Q2'23, a 12% increase year-on-year and its highest level since Q3'21," the report said.

Another important pillar of platinum demand is the investment market, which Sterck said remains relatively consistent as the market sees solid inflows into platinum-backed exchange-traded products.

"Platinum ETF holdings grew by 155 koz in Q2'23, their largest quarterly increase since Q3'20 and up 196 koz since the start of the year, with significant renewed interest from South African funds. However, overall ETF holdings are expected to soften during the rest of 2023," the analysts wrote in the report. "Despite a fall in global bar and coin investment to 26 koz (-64%, -46 koz) in the second quarter, full-year 2023 is likely to see a year-on-year jump of 45% (+102 koz), to 326 koz, the first growth in bar and coin investment in three years, driven by a return to positive net platinum investment in Japan."


1 oz coin random date $993! A bargain.

Gold to Platinum ratio had recently dipped back under 2. As I type it is 2.15. Seems like a screaming good deal/cheap price. Platinum and Silver have been the twin step sisters for a long time now. Wonder when something is gonna give?
Things are building to the breaking point everywhere. For better or worse this doesn't hold together much longer. You can get some $980 major mint Pt coins now but I'm a bit tapped out, though leveraging up is tempting I must say.
It's going to break when Russia and South Africa cut off supplyvto the west.
It's going to break when Russia and South Africa cut off supplyvto the west.

If there is a market that Russia almost itself controls that would be Pt/Pd. Throw in S. Africa and they absolutely can control that market.

Went and looked this is for Platinum


And they control Palladium

Platinum could start attracting serious investor attention as record industrial demand pushes the market into a significant deficit this year and extends through 2024, according to the latest research from the World Platinum Investment Council (WPIC).

Tuesday, in its third-quarter trends report, analysts at the council said that the platinum market is on track to see a 1.071-million-ounce deficit this year, driven by growing demand and shrinking supply.

"The forecast deficit for 2023 has increased by 66 koz to 1,071 koz since the Q2'23 Platinum Quarterly in September 2023, and reflects a 3% decline in total supply and a 26% increase in demand versus 2022," the analysts wrote in the report.

Sounds like now is a good time to buy.
A good time to load up was about a week ago who SD had randome 1 iz coins for $929. That is the number to shoot for.
I bought some 1 oz gold Krugs for $1919 just prior or would have picked up the platinum.
Platinum prices are seeing a solid rally Wednesday as the market faces another major deficit in 2024, according to the latest report from the World Platinum Investment Council (WPIC).

In its fourth-quarter and year-end trends report, the WPIC updated its supply/demand outlook for 2024, and it expects to see a market deficit of 418,000 ounces this year after a record deficit of 878 koz in 2023.

In an interview with Kitco News, Edward Sterck, Director of Research at the WPIC, said two years of significant deficits are taking its toll on above-ground stocks. As those continue to be depleted, prices will be more sensitive to falling supply and robust demand.


Platinum will explode when they realize that the excess supply of electric vehicles on dealer lots is going niwhere.
Platinum will explode when they realize that the excess supply of electric vehicles on dealer lots is going niwhere.

platinum is more tied to diesel vehicles currently.....as Palladium is more tied to Gas vehicles........these ties are not exclusive just in general ......some of Pts issue vs Pl is that they are finding new ways besides catalysts to scrub diesel exhausts.......and i used the words "currently" and "in general" as they can use either metal to catalyze exhausts it just requires re-engineering

both metals still struggle under geo-political supply uncertainty issues, but feasible recyclability is helping that issue

imo where big future demand could come from is as a hydrogen fuel cell catalyst etc

just a fyi type post
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The price could explode 3x if South Africa and Russia restricted exports.
The platinum market faces its largest supply shortfall in 10 years in 2024 as shipments from Russia return to normal from last year’s highs and industrial demand stays firm, Johnson Matthey said in a report on Thursday.

The autocatalyst maker added that it expected all platinum group metals (PGM) – platinum, palladium, and rhodium – to remain in deficit in 2024.
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The three metals are used in autocatalysts that reduce emissions from vehicle engines, with platinum also used in other industry and for jewellery and investment.

Johnson Matthey (JM) said it expected the platinum market’s deficit to increase to 598,000 ounces this year from a shortfall of 518,000 ounces in 2023.

It forecast platinum demand would stabilize at around 7.61 million ounces, with small decreases in automotive and jewellery balanced by an uptick in investment.


Monday, the World Platinum Investment Council released its quarterly supply and demand trend report, announcing that in the first quarter of 2024, the platinum market recorded a deficit of 369,000 ounces; at the same time, the council has revised the annual expected deficit to 476,000 ounces, which follows an 85,000 deficit in 2023.

The increase in the market deficit comes as the council expects to see total demand drop by 5% this year as record industrial demand cools slightly.

In an interview with Kitco News, Edward Sterck, Director of Research at the council, said that while platinum demand is healthy this year, a lack of supply is driving this year’s deficit.

“Platinum supply is forecasted to come to 7.1 million ounces this year, which would be the weakest year for total supply in our time series going back to 2014,” he said.

Sterck added that the total mine supply is expected to drop 3% this year, and while recycling is forecasted to rise 5%, it remains fairly constrained.

“It's an improvement, but it's not a big number. We're still running around, around 15% below long-run levels.”


When platinum lapped palladium last week it was an indicator something was up. I don't know what, but it could have been the bottom for platinum or PGM in general.

I think platinum is a better monetary metal than gold because it's much harder to fake because of its extremely high melting point and unique mass whereas tungsten can be substituted for gold.
The game has changed for platinum. It was too cheap with spot barely above the $900/oz. cost of production while Au & Ag took off. The tell was when it strengthened and lapped palladium.
Screenshot_20240514_155540_Gold Live!.jpg
When platinum lapped palladium last week it was an indicator something was up. I don't know what, but it could have been the bottom for platinum or PGM in general.

I think platinum is a better monetary metal than gold because it's much harder to fake because of its extremely high melting point and unique mass whereas tungsten can be substituted for gold.

I think those reasons actually make it too hard to be money. Rarity is not exactly an ideal for money. You need a lot of it to circulate.
Down $35 today is a huge buy signal. I am not a financial planner, but if you not have any check out SD or BE.
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