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I missed this one a month ago:
More: http://voiceofrussia.com/2014_04_04/Russia-prepares-to-attack-the-petrodollar-2335/

Gives some context to Rickards' Tweet.



Very interesting snip. It would appear that The Brotherhood of Darkness is no longer worried about maintaining radio silence on this one, since the good little sheep don't seem to be struggling too much on their way to the slaughter house.



More: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-...-dollar-settle-china-contracts-yuan-or-rubles
Once the petro dollar goes away, it is essentially over for the greenback. When other countries begin to realize that their fiat can be used for trades and there is no need to "pay the vig", buy dollars and use those, they will do so.

More: http://voiceofrussia.com/2014_07_03/BRICS-is-morphing-into-an-anti-dollar-alliance-6229/


Are we going to push Europe into Russia's (the BRIC's) corner on this issue?

I wasn't online over the holiday weekend. I see ZH also covered this issue:
Are we going to push Europe into Russia's (the BRIC's) corner on this issue?

Um, yeah, it looks like we will.




More: http://blog.milesfranklin.com/something-to-point-at

More on Gazprom:



More on SWIFT:


The SWIFT news is particularly troubling to me. Events are accelerating.
My first thought regarding blocking Russia from SWIFT was that they had to do it sooner if it was going to have any effect, because new platforms were being built that would enable BRIC's to avoid the throttling effect of transacting in USD.

It can only work while the alternatives are not ready.
However the likely effect is that the new platforms will be ready sooner and as a non dollar alternative they will be very attractive to anyone who doesnt want to be under the boot of the current fiat controllers.

So is our Dave ( Cameron ) being an idiot or is he aware of the greater game being played ?


I figured there was something big but not apparent going on since the handlers stirred up the lgbt pot again. Maybe this is it.
yes I chuckled when I read this.

Clearly only a bit of lightweight p.r. but a lot smarter than N Korea calling Obama a chimp when they were accused of hacking Sony Corp.

It's been months since I saw any mention of locking Russia out of the SWIFT system. I hate seeing it return as I believe it a straw that could lead to war. Russia is now intimating the same...

If I were Putin, I would shut off all gas flow to Europe until the nannycrats in Brussels get cold enough to make the right choices.

More: http://www.goldcore.com/us/gold-blog/currency-wars-continue-imf-concedes-end-dollar-hegemony/


More: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-03/18/c_134075401.htm
More on the AIIB (note to Michael Noonan - this isn't about Obama):
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