US Economy On Route To Crash And Heres Why

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I have no idea what is in your video as I cannot view it.

However, the economy will crash for one and only one reason, dishonesty and deceit from the very highest in the land (The President) to the very lowest in the land (Welfare cheats and the like). As long as the MAJORITY of the population engages in dishonesty and deceit, it is IMPOSSIBLE for us to have a good economy. And my best guesstimate is that at least half of the population is OVERTLY so engaged, and at least half of the rest are COVERTLY so engaged.

Look around you and ask yourself how many HONEST people that you know? My guess in most cases is that you cannot find many, IF ANY, honest people amongst those that you know. I know that I can count on ONE hand all of the honest people I deal with every day around here, and most of those are OLD retirement-age businessmen. I don't know ANYONE in this area under 50 that is honest.

And if you think I am wrong, look around and ask yourself why you see cameras and security systems everywhere. Ask yourself why there is so much litigation because of stupidity. Ask yourself why whole areas are war zones in our cities. Ask yourself why many areas of the country have CHECKPOINTS on DOMESTIC highways. Ask yourself why the TSA even exists. All of that screams of dishonesty.
Didn't watch the entire vid, too lame. It was about bringing back protectionism. Anyone who knows any history knows how that works out.
Ehh, I think these guys who focus on the derivative stuff are missing what's really important. Derivatives don't go bad until their underlying assets have already gone bad, and it's the underlying assets--which only amount to astronomical amounts of fiat debt wedded to infathomable future liabilities only temporarily sustained by massive bernankification of interest rates--that I think about.

Seems like it's usually the anti-capitalists and leftoids who go the "evil private sector derivatives" route. Whether innocently or as an act of evasion, they let the Fed, fiat money, and the gigantically profligate state off the hook.
I have no idea what is in your video as I cannot view it.

However, the economy will crash for one and only one reason, dishonesty and deceit from the very highest in the land (The President) to the very lowest in the land (Welfare cheats and the like). As long as the MAJORITY of the population engages in dishonesty and deceit, it is IMPOSSIBLE for us to have a good economy. And my best guesstimate is that at least half of the population is OVERTLY so engaged, and at least half of the rest are COVERTLY so engaged.

Look around you and ask yourself how many HONEST people that you know? My guess in most cases is that you cannot find many, IF ANY, honest people amongst those that you know. I know that I can count on ONE hand all of the honest people I deal with every day around here, and most of those are OLD retirement-age businessmen. I don't know ANYONE in this area under 50 that is honest.

And if you think I am wrong, look around and ask yourself why you see cameras and security systems everywhere. Ask yourself why there is so much litigation because of stupidity. Ask yourself why whole areas are war zones in our cities. Ask yourself why many areas of the country have CHECKPOINTS on DOMESTIC highways. Ask yourself why the TSA even exists. All of that screams of dishonesty.

I think you raise a very good point about how a lack of "ethics" in our society is helping to lead to decline and loss of faith in our institutions. It's a significant problem.
I've noticed, over just one lifetime, that things have gone from "don't do wrong" to "don't get caught" in the US. I put that on two things - the "education system", and lazy/incompetent parents. No good has come of that. Part of it seems to be "the government shall favor no religion" being interpreted as the government shall be against all religion, instead of simply playing no favorites - as I believe the founding fathers really meant.

Welcome to the brave new world, atheists - guess what, humans need guidance, you arrogant idiots.

I've watched the religion of atheism pollute and set back science for years - much of science has been constructed in a way to make sure there was no reason for a deity (a topic that could take up an entire paper) and if you are a believer in most religions, you're last on the hiring list at most scientific positions.

For example, we "needed" a big bang followed by a big crunch - a cyclic universe, so that ours could not be somehow "special" but an accident. Now measurements have shown that we don't live in that one - we live in a bang-once (at most), continuously expanding and cooling universe.

One that turns out to be consistent with the words "let there be light" which can also be interpreted as "let there be a space-time in which Maxwell's equations are true".

Don't get me started on the guy fired because he pointed out that clay and tides were the most likely template for life; "from dust you came"...thousands of examples exist of things like this - only to be found wrong when someone intellectually honest and not so vain looks at the real data.

Even the Catholics caught on that defining god as whatever science hasn't yet explained is a bad move, and got on the program and do good science themselves - but without the anti-god bias.

In fact, we might as well be inside a black hole as we'd be the result of a big bang - the math's are the same either way - and it makes more sense that if you'd concentrated all the mass/energy that represents the universe today into a dot, it would not only not go bang - it'd collapse....

Without restraint, the vanity of humans will ruin us further. I have no obvious solution to that one - even reading the bible and history - it's a major theme of how we are built - in both accounts.

This really boils down to the same thing, in a way, of my stopping watching as soon as they got to protectionism. We used to have it far better than the rest of the world, now we're getting to be a bit more fair, and the commenter didn't like that. Ahh, gee, selfish much? Now, instead of stealing an inappropriate slice of the pie (and bragging about it worldwide through hollywood), we have to worry about actually increasing the whole pie, so our share is big enough? Too altruistic?

Like I said, don't get me's a reason I fled "civilization" to be a homesteader in the sticks.
Maybe the main one.
I've noticed, over just one lifetime, that things have gone from "don't do wrong" to "don't get caught" in the US. I put that on two things - the "education system", and lazy/incompetent parents.

I offer a third explanation -

unreasonable laws and heavy handed attempts at enforcement ..........

Excellent discussion!

I agree it is dishonesty above all else, although certainly concede there are multiple reasons why we will (probably) go down.


A friend popped by my office today. He got me to thinking about something. There are ZERO people approximately my age (call it 50 +) who, if they lost their job or wanted to get a "good job", could actually do so... I cannot think of ONE example of someone who has landed a "good job" (professional, let's say) recently in my general age bracket. [granted, I am not the most social guy in town]

The above anecdote may lend some support to the idea that lack of honesty is hurting our country in so many ways.
Fer sure, RB - once you create ridiculous laws, you create more incentive to cheat, people learn there's no penalty if they're careful (usually) and so are enabled/encouraged to cheat more on other things. Even more so than from just basic human nature - which is a lot of what all religions teach (deity or not) - most all valid religions share the basic idea that we start out pretty messed up and need guidance.

Note there's an epidemic of cheating in schools, even or especially at college level. There's often a penalty for that at some point - you didn't learn - but they find out too late and simply become embittered repeat cheaters. I don't think colleges created this - it happened a lot earlier in life.

While I consider Atheists vain - you can't really prove a negative, and it's therefore just another religion anyway - belief in something you can't prove, I realize that's my own opinion, but it is one based on quite a lot of experience.

I share DoChen's experiences in my circles, mostly. I know a few people in this situation, one very talented - he was cameraman for CBS in Houston, later news desk editor - but no one does real news anymore, he's not the right age to go galavanting about in helicopters any more, and can't stand working at the Jiffy Lube (he's also a car guy).

On the other hand? I'm seeing a lot of old people in menial jobs, and it almost seems like, the older the better - they are otherwise "retired" but find they still need money or just want to work, they are reliable, and happily hired at all the fast food joints, for example.

But finding a pro job in your '50's? Google thought I was too old - and overqualified, they didn't want an ex-CEO running around assuming spurious authority. Couldn't get a job as a computer repair guy either - too qualified, they were afraid I'd jump ship at the first opportunity - and they were probably right. Lowes, same deal - manager looks me over and just knows I'll have his job - and maybe the store manager's after that - in a few months. No dice, get outa here.

So it's not just the pro jobs, it's jobs period, in what I've observed. The real economy sucks...and if you've been out of work awhile, most employers assume you were one of the less desirables that got laid off first in the crash, because that's how they roll themselves - you don't lay off the best, right?
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Responding to DCFusor, I pass along another detail of my conversation with the same friend earlier. He is in our age range, and is pretty highly skilled in mortgage and similar stuff (uh, well, um, well..., uh...), skilled enough so that he could probably get hired in his field (as my city may be coming back!).

After I told him that if his business (as a mortgage broker and a sideline or two) does not work out, he said that he would prefer to work at McDonalds (!), and that he too would ride up to become a Store Manager within two years. Yes, probably.

But, let's ALL just hope that he retains his business OK rather then working at the Big Mac!

bringing a whole new concept -

'rehypothecated big macs' as they sell the same one over and over and no one holds the title to it

new 'owners' take a bite feel sick and leave, no one will buy it and becomes a fixer upper .......
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Responding to DCFusor, I pass along another detail of my conversation with the same friend earlier. He is in our age range, and is pretty highly skilled in mortgage and similar stuff (uh, well, um, well..., uh...), skilled enough so that he could probably get hired in his field (as my city may be coming back!).

After I told him that if his business (as a mortgage broker and a sideline or two) does not work out, he said that he would prefer to work at McDonalds (!), and that he too would ride up to become a Store Manager within two years. Yes, probably.

But, let's ALL just hope that he retains his business OK rather then working at the Big Mac!


yes, all things taken into consideration, I would say the US is on the road to recovery. /sarc.
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