Why Trump? What will he accomplish?

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Ground Beetle
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It remains to be seen if he is even able to run by the time the DS gets finished with him in court. However, if he is able to run lets hear what everyone thinks he will get accomplished and why is he the best candidate.

One thing in favor of him is he is most definitely anti war.

The questions that really impact all of us though, and should be answered honestly, are the following;
1) Will he continue to approve the extension of the patriot act?
2) will he allow a CBDC to be installed?
3) Will the CIA, FBI, DOJ all remain in place?
4) Will he eliminate any of the 16 spy agencies, most of which are spying on Americans?
5) Will he eliminate welfare?
6) Is he going to round up and send back all the illegals that entered this country under Biden?
7) Will he reinstate the propaganda laws that were eliminated in 2012 so that news returns to news and not propaganda?

Feel free to add questions that you think need to be answered by him before he runs for office again.
If Trump should happen, by the grace of God, to win again, the Deep State and all the alphabet agencies would all go after him again. They would make up crimes that he supposedly committed and then make up the evidence against him. The corrupt MSM would parrot all their talking points 24x7 ad nauseum and half the country with IQs below 85 would believe all of it.

The last time he was President, he had the economy going in the right direction, unemployment was low, unemployment for blacks was at a historical low. And that, right there, is what the democrats simply could not abide. How dare he try to take their blacks off the democrat welfare plantation! They could not allow that at any cost so they lied and manipulated and smeared him with unfounded accusations until they removed him and installed a senile, pedophile puppet with a crackhead for a son that they could control 100%. The Bidens are so dirty that they dare not go against the Deep State because the Deep State is holding all the cards. I doubt if we will ever have another legitimately elected President again. So much easier to simply have a puppet controlled by Intelligence Agency blackmail rings.
1) Will he continue to approve the extension of the patriot act?

2) will he allow a CBDC to be installed?
No clue what'll happen along these lines

3) Will the CIA, FBI, DOJ all remain in place?
If he were to win, I think he'd try to gut these and install people who would swear allegiance to him. Kinda make them agencies that would protect him and go after his enemies.

4) Will he eliminate any of the 16 spy agencies, most of which are spying on Americans?
See above for the answer.

5) Will he eliminate welfare?

6) Is he going to round up and send back all the illegals that entered this country under Biden?

7) Will he reinstate the propaganda laws that were eliminated in 2012 so that news returns to news and not propaganda?
No. But he may try to silence his critics and use propaganda to aggrandize himself and anything he does while smearing anyone who dares speak out about him in a way he doesn't like.

1) Will he continue to approve the extension of the patriot act?

2) will he allow a CBDC to be installed?
No clue what'll happen along these lines

3) Will the CIA, FBI, DOJ all remain in place?
If he were to win, I think he'd try to gut these and install people who would swear allegiance to him. Kinda make them agencies that would protect him and go after his enemies.

4) Will he eliminate any of the 16 spy agencies, most of which are spying on Americans?
See above for the answer.

5) Will he eliminate welfare?

6) Is he going to round up and send back all the illegals that entered this country under Biden?

7) Will he reinstate the propaganda laws that were eliminated in 2012 so that news returns to news and not propaganda?
No. But he may try to silence hic critics and use propaganda to aggrandize himself and anything he does while smearing anyone who dares speak out about him in a way he doesn't like.


In other words, he would become a democrat? :ROFLMAO:
How many democrats does it take to change a light bulb?

None. Pedo Joe tells them it's fixed and they all sit around in the dark and applaud. And the MSM cheers wildly. 🤪
7) Will he reinstate the propaganda laws that were eliminated in 2012 so that news returns to news and not propaganda?
No. But he may try to silence his critics and use propaganda to aggrandize himself and anything he does while smearing anyone who dares speak out about him in a way he doesn't like.

I realize that a whole lotta peeps here despise Rachael Maddow, but this little article may help explain my answer to # 7 in the op.

I realize that a whole lotta peeps here despise Rachael Maddow, but this little article may help explain my answer to # 7 in the op.

Yeah. That guy's pretty smart. Or at least he thinks he is. We should listen to him more. 🤪

1) Will he continue to approve the extension of the patriot act?
2) will he allow a CBDC to be installed?
3) Will the CIA, FBI, DOJ all remain in place?
4) Will he eliminate any of the 16 spy agencies, most of which are spying on Americans?
5) Will he eliminate welfare?
6) Is he going to round up and send back all the illegals that entered this country under Biden?
7) Will he reinstate the propaganda laws that were eliminated in 2012 so that news returns to news and not propaganda?

My guesses:

1) Yes
2) No
3) Yes
4) No
5) No
6) All? No Some? Yes
7) I'm not sure which law(s) you are referring to

The POTUS is hamstrung in effecting domestic policy by Congress and I think that Trump will have a hard time pushing through any big ideas (I think he will lack sufficient support even within the Republican party for many things). Plenty of Congress critters are happy with the intelligence services, so I don't see much changing there (with respect to the existence of the services).

Feel free to add questions that you think need to be answered by him before he runs for office again.

Domestically, I am curious whether or not Trump would direct his administration to continue the war on crypto or not.

On foreign policy, the big question I have are his plans for dealing with the middle east (Saudi Arabia) and the BRICS.
Plenty of Congress critters are happy with the intelligence services, so I don't see much changing there (with respect to the existence of the services).

I agree with that statement - to a point. It is unclear whether they are happy with the Intelligence Agencies or if they are under their thumb. Frankly, I do not believe there is a congresscritter or senator out there who doesn't have a file several inches thick on them residing in the files of the Intelligence Agency blackmail rings. That is how they operate. That is how the CCP operates. That is how Mossad operates. These people do not leave anything to chance. They make sure they keep these people on very short leashes. If dirt cannot be found, it will be manufactured.
... It is unclear whether they are happy with the Intelligence Agencies ...

In the wake of the Snowden revelations, Clapper et al told bald faced lies about the intelligence services/operations in Congressional testimony and Congress did nothing. The lies were A O K with Congress because protecting the the status quo was the desired outcome of that farce.
In the wake of the Snowden revelations, Clapper et al told bald faced lies about the intelligence services/operations in Congressional testimony and Congress did nothing. The lies were A O K with Congress because protecting the the status quo was the desired outcome of that farce.

Or because the congressmen didn't dare complain because the Intelligence Agency blackmail rings have them by their tender bits. The alphabet agencies are controlling this country. Make no mistake about it.
On foreign policy, the big question I have are his plans for dealing with the middle east (Saudi Arabia) and the BRICS.
It may be too late to reverse course there. By 2032 China will replace the US as the largest consumer economy on the planet and thats when China no longer needs the US dollar. Thats according to Martin Armstrong.

Powell has said there is room in the world for 2 reserve currencies. Talking out his butt or truth? I dunno.
I don't believe that I've ever heard (directly or indirectly) a single BBG produced report in the last decade. It doesn't seem like a big deal to me.
in my opinion economy wise .....the #1 thing trump would do is open back up the Oil industry ....drill baby drill etc

Why Trump? What will he accomplish?​

Why not Trump? Just like the others, he'll accomplish what he's told to accomplish
It remains to be seen if he is even able to run by the time the DS gets finished with him in court. However, if he is able to run lets hear what everyone thinks he will get accomplished and why is he the best candidate.

One thing in favor of him is he is most definitely anti war.

The questions that really impact all of us though, and should be answered honestly, are the following;
1) Will he continue to approve the extension of the patriot act?
2) will he allow a CBDC to be installed?
3) Will the CIA, FBI, DOJ all remain in place?
4) Will he eliminate any of the 16 spy agencies, most of which are spying on Americans?
5) Will he eliminate welfare?
6) Is he going to round up and send back all the illegals that entered this country under Biden?
7) Will he reinstate the propaganda laws that were eliminated in 2012 so that news returns to news and not propaganda?

Feel free to add questions that you think need to be answered by him before he runs for office again.
What should be considered, is what would anyone running for potus do relative to those questions.

You can't just say that because Trump doesn't check ALL the boxes, that he's out. most of those running will not answer most of those questions in what you or I would consider acceptable.

Also, the potus cannot just shutdown any agency. Correct mf I am wrong, but I believe it is congress who has the power to create or get rid of a government agency. All the potus is supposed to do is to manage them in accordance with the laws that congress wrote.

On foreign policy, the big question I have are his plans for dealing with the middle east (Saudi Arabia) and the BRICS.
The Saudis love 'em some Trump. If he was still in office, they wouldn't be acting the way they are relative to the $ and America. Not at all. There wouldn't even be talk of them accepting currencies other than the $ for oil.

In the wake of the Snowden revelations, Clapper et al told bald faced lies about the intelligence services/operations in Congressional testimony and Congress did nothing.
Because they don't want to incur the wrath of the intelligence agencies. You remember what chuckie boy said, don't ya?

If not, here ya go. I tried to make it start at the pertinent part so as to not cause listeners to have to hear any more of Madcow crazy talk than they have to. lol

Become? He already is. He has been a registered democrat in New York for almost all his life. He only changed to republican to run for president. Talk about a republican in name only...

Then lying through his teeth should be no problem for him.
End the UNITED STATES Corporation. If he is working with the people that Q states. And I think it looks probable. Every single one of those questions disappears quickly after that.
Trump ain't gonna win.

That is, if he's allowed to live even to the election. If we're even allowed an election.

I'll vote for him; but it's without any expectation that it's going to matter.

First, he will very-likely "died suddenly." Second, Dominion. It's not who votes, that counts; but who counts the votes. Dominion is at the ready, with results pre-tabulated.

Third, if I'm wrong and he actually does run, win, is inaugurated...it will be Different-This-Time, HOW? How did that Drain-The-Swamp thingy work out LAST time?

I don't have the time or energy for fantasy. And especially not since I've already seen this play out, in 2017-19.
"Draining the swamp" requires that the People back him up and vote the swamp creatures out of office. The People need to vote for a congress full of Jim Jordan's and Ron Paul's.
Well, there's the answer.

It's not gonna matter that much.

There are other people as competent or more-so. Certainly where it comes to picking people. And no, I don't mean Beltway swamp-creatures.

The problem is really far beyond politics. The problem is systemic; and blowing up the system - waging war on the Beltway Class, I mean literal war - is not something there's much support for.

That leaves only Secession/"National Divorce"/State Nullification as the way to preserve the life that used to be normal.

Well, given that he surrounded himself with the worst of the swamp creatures (Sessions, Barr, Bolton, Pompeo and the like) he just made the swamp deeper. The opposite of draining it.
Seems that way, doesn't it.

So why will he suddenly do better THIS time?

He may be the best in a satchel of bad choices. That's politics - throughout human history, power attracts not the best, but the most craven and self-absorbed.

But there will have to be changes done in order to defuse the Deep State, and he's already shown he's not up to it.

Maybe no one is. Maybe the answer is "National Divorce" as my link above shows.
There are other people as competent or more-so. Certainly where it comes to picking people. And no, I don't mean Beltway swamp-creatures.
Well, those are the only other ones running that also have a chance of winning.

Larry Elder would be good, but he's running as a Libertarian. What chances have they ever had?
But there will have to be changes done in order to defuse the Deep State, and he's already shown he's not up to it.
Who is? A potus can't fire congressmen nor senators.

Draining the swamp requires that people quit voting for them.

Maybe no one is. Maybe the answer is "National Divorce" as my link above shows.
With that option, the Globalists would truly win.
He didn't change a thing last time. What makes people think it would be any different next time around?

The tard literally signed off on shutting the country down for the flu and let the streets burn. The dude can't even stand up straight because his elevator shoes have him leaning so far forward. Dude is a fake. He showed that clearly when he had a chance the first time.

What we need is someone under 50 that isn't corrupt and actually cares about the future because they still have one.
DeSantis would get my vote. The Donald should be worried.
With that option, the Globalists would truly win.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

And you cannot make peace with people, who, on principle, want to DESTROY you.

I'm talking about Leftist Woketards.

There CAN BE no civilization with them in it. And THEY prevent OUR cleaning up our world.

Prevent our deporting illegal invaders.

Prevent punishing criminals - by making excuses based on race.

Which FUDDREL KANGAROOS accept and order as valid. THAT has to stop - WASHINGTON TYRANNY.

If ending all that helps the Globalist win...then I'm a globalist.

It doesn't, of course. That's just sand in the gears, to keep us subjugated and under their demented boot-heels.
To continue that thought:

Why would expelling the Yeast Coast and the Left Coast, help these Globalists?

Why would EXERCISING OUR STATE SOVEREIGNTY work for World Government? Seems the OPPOSITE is in fact true. Central government IMPOSED on people far away, is their CORE PRINCIPLE.

Is it that North America would be weaker? HOW? How is a sovereign central New Republic of Greater Texas, that is SOLVENT, is PROSPEROUS, and has EXCLUDED the mentally ill and the Rentier Class on the coasts, to let them starve...how is that weaker than a nation that has 125 percent of its GDP in sovereign debt?

And IF a divided North America is weaker...wouldn't that just get China's eye off the prize? Hey, you wanted to take out the surviving postwar superpower. We're gone. So go have fun with your plantation-mercantile economy. Make washing machines you didn't design and cannot afford to buy and don't need. The US is gone, just like you wanted - no YOU have to figure out what to make, and who your market is.

They won't, because Communists don't think like that. So China collapses, too - in five years they'd be back to wearing grey pajamas and marching to the commune's rice paddies.

And, finally, as I said...how come the PRESENT borders are so desirable? North America IS divided. Canada, US, Mexico. What's another two or three divisions? Actually, the way things are going, Mexico will probably take the Left Coast up to Ore Gone.

Is that horrible? Not if, within the territories we reorganize, with people who value American values of self-government and liberty...if within that region those rights remain. Remember: Borders, Language, Culture. Arm the borders. Make it plain: Immigration is to benefit the HOST country, not the invader or emigree.

I don't see it as anything but a win. And the only two reasons I see for rejection are, irrational fear of change, or a covert desire to keep the Status-Quo going - because one is benefitting from the money-printing orgy, or is collecting some sort of government rents or payments. I don't think there are many here who believe this because the corporate-mediuh mouthpieces spew their false assertions, but...maybe that's a factor, also.

But this is our last chance. We break away from Washington, as Washington, the man, broke away from King George's Court. Or else we get crushed by the Globalists and their zombie tools.
Why would expelling the Yeast Coast and the Left Coast, help these Globalists?
Because for them to get what they want, ie glonal governance, the US has to either go along with it (what the swamp monsters are doing now) or the US has to no longer be the big dog in the World.

Breaking the nation up would result in the latter.

Edited to add: the only best option for us, is to fix the divide and get the nation back on course.
One thing in favor of him is he is most definitely anti war.
We don't need wars. As George Washington said... '...trade with nations... avoid foreign entanglements...' or words to that....
In the wake of the Snowden revelations, Clapper et al told bald faced lies about the intelligence services/operations in Congressional testimony and Congress did nothing. The lies were A O K with Congress because protecting the the status quo was the desired outcome of that farce.
Does Congress have the power to do anything? I thought the DOJ did that? We know the DOJ isn't backing Congress... yet.

Had he attempted any of what Cigarlover's OP suggests the people would not have been behind him.


Because most folks were asleep with TV dreams. Consider for a moment what we've gleaned since Trump won in 2016.

The numbers are in Trump's favor now.

Notice he says "Our movement..." in this video?

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Does Congress have the power to do anything? I thought the DOJ did that? ...

Yes, that is correct, but if Congress actually cared, they could have pressured the DOJ on the issue, raised a stink in the media, or ... and bear with me here because this is a really radical idea - threatened the funding of the intelligence services. If they cared at all, they had levers they could have pulled.
threatened the funding of the intelligence services.
That requires both house and senate to do that, and dems control the senate. So even if the congress votes to do that, it would go no where.

raised a stink in the media
Which of the media would give time to that? The msm is on the side of Clappers et al.

Also, don't forget the threat that the intelligence community poses to any in dc who actively go against them.

For example, look what they did to Trump. How many in congress, on two year terms, could withstand receiving the Trump treatment?
....and the 24/7 attacks in the media that at least half the people would blindly and gleefully eat up.

As Chuckie poo said, the intelligence community has six ways to Sunday to get back at ya. Or something to that effect, as I am paraphrasing.
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