2023 Market Predictions - when the outrageous and plausible blur

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Always enjoy reading predictions then seeing if any pan out.

5 minute read December 7, 20222:00 AM EST Last Updated 2 days ago

Column: 2023 market predictions - when the outrageous and plausible blur​

By Jamie McGeever

ORLANDO, Fla., Dec 6 (Reuters) - As some banks publish their semi-serious market predictions for the year ahead, the utterly wild ride that blindsided everyone in 2022 suggests that, this time around, they should perhaps indeed be taken semi-seriously.

After all, this time last year it is safe to say double-digit inflation in the West, the most aggressive U.S. monetary policy tightening cycle in 40 years, Japanese FX intervention to buy yen, and by some measures the biggest ever crash in government bonds were not consensus calls.

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Oh no, this thread is fine. While the title mentions outrageous predictions, most of what's posted here is more mainstream/moderate market predictions.
Always enjoy reading predictions then seeing if any pan out. ...

Wall Street often gets it wrong when it comes to anticipating where stocks might be trading one-year out. But in 2022, its forecasters were set to miss the mark by the widest margin in nearly 15 years, according to data compiled by FactSet.

Wall Street equity analysts were on pace to overestimate the performance of the S&P 500 index in 2022 by nearly 40% as of Tuesday, according to the average bottom-up forecast compiled by FactSet’s senior earnings analyst John Butters. That would mark their biggest miss since 2008 when analysts overshot by 92%.


Spoil sport........................

What should everyone do? Probably best to avoid forecasts of 12 month or more altogether.

Maybe it's just me, but the biggest conspiracy of all is we have free markets...
In related news, Saxo bank says they ran out of crack.

Next year could see victories as the world overcomes plagues of 2022​

Opinion by Robin Mills • Sunday

Four plagues dominated this year: a literal pestilence, war, inflation and climate change. They will continue to cast a loathsome shadow as we pass the New Year. But with some optimism and ingenuity, 2023 can bring recovery and resurgence.

Covid continued to exact a high death toll, and a lingering legacy of ill health and disruptions to work and travel. Most parts of the world, aided by vaccinations, have accepted the disease as endemic, with a steady revival of commuting and tourism boosting oil demand.


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