Corzine testifying in MF Global investigation

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Yellow Jacket
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Floyd, Virginia
Watching the Corzine hearings. One of the examiners reads ZH and just mentioned should have seen the mood in the room change as they scrambled to pretend they didn't know what that meant while everyone's faces turned white as ghosts.

This might be pretty big, if not "the one". Evidently MFG isn't the only outfit to be in real trouble over this.

Worse than AIG and Lehman together, monetarily.
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Watching the Corzine hearings. One of the examiners reads ZH and just mentioned should have seen the mood in the room change as they scrambled to pretend they didn't know what that meant while everyone's faces turned white as ghosts.

This might be pretty big, if not "the one". Evidently MFG isn't the only outfit to be in real trouble over this.

Worse than AIG and Lehman together, monetarily.
It´s one giant house of cards. The only way to get out of it are counterparty-less assets like PMs
Watching the Corzine hearings. One of the examiners reads ZH and just mentioned should have seen the mood in the room change as they scrambled to pretend they didn't know what that meant while everyone's faces turned white as ghosts.

Hope someone got a YouTube of it. Sorry I missed it.

Just the minions explaining how they don't know how to do their jobs so far, or somehow aren't at fault for being outsmarted by those evil financial people, since they don't get enough money, or something. CFTC commissioner actually said we can't regulate swaps till we know what they are. Your typical female hard core bureaucrat used to being able to tell everyone to fsck off and leave me to control my little fiefdom.
Oh, I meant the re-hypothecation drama.
Jon Corzine has released the written testimony that he will make before Congress today. It has been highly polished up by his legal advisers and contains so many "I can't recall's" that even Bill Clinton would blush. While the entire testimony has very little credibility with regard to substantive issues, I just want to address one specific quote from the testimony because I know - for a fact - that Corzine is lying. From page 17 of the prepared testimony:
I did not, however, generally involve myself in the mechanics of the clearing and settlement of trades, or in the movement of cash and collateral. Nor was I an expert on the complicated rules and regulations governing the various different operating businesses that comprised MF Global. I had little expertise or experience in those operational aspects of the business.
Here's the full testimony: LINK If you take the time to read the full testimony, please try not to puke like I nearly did over the obvious lies and legally refined statements which are designed to obfuscate and cover-up the truth.

Sommers is making me want to puke more than Corzine ever did (yet) - he's just a crook. Maybe we've been thinking about hanging the wrong people from the lamposts. That witch is evil. Backing and forthing between "we just make sure they fill out the forms" and "we have plenty of talent and whack them regularly" and "we don't know how it works" as the question demands. Anyone with more than 30 seconds of memory sees the contradictions there - which evidently doesn't really include the examiners - they're just trying to put on a mean face without understanding how and what's going on themselves.

Oh, at this instant she DOES know what swaps are - half an hour ago, no idea. That sort of thing.
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Watching Corzine now. What a lying sack of shit. :doodoo:
No question about that sack. What it's full of might be worse than shit.

But the question I want asked and answered (won't be, of course) is if you didn't know shit about what was going on, why resign so quick instead of staying on to "get to the bottom of this and punish the perpetrator(s)"?

Actions, not words, speak loudest.
I couldn't watch any more. This guy should leave the building in handcuffs and ankle shackles. What an incompetent lying piece of pig vomit.
I don't know why anyone would bother watching in the 1st place.
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The shadow knows...

An example of the human tragedy as these bums - all culpable - try to find a way out. And there is no way they can see. Almost fun to watch them squirm as they realize that. Better than watching them lord it over us, at any rate.

Or a sick fascination with watching Satan destroy his tools when they no longer serve him well enough to suit?

Knowledge of the center stage is useful in trying to decode what's behind the scenes. Yeah, that's it.
I don't see how they can just sit there and listen to this man lie about having no knowledge of daily operations at MF Global. From where I sit, he sounds like he is an incompetent jackass. Anyone who hires this piece of bacteria deserves what they get.
It´s a holiday here, of the Immaculate Conception (sounds about right), but I did not have the great fortune of watching:

The biggest POS on the planet :doodoo:

Ay que pena... But, if I had watched, our poor planet would have even more puke all over it. I too cannot understand why the MF-er is not in jail.


O/T, but we went to a big wholesale place today (like Sam´s Club). I saw lots of Peruvians buying toilet paper. Maybe they were watching Corzine earlier today... Some of them had perhaps 200 rolls stacked on heir carts.
Why are the insiders sacrificing Corzine and MFG?
His whole CV is filled with inside connections. If the Wall Street / Washington elite wanted to help him, they could...
He should be testifying to a parole board.
I can't recall.......I wasn't involved with those aspects of the business, they were performed by subordinates......I was out of town......Not to my knowledge......I.....I......I.....can't......recall......
Apparently, testifying before Congress can cause Alzheimers.
Nothing like being examined by people you've prepaid, eh? Too bad the sheep won't have the patience to look at how disgusting this is, we'd get to the torches and pitchforks a lot quicker. We're running out of time for that if it's to help fix the problems, rather than just be vengeance after the fact.
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