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Intel agencies eye brief for Trump, amid fears he could spill secrets​

It’s standard practice to share classified information with presidential nominees, but the decision to brief Trump if he becomes the GOP nominee this year is loaded with political and potentially legal risks.

U.S. intelligence officials are planning to brief Donald Trump on national security matters if he secures the GOP nomination this summer — despite concerns about his handling of classified information.

The decision would be in keeping with a tradition that dates back to 1952, but it would mark the first time an administration has volunteered to share classified information with a candidate who is facing criminal charges related to the mishandling of classified documents.

The Biden administration intends to share intelligence with the former president no matter the outcome of his trial in Florida, according to a senior intelligence official and a second person with knowledge of internal conversations. They, like some others interviewed, were granted anonymity to discuss sensitive internal deliberations.

The sit-down is not legally required, but for the last 72 years, incumbent administrations have tapped the spy agencies to read in the candidates of both major political parties on some of the most pressing threats to the country. While often this is just one meeting, sometimes candidates receive several briefings.

The briefings, which are managed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and approved by the White House, normally take place after the national conventions in late summer.



BREAKING: Sheriff Dar Leaf reveals he has been investigating key players in the Michigan 2020 election including Dominion CEO John Poulos, Dominion employees and contractors, Jocelyn Benson, AG Dana Nessel, and others.

"My department is in possession of sensitive documents that are part of an ongoing investigation involving Dominion employees. These Dominion employees directed, and tasks Serbian foreign nationals to remotely access the Michigan election system.

"Sheriff Leaf said this in response to a subpoena that was sent to his office to hand over his law enforcement file. This is obviously an attempt to stop his investigation. The dark forces in control of Michigan must be panicking

In the post below, you'll find more details from
I think if I was going to retitle this, I would call it let's get rid of anybody who could rat me out.

The Purge: Election Year - Team Trump Axes 60+ RNC Staffers​

On its very first day in control of the Republican National Committee following last week's takeover, Team Trump wasted no time as it ventures to reshape the RNC in Trump's image -- immediately bringing the axe down on more than 60 of the organization's 200-some staffers. Vendors are also bracing for possible terminations of their RNC relationships.

"[The new leadership is] in the process of evaluating the organization and staff to ensure the building is aligned” with its vision, said new RNC chief operating officer Sean Cairncross in an email to staff.


Looks like Congressman Buck is gonna split the scene but he's not leaving it clean, I think he's gonna stick around and play politics for awhile.


This Election Will Be About Values​

Mar 12, 2024

Host Reed Galen discusses Donald Trump's latest mockery of Biden's strong State of the Union address and how his bullying behavior demonstrates a complete lack of decency and leadership. This latest display from Trump crystalizes the fact that the 2024 presidential election will at its very core be about values. For more from Reed Galen, subscribe to “The Home Front”. If you’d like to ask a question or share a comment with The Lincoln Project, send an email to podcast@lincolnproject.us. 17 mins long.

I think if I was going to retitle this, I would call it let's get rid of anybody who could rat me out.

The Purge: Election Year - Team Trump Axes 60+ RNC Staffers​

On its very first day in control of the Republican National Committee following last week's takeover, Team Trump wasted no time as it ventures to reshape the RNC in Trump's image -- immediately bringing the axe down on more than 60 of the organization's 200-some staffers. Vendors are also bracing for possible terminations of their RNC relationships.

"[The new leadership is] in the process of evaluating the organization and staff to ensure the building is aligned” with its vision, said new RNC chief operating officer Sean Cairncross in an email to staff.


A certain letter of the alphabet has pointed out that anyone 'leaving' was asked to go... as in AMF!

I wonder if they got a free ride to gitmo and a military tribunal that said "Either retire and keep you legacy, or else we expose you..."??
A certain letter of the alphabet has pointed out that anyone 'leaving' was asked to go... as in AMF!
The democra..., err sorry, I meant Stalinists, are just PO'd that their people are the ones being "purged". lol
Check out some of the clips in this video about the dems/Stalinists worst fear.
Ie: the cultural normalization of Trump.

Roseann barr podcast #39 on yt. Tina Peters has the p[roof of the election being stolen and how they did it. Also has whistleblowers ready to testify. I TRIED TO POST THE VIDEO BUT SAYS IT'S UNAVAILABLE.
Listened to a podcast today and guest said the real constitutional crisis will come this election if Kennedy is able to grab enough states electoral votes. Then neither candidate will get to 270 and it's up to congress to decide. Each state gets 1 vote. But again if Kennedy is able to grab a few states and it's close then neither candidate gets to a majority of 26 states.

There will be a shit ton of fuckery this election and unfortunately I don't see any peaceful way out of this.
Listened to a podcast today and guest said the real constitutional crisis will come this election if Kennedy is able to grab enough states electoral votes. Then neither candidate will get to 270 and it's up to congress to decide. Each state gets 1 vote. But again if Kennedy is able to grab a few states and it's close then neither candidate gets to a majority of 26 states.

There will be a shit ton of fuckery this election and unfortunately I don't see any peaceful way out of this.
Along with all that, factor in the rumored cyber attack around the same time , and it'll be a dozen shit tons of fuckery.
Roseann barr podcast #39 on yt. Tina Peters has the p[roof of the election being stolen and how they did it. Also has whistleblowers ready to testify. I TRIED TO POST THE VIDEO BUT SAYS IT'S UNAVAILABLE.

CL..........is this the right one? If it is, it starts around the 2 min mark.

Election Whistleblower Tina Peters "We have the proof" | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #39​

The good rev may be a bit touched, but he hit a home run with this. Really makes you wonder what kind of dirt Trump has on these weasels.

"The Long-legged Mack Daddy" pastor Manning describing Obama
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The Republican National Committee May Become Trump's Cash Machine | Opinion​

This month, presumptive Republican nominee for president Donald Trump took over the Republican National Committee (RNC) and then days later liquidated dozens of staff members, and installed three ride-or-die loyalists at the top. One of them is his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, married to Trump's son who isn't Donnie Jr., Eric. With the housecleaning at the RNC complete, Trump now has uncontested control of the Republican Party, which augurs poorly for the GOP's chances of capturing one or both chambers of Congress, and offers a grim preview of what he would do to the federal government writ large should he win the 2024 presidential election.

Lara Trump was not given some two-bit job but made the co-chair of the RNC. Why, in a country of 334 million people and tens of millions of dedicated Republicans, does Trump need to rely on a family member, particularly one with practically zero political experience, to run a major party organization in the United States?

Well, looking around the world, one sees many examples of authoritarian kleptocrats who, for quite good reasons, can't trust anyone not budded off the familial tree.

In fully authoritarian regimes, that's both because they worry that anyone without blood or marriage ties to the autocrat could choose to kill and replace them, and also because systemic graft is much simpler if it can be run through people who attended your wedding. In a United States that remains, for the moment, somewhat democratic, the worry is not that someone will topple Donald Trump, but that underlings won't carry out potentially deranged orders.



Trump Blames Democrats For ‘Overreacting’ To His Bloodbath Comments​

Mar 19, 2024

Donald Trump has had nothing but negative publicity over the past few days (years, probably), all due to him running his mouth and saying the most outrageous things you could imagine. This past weekend was no exception, as headlines across the country covered Trump's "bloodbath" remarks. But on Monday, Donald Trump lashed out at the Democrats and the media for making a big deal over his comments that he swears were totally about the automotive industry. Even if that's the case, the comments were still factually wrong, as Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains.


Link - https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign...
Elections have consequences..........

The Real Story Behind Boeing’s Open Door Deregulation Scandal​

Mar 18, 2024

Boeing appears to have become deadly… The aeronautics giant got rid of their oversight from the FAA with this one little trick and you’ll never guess who helped them…!


Trump Blames Democrats For ‘Overreacting’ To His Bloodbath Comments​

Mar 19, 2024

Donald Trump has had nothing but negative publicity over the past few days (years, probably), all due to him running his mouth and saying the most outrageous things you could imagine. This past weekend was no exception, as headlines across the country covered Trump's "bloodbath" remarks. But on Monday, Donald Trump lashed out at the Democrats and the media for making a big deal over his comments that he swears were totally about the automotive industry. Even if that's the case, the comments were still factually wrong, as Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains.


Link - https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign...

Look how far back they themselves have used the term "Bloodbath"...

What do you suppose Trump is gaslighting every last one of these hypocrites?

... and STILL he is front page news! Trump is a marketing genius!

Trump news sells. Pro Trump, anti-Trump...........it sells. And the crazier........the more it sells.

Meidas Touch and MSNBC = all Trump - all day

Here's a goodie:

Wait for it...

Gee, ya think?

We let in between 15 and 40 million INVADERS and erased national borders; and the entrenched Power Elites are in danger of being removed.

What could possibly go wrong?

I have nothing negative to say about either of those two, but they might as well have told us, the sun's gonna rise in the east.
If there were a Dumb Bitch Hall Of Fame, Rachel Madcow would've been the first inductee.
If there were a Dumb Bitch Hall Of Fame, Rachel Madcow would've been the first inductee.

She's pretty good when it comes to history. I read some of her stuff and found it to be good.

Recently read: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/prequ...3-d8703f5e61e3#edition=66760774&idiq=56728354

If you're interested in reading it, I'll send you a copy on me. PM me an address if interested and it'll be sent. Yours to keep, no strings attached.

(No strings attached may be a Mac tune. Heading to the music thread.)
I bet she had good intentions...

More… Democrats say Zapata was trying to prove how easy it was to request fake ballots when she committed her crime. Democrats rushed in to defend her. Democrats argued that this was all a conspiracy theory. Even though it worked EXACTLY like Zapata said it would.

but like any whistle blower... they went after her!

She's pretty good when it comes to history. I read some of her stuff and found it to be good.

Recently read: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/prequ...3-d8703f5e61e3#edition=66760774&idiq=56728354

If you're interested in reading it, I'll send you a copy on me. PM me an address if interested and it'll be sent. Yours to keep, no strings attached.

(No strings attached may be a Mac tune. Heading to the music thread.)
Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. I have no interest in what that liar has to say. She's done nothing but tell lies about Trump for the past 8 years.
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