Fed's Foreign Reverse Repo Hits Record $351BN

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Ground Beetle
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What the heck is the Foreign Reverse Repo? I know the main/only one I knew (The Reverse Repo) had been ramping up well over $2 Trillion.
For the record, if you visit the St. Louis Fed page I linked above, you can set the chart to a 1Y scale. From there you can see that Oct. 26-Nov. 2 recorded a roughly $48B increase. The week of Sep. 28-Oct. 5 recorded a ~$42.5B increase. The week of April 13-April 20 recorded a ~$43B increase. This last week saw the biggest one week increase at least within the last year (I didn't look further back). There have also been several weeks where there were ~$30B decreases. Big moves aren't totally unprecedented.

That said, last week was the biggest weekly increase and also marks a new cumulative high.


is that a lot?

I'll try and help šŸ¤£.

If you somehow landed up with $1BN, with the proviso to spend it over 20 years, then you'd have to spend...........

$136,892.53 per day, 7 days a week.

I'd like to give it a bash. Any willing donors?

Golden Regards

PS $351BN is quite a bit. You'll have to count to 48,049,278 every day for 20 years, at a rate of 556.12 counts per second, 24x7.
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Just checked the St. Louis Fed page. Last report was $348bn. 3 less than when the OP was posted. It went up and down and back up. Yo yo action.
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