There is no issue with discussing ideas or news.
Nor should there be, imho.
What I don't "get", is people who post lots of highly partisan stuff on a discussion board, but then refuse to actually discuss the merits or lack thereof, of what they've posted.
It can be quite frustrating.
When I post stuff, or occasionally start a thread, I do so with hopes that it starts an in-depth discussion and/or that I get challenged on what I've posted.
That can't happen without at least some people being on the other side of the issue.
....and if we as a nation ever want to mend the huge divide currently present, it's going to require dialogue between the two.
However, too often people putting up certain ideas simply are not interested in getting into the "meat and potatoes" so to speak, of what they've posted.
Which makes me wonder why they want to post what they do, on a discussion forum. Are they just posting it as propaganda?
The "Flat Earth" discussions turn me off. I cannot imagine anyone being that stupid.
They have their Right to free speech too.
What I don't like about those threads is how they have to turn off logic and reason and science in order to believe such things.
....and they do the same as woke ultra libs do on their pet subjects when pressed on their beliefs.
Ie: they mostly either get upset and want to call names, or they disengage and disappear from the discussion due to not being able to adequately express why they believe what they believe. They just "feel" that something nefarious is afoot, so afoot it is.
i ignore a lot... flat earth... chem trails.... ju bashing .... etc i freely exercise my right to just not participate LOL
I sometimes like to engage on some of those topics because I'm curious as to why such strong beliefs are sometimes held by people.
To have strong beliefs, there would seem to be more knowledge there to justify those strong beliefs. I try to root it out to see what they might know, or to find out if conclusions are being jumped to.