Meanwhile in chicongo & other S%$&hole commie run cities.

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Don't let the title fool you, this is a pretty good vid. It's about community and belonging.

The Warned Me About Lifted Trucks And American Flags​


Life in the City of Zombies | Kensington Philadelphia​

Jan 4, 2024
Brandon Buckingham travels to Kensington Philadelphia to investigate the real life city of zombies.


Stretch of Kensington Avenue to close in effort to remove homeless encampments along sidewalks​

A Kensington homeless encampment will be dismantled after the city of Philadelphia issued a 30-day encampment resolution notice that takes effect on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, May 8, Kensington Avenue from East Orleans Street to Allegheny Avenue will be closed in both directions so city outreach teams can enter the encampment to “work on a planned encampment resolution.”

“The temporary closure is needed to ensure the safety of city outreach teams as they engage individuals during the final day of encampment resolution on Wednesday, May 8, during which individuals residing at the encampment have been notified to dismantle any tents and structures that pose public health and safety hazards and obstruct sidewalk passage,” the mayor’s office said in a statement.



Life in the City of Zombies | Kensington Philadelphia​

Jan 4, 2024
Brandon Buckingham travels to Kensington Philadelphia to investigate the real life city of zombies.


Should this surprise us? Philly is after all the lib/dem stronghold in PA. It's what every dem controlled city will become.

Why Did Politicians Allow Crime To Destroy The Bay Area?​

Jul 2, 2024 #Change


At least he is swift enough to realize that it's the politcs of the State and city's lib/dem policies that is the root of the problem.

How can feel good supporting those type of politicians, when you should be able to see the harm they are causing?

Edited to add: isn't it time to come to the good side?
The politicians gain complete control of a large metro area or capital where they control who counts the votes.
The politicians gain complete control of a large metro area or capital where they control who counts the votes.
I think that in a lot of cities, they actually vote for those who implement those policies. Just like SF and NYC, or Chicago. Add Philly to the list.
Apparently, one has to be ignorant to live in large metro areas...?
Apparently, one has to be ignorant to live in large metro areas...?
Unfortunately most are run by dem idiots. Where I live, it's not so bad yet. Being in a red State helps in that regard.
Unfortunately most are run by dem idiots. Where I live, it's not so bad yet. Being in a red State helps in that regard.
No guarantee, that.

Cities turning blue, always precedes a state changing. Denver was blue long before we even recognized the divide - since the days of Patsy Schroeder. The illness spread from Boulder, down the road into Denver...well, it seemed contained there, in the 1990s.

Now the whole state is sick with it.

Indianapolis was a conservative city - relatively - 22 years ago. Not no moar.

Salt Lake City - once, essentially closed off to non-Mormons (to where you had to really search to find a cup of COFFEE) welcomed the Diversity crowd...and now it's one more dangerous big city. The days of it being clean and safe, are done.

Now, once again, I have to watch a Blue State fall. Montana...Missoula was always a haven for nuts. But Bozeman has joined it in Blue status - makes sense, a major university there. Helena is in play, as is Kalispell. Whitefish is trying to be the new Aspen or Jackson Hole. All the hard-Left money from crony millionaires, flowing in.

It's only a matter of time. For now, we have Constitutional Carry and no sales tax. But the cities have been making noises of Local Options, banning firearms.

And that damned Tester...
Should this surprise us? Philly is after all the lib/dem stronghold in PA. It's what every dem controlled city will become.

It's not what they will become.

Because, areas with this kind of social collapse, don't become that way - except by outside money pumped in.

When all of the USSA becomes this way, wealth creation stops. They can hit CTRL+PRNT all they want, but the majik of the Fiat Dollar will be broken.

Seen those African nations, where some people are defecating on a dirty beach inches from where others are scooping up drinking water? THAT is where we'll be.

More than 100 shot, 19 dead in Chicago over the holiday weekend​

Jul 8, 2024 #chicago #news

More than 100 people were shot in Chicago, 19 of them fatally, over the long Independence Day weekend, when there is often a spike in violence. Read more:


Top cop say societal problem, these people must be taken off the streets. Mayor says illegal guns are evil. Same sh!t different day.
Top cop say societal problem, these people must be taken off the streets. Mayor says illegal guns are evil. Same sh!t different day.
Yet the lib dem da's will reduce and/or drop charges, and release with no bail to prey on their citizens.
....and meanwhile those same citizens who are too stupid to see what's going on, keep voting for those who implement those policies.

Speaking of, get a load of this vid that shows what's going on in NYC. Armed Venezuelan gangs operating out of so-called migrant centers. Using mopeds to roll up on and rob people. Also shooting at the police for stopping them over super minor infractions.

The people of NYC are morons to put up with this crap, let alone continue supporting the idiots in charge who allowed it. Prolly almost 90% are Biden voters. I hope they choke on this shit.

While that goes on, Schmuck Choomer is introducing legislation to strip Trump of his protection once they find a kangaroo who will jail him.

This isn't Clown World - it's Bedlam.
While that goes on, Schmuck Choomer is introducing legislation to strip Trump of his protection once they find a kangaroo who will jail him.

This isn't Clown World - it's Bedlam.
Their plan is to jail him and then give him the Epstein treatment.
Times Square, Shit Hole City

A place no one should ever go. least according to this guy, and I think he's on to something.

He lays out a pretty good case as to what the problem is.

@searcher , I'm sure you'll enjoy this. Is this really what the people unfortunate enough to live there, want it to be like?

Is this really what the people unfortunate enough to live there, want it to be like?

You should ask the video creator. He lives and works there.

Edit to add: Times Square live feed

Last edited:
Live cam from the Upper East Side area famous for luxurious restaurants, designer stores on Madison Avenue, a mix of historic brownstone buildings and luxury skyscrapers; pointing toward WNW.

You should ask the video creator. He lives and works there.
Is he on the forum here?
Edited to add: I posted it for us here to discuss.

Are you implying that he's lying about the crime there and that releasing people without bail or punishment isn't a big pary of the problem?

I was asking you, because you live very near to NYC, and I figured you might see/hear more about stuff that is going on there, as well as the local/regional responses to it.

Being a couple thousand miles away, we here will hear about the big incidents that happen, but not much about the lesser crimes and problems that go on. Thought you could fill us in on it.

He was talking about people in the shelters and fake asylum centers who are preying upon New Yorkers and the city doing nothing about it.

Is that good policy, in your opinion?

He talked of frustrated cops quitting due to the violence against them and the lack of support from the city.

Is that a good thing?

Imho, the things he is pointing out in his vid, are the things that lead to societal breakdown.
Are you implying that he's lying about the crime there and that releasing people without bail or punishment isn't a big pary of the problem?

Nah. He's a youtube creator and the more clicks he gets the better. Plus he makes bucks via youtube. So he embellishes things a bit.....just like most youtubers do.

He talked of frustrated cops quitting due to the violence against them and the lack of support from the city.

NYC cops make nice money and benefits. Got a good pension plan too. I'd take what he said about them quitting fwiw.

In the township where I live cops make well over 100K per year, have good benefits and a good pension plan. But from what I've read NYC tops everything.

I was asking you, because you live very near to NYC, and I figured you might see/hear more about stuff that is going on there, as well as the local/regional responses to it.

Only when crazy shit hits the news. My area has it's own crime so we hear more about our own problems than other places.

It really doesn't matter where you live, you'll find crime everywhere, some places more so than others but it's everywhere.

Imho, the things he is pointing out in his vid, are the things that lead to societal breakdown.

You're right, but I don't think we're near a breakdown yet. We just have a shit load of people living in certain areas and that is taxing on available resources. Kinda makes things look worse than they really my opinion.

After I watched the vid and did some research on Cash Jordan, I asked myself why he would stay there if things were really bad. I figure things really aren't bad except for isolated incidents (which happen everywhere) and he likes city life.
15 mins long, nothing to see, can listen in one tab, play around the forum in a different tab.

These People Don't Love America And Have Plans For The Hood​

15 mins long, nothing to see, can listen in one tab, play around the forum in a different tab.

These People Don't Love America And Have Plans For The Hood​

What's your opinion on what he speaks of?
Agree with some.
Like what?
....and what did you disagree with?

This is a discussion forum after all, so lets discuss!

I posted it because I thought you'd like it. Herc don't like Ds
He may be on to something.

My question is, why are they doing this stuff? They been tellin' us for decades there ain't no money, but as soon as all these illegals show up, they got money for them.

What do you think of the example of Springfield Ohio, a town of less than 60k population, getting 20,000 illegals dumped on them? A 1/3rd increase in population virtually overnight.

For comparison, that'd be like the area you live in suddenly having almost 2 million new foreigners move in.
All needing a bed, food to eat, schools for their kids, etc etc.

How can any area survive such a high increase of population in such a short time?
....and of people who are mostly unable to provide for themselves?

How do you think that will impact your fellow Americans and the wages they get, the rents they pay, and the price of food at the grocery store?
Like what?
....and what did you disagree with?

This is a discussion forum after all, so lets discuss!




- walking by the black lady

Unfortunately, both you and herc are right. I saw it and it was fucked up. In fact, I have to say it was intentional and way outta line. Just not right.

- funds for the black community. He also talked about funds for housing and funds for Ukraine. When it comes to Ukraine, I'm for helping them. But at the same time, I'm for helping the people in America. I don't give a shit about your race, religion, color or creed. If you are an American, you deserve to get help from the gov - before any foreign entity.

The people in this country are hurting right now. I could list all sorts of places where the help is needed but you already know pretty much how I feel about certain things, so I'll forgo the list.

But I don't see it as a Repub or a Dem problem. It's all of them. They need to end their sit show and work for those who elected them.

- Using you for the vote.

Agree 100%. All they want is your vote.

- Divide and conquer.

Agree 100%.

- How immigrants get in here.

Agree. We need to check em out. And we need peeps with skills, etc.

- Not gonna be a savior.

Agree 100%. Nobody gonna zip down from the sky on a white horse to save us. We're on our own.

- black white we're all together. we're all Americans.

Agree 100%.

Don't know enough about:

- fast tracking illegals to the black community especially so they can vote.

Put street bumps in all the intersections, that'll fix it.
This is an easy ride. When I worked the streets I traveled where the real deal.

CAMDEN: Still The Armpit Of The USA? Sadly, This Is What I Saw​

Oct 19, 2024 CAMDEN

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