PMBug changes are coming

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This website is using a forum software that reached end of life a few years ago. It's been plugging away without problems, but it's no longer developed or supported.

I'm once again upgrading the server hardware that powers the site and the new server hardware is going to be running the very latest stable version of PHP, MySQL, etc. This current forum software won't run in that environment, so I'm going to be migrating the forum to a new platform.

The new platform will work more or less the same. Some functions will work slightly differently. The look and feel will be noticably different. There will be some new functionality as well.

The switch to the new platform will likely happen sometime in the next week or two. This is just a heads up that if you see the site shut down for a day or two, it's because the site is being migrated to it's new home. Don't panic. :flail:

when I read the thread title, I wondered if the commitment to continue was wobbling.

Thank you for your efforts and work keeping things up to date Bug.

I'm a bit puzzled that we are not seeing a steady flow of newbies as the metals are really beginning to shine right now.

Will they wake up and show up or has the last 6 years totally killed positive sentiment in those who might be concerned about their investments ?
Based upon what I see, most non-bugs are perplexed about the recent stock market drop and mad at Trump for the trade war with China that's hurting their portfolios. I don't know that deeper issues about debt, interest rates, the bond markets, recession signals, central bank gold buying, Brexit/EU, Deutsche Bank, etc. have reached fertile ground yet. IMO, we're still in the "just getting started" phase.
Update: The wheels have been turning slowly, but my server guy finally got the situation with a dedicated email server straightened out. A new server for the site itself is in the rack. This weekend I'm migrating a different site I own to the new server. If all goes well, I plan to move pmbug to the new server (and software) next weekend.
OK. This project fell off the map as my server guy has been busy with other projects. But the site has been moved to a new server in a new colo. The pmbug email system wasn't working for the last 24 hours or so, but should be working again (now). I am planning on migrating the site very soon now (like a for real two weeks this time). :paperbag:
pmbug was offline for a few hours this morning. Little snafu trying to update a script and the recent server move threw a wrench in things. All is well now though.
OK. This project fell off the map as my server guy has been busy with other projects. But the site has been moved to a new server in a new colo. The pmbug email system wasn't working for the last 24 hours or so, but should be working again (now). I am planning on migrating the site very soon now (like a for real two weeks this time). :paperbag:

Its all been pretty seamless for me Bug.
If you hadnt told us, I would have not been aware of these most recent changes.:cheers:
Surprise! PMBug is now running on a new server and a new forum software. I think I got everything configured properly, but if you notice something that isn't quite right, please let me know!
Yesterdays cheery message saying we're offline for a few hours was there for a long time and I eventually gave up on seeing if the site was back up, so it was a relief to see it today but something of a shock to see a totally new format and layout.

Looks like a lot of work Bug and a whole new toolbar to explore:sneaky:

I almost got an image to upload from my photo's :confused: too big apparently .....

Looks like the old 'likes' numbers have been left behind ...... Sadly, I think I actually enjoy being 'liked' but I can cope without :cry:

Thank you for keeping it all going 🙇‍♂️
Yeah, some things (like "likes" history) didn't translate across when the database was imported into the new software. This forum software is very similar to the old one so it should be fairly intuitive to use. I'm sure there might be some things I need to tweek like the image upload size limits. :oops:

Where were you trying to upload an image when you ran into the size limit? Avatar, profile picture, attachment to a message post?
It was a 3.02 mb photo, bug
Nothing particularly relevant, just a nice pic of bluebells in spring ...... and the sort of file size my phone camera seems to like using.
OK, but there are different limits/settings for various places where images can be uploaded (avatars, profile pics, messages). I need to know where you were trying to post the image (into a message?) in order to find the correct setting.
BTW, I haven't tested it yet, but this new forum software can send push notifications to Android devices (phones, tablets) if you choose. Allowing push notifications on your device means that you will get alerts when someone replies to your posts, sends you PMs or such. :)
I take it your not a fan of the color scheme? I never claimed to be an artist. lol. I'll see about getting a professionally designed theme as an option.
You might need to check your account's time zone setting. Mine didn't transfer over correctly, so yours might not have either. It's simple to fix, but you have to do it yourself.
OK, but there are different limits/settings for various places where images can be uploaded (avatars, profile pics, messages). I need to know where you were trying to post the image (into a message?) in order to find the correct setting.

Sorry Bug, I should have responded to your question

I was attempting to insert a 3mb image into the body of the message .........

As for android devices, I am seriously considering going back to a pre smart phone, so track n trace can ignore me
As it is, I generally leave the thing behind and only have it with me if Im using the car, in case help is required.
oh yeah another observation .....

The zero hedge link in the news section seems to lag even more than it used to.
It used to be 3-4 articles but Its currently an entire 'page' in arrears, ie 20 articles.
OK Thanks for the feedback.

I'll look into the image size limits for attachments.

There is also likely a configuration setting for the news feed links that I need to adjust to ensure the feeds are updated more frequently. I'm on it.
Image size limit is currently 2MB and that is the max size allowed by the server.

News feed cache was not updating for some reason. I'm not sure why just yet. I'm investigating.
I take it your not a fan of the color scheme? I never claimed to be an artist. lol. I'll see about getting a professionally designed theme as an option.

I went into preferences & managed to switch it to the blue, it's not quite as retina blasting as the bright yellow.
So if you take a screenshot of your image, then click the photo button next to settings, you can post pictures that way.
When you click the "image" icon in the message editor toolbar, there is a link icon in the drop down that appears. If you click it, you can then paste the URL to an image you find hosted elsewhere on the net and the forum will generate the correct code to display the image in your post (without having to screenshot and upload).
I went into preferences & managed to switch it to the blue, it's not quite as retina blasting as the bright yellow.

You can switch the theme between the default (now renamed to "blue") and "pmbug" via a link at the bottom left of every page. You don't have to go to your preferences page to change it.
That's really odd. I didn't change anything. I'll have to investigate later when I get to my computer.
Lulz. I didn't actually do anything. Was busy all day yesterday and never got around to investigating. I suspect ZH had an issue with RSS feed (on their end).
A comment on the Reuters Business News section
For me the articles are unchanging and theres no live link to them.
first one is about people flocking to somewhere trying to sort their unemployment claims the last one is about a new truck from Ford

I'm happy to allow steam age computing at my end to be the problem though ( still running xp )
Reuters news feed server might be having an issue. Or they might have changed the address. Pmbug news page is just showing the last cache.

I'll investigate when I get to my computer.
I'm not sure what's happening with Reuters. The server (subdomain) appears to have been taken offline. I'm not sure if this is something temporary or permanent. I can't find anything on about changes to the RSS feed (or any direction for using RSS feeds on their site). They might have just pulled it.
There are sites that will tell you if someplace is down everywhere, or just your area, or if it's just your computer/phone. I used the first one below & it said it's down for everyone.

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