Posting videos

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GIM2 Refugee
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When posting a video Bug requests we make a comment as to why we posted it.

I'd also like to suggest that we get in the habit of also adding the title of the video especially if it's a youtube video? It's just one more step.

As we have all learned from GIM and the cancel culture so prevalent in today's world that videos 'disappear' without notice. With a title at least we can search the net for it and it might show up on Rumble or the like.
When posting a video Bug requests we make a comment as to why we posted it.

I'd also like to suggest that we get in the habit of also adding the title of the video especially if it's a youtube video? It's just one more step.

As we have all learned from GIM and the cancel culture so prevalent in today's world that videos 'disappear' without notice. With a title at least we can search the net for it and it might show up on Rumble or the like.
In other words, don't be a lazy šŸ».

Please think (of others conditions) before you post.

Respect the community(individually as well as the whole) and the framework that allows it to exist.
I'd also like to suggest that we get in the habit of also adding the title of the video especially if it's a youtube video? It's just one more step.

You can even take the additional second or two to put the length of the video after the title. That way people don't have to click on it to see how much time it would take to watch/listen to it. If it's longer than they care for, they can scroll right on to the next post without having to start the video.

I have tried to do that with every video I post. The one exception, I just posted links in the "What are you listening to" thread because I thought it was not needed in that thread but I will now do that for every video to be consistent.
You can even take the additional second or two to put the length of the video after the title. That way people don't have to click on it to see how much time it would take to watch/listen to it. If it's longer than they care for, they can scroll right on to the next post without having to start the video.

I have tried to do that with every video I post. The one exception, I just posted links in the "What are you listening to" thread because I thought it was not needed in that thread but I will now do that for every video to be consistent.
100%... a little thoughtfulness goes a LONG WAY!
I'll attempt to add the time as well.

One positive thing about clicking on the video - long or short - is they get a click for their work (at least I think that's how it works?)

Another suggestion is to speed up the videos. Sometimes I'm at 2X for people that speak s l o w l y.... I have things to do and places to go to sit there waiting on each word. (gear icon in the lower right tray of video is usually where you find speed control)

I also suggest obtaining some bluetooth noise-cancelling headphones! I have these Sony WH1000XM4s and they're fantastic. They work on a plane as well.

I can walk around the house, putter in the garage, yard etc. They go about 40 ft.

They also work great when the wife is talking.... :ROFLMAO:
Another suggestion is to speed up the videos. Sometimes I'm at 2X for people that speak s l o w l y.... I have things to do and places to go to sit there waiting on each word. (gear icon in the lower right tray of video is usually where you find speed control)
Yep. I listen to most videos (other than music videos) at 1.5 or higher because it takes less time and is still understandable.
So many videos I want to listen to but there just aren't enough hours in the day. :confused:
Here is a prime example of what I was 'getting at' above regarding posting a video...

I don't know why, but the video posted by Unca here begins at the 7:28m mark.

The 'only' way I know how to make that happen is to click 'Share' and check the 'Start at' check box. HOWEVER, if you actually click on the video link (at top of video image - click name of video) you will see the URL includes the start time "449s" which is how YT knows where to begin the video.

This is why I say the best way is to click on 'Share' and 'Copy' the link. It ALWAYS starts at the beginning... UNLESS you click on "Start at" check box.

I'm guessing it's the browser used that does the timestamp??

Anyone else have an idea why else??
The timestamp is provided by YouTube (when you click that option).
Right-clicking on a video brings up this popup box:


If I misunderstood your post, disregard this reply. :)
The timestamp is provided by YouTube (when you click that option).
Right-clicking on a video brings up this popup box:

If I misunderstood your post, disregard this reply. :)
I don't think you misunderstood...

I think it's possible that there is user error in the mix?

Right clicking (I'm on a Mac w touchpad - RC not possible) could be the reason. Choosing the correct link in your example (same as mine) is the key.
Been a while, but IIRC, if you start watching a youtube video that's embedded content (posted in another forum or blog or whatever) and then click on the video title opening the video (on it's page) in a new tab, the address in the newly opened tab will include the timestamp from where you were at that moment. If you copy the link from the new tab, it's going to include the timestamp in the URL.
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