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Supah fancy!
Got on a weird kick and started going through old videos to find ones that translate well to animated .GIFs.

Really enjoying your creative stuff. I think my friend will be amused with what you did with the sun figure he gave me.
Finally took the PSA AR-V9 to the Okeechobee range. It has a collapsible brace and 7" barrel.

The brace only extends a couple of inches and is the smallest ergonomics I could possibly use accurately.

I added a red dot and funny thing about <redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets>y engineering vs. anybody else. It took me 50 rounds to dial it in. The dot came set from the factory all the way down and to the right. I had to turn it up and to the left 25+ clicks each way @ 15 yards. It should have been sent much closer to center infinity than dialed all the way to 135 degrees southeast. Once it was dialed in you cannot miss.

The pistol has little recoil. Next trip I will bring a 5.56 with 11" barrel and do a comparison.

This was the first time I ever shot an AR as I normally use commie milsup 7.62 x 39, shotguns or 10/22. Any enthusiast should own at least one PCC.

Nick I just use a laser bullet before I go to the range for red dot sighting on a new firearm. Cheaper than bullets.
I usually only need minor adjustment at the range.
I have a laser on it, but it was too sunny to see it.
I have a laser on it, but it was too sunny to see it.
A laser bullet you load in the chamber at home or where ever, and zero the red dot there without ammo.
Then when you go to the range it is near zero at the same range. They are cheaper than ammo, I have one for every caliber.

Btw, in Poland (at least) I was told that Elephant figurines with upturned trunks are considered good luck. And the smaller the elephant the bigger the luck.
Trouble is... damn' few elephants roaming the streets there with trunks or even suitcases.
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