Shortwave Listening (SWL)

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A few posts / links for anyone interested in the hobby of shortwave radio listening. International broadcasts, ham traffic, air bands, etc. Not a how to. No outright ham info. Just some listening fun.

If you're a SWL feel free to chime in.

Yaesu FTdx10 Scanning the Mediumwave wave AM radio band 520 to 1710 kHz V outdoor antenna​

Nov 15, 2022

Checking out the AM radio band in Montreal and enjoying the quiet Power Supply compared to the old noisy Pyramid
8 minutes 40 seconds
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Blasts from the past
- The Glory Days of Shortwave Radio - YouTube

BBC - Antarctica Midwinter Broadcast

- If you were a SWL back in the 1960's you may remember catching a marine operator talking to a ship. Depending on your location and equipment you may have caught some shipboard radio operators. Here's a podcast with a radio officer. It's about 31 minutes long.
Episode #28 - The Ship's Radio Officer —
- Marine operator memories | WorkBoat
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HAARP is active right now. If your shortwave radio can do SSB you might be able to hear it.

I can hear the sweep sound from HAARP on 9.6 Mhz USB on and off. I doubt I am hearing any echo back as that would likely be an extremely weak signal but I plan to analyze the sound recordings I am making in case there is a hint of it.


HAM RADIO OBSERVING OPPORTUNITY: Ham radio operators may be able to detect today's HAARP radio transmission to asteroid 2010 XC15. HAARP will be transmitting at 9.6 MHz from 1100 UTC to 2300 UTC. A thickening ionosphere during the 2nd half of experiment may allow the signal to be detected far away via ionospheric skip. Here are some technical details from the University of Alaska. If you record an echo, please let us know.​

HAARP IS PINGING AN ASTEROID TODAY: Researchers from NASA and the University of Alaska are about to perform an unusual radar experiment. They're going to ping a near-Earth asteroid using shortwave radio. The target is a 500-ft-wide space rock named "2010 XC15." When it passes by Earth on Tuesday, Dec. 27th, the HAARP array in Alaska will hit it with a long pulse of 9.6 MHz radio waves.​
New (for me) radio blog:

"Disclaimer: Never tired anything like this. Probably never will. Thought it an interesting story and posting it as that. Nothing more.

For any active listeners:

Special LRA 36 (Arcangel San Gabriel, Antarctica) Broadcast on January 21, 2023​

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Adrian Korol, who shares the following announcement:

LRA 36 RADIO NACIONAL ARCANGEL SAN GABRIEL presents UNIENDO VOCES, a special production made together with RAE (Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior) and dedicated to shortwave listeners, DXers and ham radio amateurs from all over the world.


Imagine it's the 1960's and you're new to SWL. You're tuning around and you catch a broadcast from Antarctica for the first time. You smile from ear to ear. Great catch!

Here's some neat pics.


A quick review of the World Radio & TV Handbook 2023 edition!​

Oxford Shortwave Log
Feb 25, 2023

We thought it would never happen, but it did! So now we must all go out and buy it to help protect the future of this vital publication.

Thanks for watching, keep safe, 73!

Tune in the World With a Vintage Shortwave Radio​

While collectors can enjoy most anything, some items offer more than just looking nice on the shelf. It’s nice when a collectible actually does something! Antique and vintage shortwave radios are like that – rather than just collect dust, they let you listen to news and entertainment from across the world.

Shortwave listening is a great way to learn about geography and culture. Imagine listening to an English broadcast from China one day and classical music from Germany the next. For even more adventure, there’s the excitement of chasing down marine and aircraft communication, amateur radio operators, and even military signals.

Read the rest:

A little nostalgia.

Shortwave Radio - VOA, 1968​

Voice of America 7:46
This one is an old broadcast from Radio Deutsche Well received in Philly. It's 47 minutes long.

Deutsche Welle Radio, West Germany​

Deutsche Welle Radio - Cologne, West Germany (Antigua Carribean relay) May 27, 1989, 1 a.m. Eastern Time 9670 kHz received in Philadelphia.
An old Radio Moscow broadcast.

Radio Moscow - Moscow Mailbag 1979 September​


As a shortwave listener I've always enjoyed catching a pirate station. Some are actually pretty good.....dependiing on the programing. Here's an article about one that the FCC are going to shut down.

Never thought I'd be hearing about pirate radio from Steve L but there's always a first.

Pirate Radio Stations Keep Popping Up In Oregon​

Apr 4, 2023


On of the most famous pirate stations was Radio Caroline. They are now legit.


Real Spies Talk About Intercepting Secret Numbers Stations​

Apr 16, 2023


Radio Moscow - Moscow Mailbag 1979 August​


Please enjoy Red Theater's archive of shortwave radio recordings and shortwave-related broadcasts. Subscribe today for daily transmissions and oddities.
Not me.

Crapola Radio, shortwave pirate, 6905 kHz USB, 28 APR 2023, 01:07 UTC​

Apr 28, 2023


Copied in Denver CO USA on an Icom IC-7100 with a G5RV dipole antenna. Image is of the eQSL I received in acknowledgement of my reception report. Transmitted from unknown location but presumably somewhere in the United States or possibly Canada.

Lost recording of RTL on longwave 234 kHz at Christmas 2022 before they shutdown forever​

May 2, 2023


Hi there, here is a lost recording of RTL from last Christmas before they shut down on 02/01/23 at 01:00 hrs CET.
Still missing them on 234 kHz!
Recorded in Oxford UK using a Yaesu FRG8800 and a Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna (outdoors) via a Bonito AntennaJet RF splitter.
Thanks for watching, keep safe and 73.


*If you check out this guy's channel you'll see some really neat stuff.

Medium wave reception through a DX Engineering NCC-2​

May 5, 2023


While MW is sadly declining rapidly everywhere, it is still well populated in Spain. Typically, on any MW frequency (they are 9 kHz apart here in Europe, and 10 kKz in the US and other places) there will be several stations from the same network transmitting simultaneously.

Anyway, MW is not easy to hear during the day unless you are more or less in the target area of the transmitter. Things improve substantially after sunset. On 837 kHz we presently have four transmitters of the COPE network, from the cities of Ferrol, Las Palmas, Sevilla and Burgos, none of which is very audible in Madrid, where I am. However, by phasing two active vertical antennas, reception is possible with relative comfort even in daylight hours (it is noon as I am shooting this video). The same applies to other frequencies I am checking. The device I am using (DX Engineering NCC-2) is also an effective noise canceller, using the same phasing principle. When the NCC-2 is off, a passive long wire antenna (about 10 meters long) kicks in automatically, but those faint signals cannot generally be heard unless propagation conditions are exceptionally good for some reason).

My active vertical antennas will effectively cover any frequency from just a few kHz up to around 30 MHz, but they particularly shine on long and medium wave.

MW has already been shut down in many European countries, and in some Spanish cities. I really hope it will stay with us for a while, as it covers very large areas of Spain where FM or DAB are not yet an option.



Listening to Radio New Zealand International on an M.P. Pedersen B285K receiver​

May 7, 2023


This is RNZ coming in very nicely on 11725 kHz in my MP Pedersen receiver. This is a Danish-made marine receiver from the early 1950s, based on tube technology. RNZ has a variety of extremely interesting programs on short wave, ranging from news to music, environmental matters and social affairs. New Zealand is the antipode of Spain, at the other side of Planet Earth, as far as you can go from Madrid, where I am listening from.

For any active listeners:

Eifeler Radiotage on Shortwave: May 12 – May 14, 2023​

Texas Radio Shortwave via Norway’s Radio Northern Star this weekend!​

For any active listeners..........................

To mark Czech Radio’s centenary, Radio Prague International is preparing a special show for you on Thursday 18 May. Listen to it and write to let us know where you heard it to receive a special Czech Radio QSL card made especially for the anniversary!


Radio Dechovka (special broadcast) on 1233 kHz, 18 May 2023, 2052 UTC​

May 19, 2023


Congratulations to the Czech Republic! 100th anniversary of radio broadcasting in Czech Republic. Radio Dechovka celebrate this anniversary with a symbolic 24-hour broadcast from the Prague Zbraslav transmitter, which began on May 18, 2023 at 1000 UTC. Received with Icom IC-R75 and a Wellbrook antenna:
Radio Dechovka (special broadcast) from Czech Republic to Central/Eastern/Southern Europe on 1233 kHz, Power (kW): 10, 18 May 2023, 2052 UTC, Distance: 454 km, Loc: JO40BT. Thanks for watching!



The Secret Numbers Station That Got Scared​

May 24, 2023


Shortwave Magazine archives. Mentioned in the video in the above post.


Listening to broadcasting stations on an old R1155 radio receiver​

May 26, 2023


Reception conditions today are just wonderful on all bands right now (11:30 GMT), and stations sound nice in my R1145 receiver. It was built in 1943, it flew in Halifax and Lancaster bombers throughout WWII and landed peacefully at my radio shack in Madrid 10 years ago, where it was cured of its ailments and gives me a lot of listening pleasure every day.



How Radio Won the Cold War - DOCUMENTARY​

Mar 7, 2020


Our historical documentary series on the history of the Cold War continues with a video on the Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty - two stations that influenced the Cold War and its results, playing an important role in the western propaganda


Radio Algeria International on medium wave. Listening on a Rohde Schwarz EK07 radio receiver​

Jun 8, 2023


Short clip of Radio Algeria, as heard last night on MW in the Madrid area on the frequency of 891 kHz, on my R&S EK07 receiver.

For any active listeners:

BBC MidWinter broadcast frequencies June 21st 2023 2130 to 2200 UTC​

Jun 20, 2023


Frequencies used :
7255 via Dhabbaya UAE
12005 via Wooferton UK
13810 via Wooferton UK

2023 BBC Antarctic Midwinter Transmission on Shortwave in FULL length, 21 June 2023, 2130-2200 UTC​

Jun 21, 2023


Complete transmission of the 2023 #BBC World Service Antarctic #Midwinter Broadcast. 21 June 2023, 2130-2200 UTC. Received with a Sangean ATS-909X2 and a Wellbrook antenna. Loc: JO40BT. Reception was done or tried on 7255 kHz (Dhabayya, 250 kW, 4916 km), 12005 kHz (Woofferton, 300 kW, 770 km) and 13810 kHz (Woofferton, 250 kW, 770 km). Ascension relay is not being used this year. Thanks for watching!

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