The Economic Argument Is Over — And Paul Krugman Won

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Yellow Jacket
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This article is hoot:

"The argument is over. Paul Krugman has won. The only question now is whether the folks who have been arguing that we have no choice but to cut government spending while the economy is still weak will be big enough to admit that."

"...with America's government deficit already shrinking (thanks to the rollback of some tax cuts and a modest increase in taxes), it is now even clearer that the sequester did not have to be adopted."

As always, it's a matter of perspective (short sighted fools agree with Krugman). What's your time horizon?


* bump *

Since this appears to be the thread where we laugh at Krugman's expense...

Hours after posting a bizarre notification on Twitter that someone hacked his IP address to “download child pornography” and alerting his followers that Times tech staff are “on the case,” Krugman deleted his original tweet and said he may be the victim of a scam.
The walk back by Krugman, a favorite target for derision by conservatives, unleashed a salvo of jokes at his expense, many of which referenced his generation’s less-than-savvy understanding of how the Internet works.

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