Here are a couple of reads that fit right into The Great Taking....
updates on the insane world of money and power
'Owe Nothing—Be Happy'
I'll be 80 next April, and just finished up my biggest work year in decades. Pump hous-
es and high ladder work, for which I got bids that would have meant selling assets I've
held onto since the turn of the century. Instead I decided that I had created this mess,
and I was going to spend 6 months, hanging unto my assets—and making it right.
There were pluses/minuses—I listened to podcasts all day, but at night could barely
stay awake to write. Today, I was so tired I needed energy from a cuppa coffee to nap.
I sent this out to someone close who is considering getting a loan to buy some multi-
family units. He's done it before, successfully, but he is young and has never experi-
enced a depressed real estate market. Here's my text: A prediction: within one to five
years, every property with a mortgage on it will be confiscated by the big banks, and
bank accounts will be taken to be used to bail-in (the opposite of bail-out), failing
banks. The only economic word that applies now is 'safety'. ‘Owe nothing—be happy’.
By now, I know better than make predictions, but I made this by way of a warning to
him because I know he doesn't read what I write, and he won't be logging on to 'Wel-
come to Bill Holter' to read 'The Great Taking'. Hopefully I can scare him into sanity.
He doesn't understand that the US is on the verge of the greatest credit collapse in
history—a credit collapse that will pervade the global economy. And without credit (the
medium everyone relies on for most everything), it will all come to a stop for everyone.
And those multifamily units, rented at 'fair rents' will have no takers in a depression.
Also, he doesn't understand that as a business conservative who supported Trump,
twice, he is regarded by 'the ruling class' as a 'domestic terrorist'. At some point his as-
sets will be dealt with the way the US Gov't dealt with Russia's assets. But before that,
along with the rest of the 'plebeians', his 'reserves' (bank accounts), will be confiscated,
'bailed in' to save his failing bank (with blame laid at the feet of Putin/Xi). Then, in a
more definitive step, the 'ruling class' will rationalize seizing any real estate and bonds.
Maybe this won't happen? Maybe 'the wrath of Trump' will eviscerate the 'leftist' bas-
tards—but don't count on it. And don't count on Trump avoiding war in the 'holy lands'.
The elites can't do to American citizens, in 'one fell swoop', as they did to Russia's
foreign reserves and Russian citizen's assets (held outside of Russia). The US 'ruling
class' has to tread lightly, having had its nose bloodied over the origin of, and decep-
tion around the virus, the reaction to the virus—'vaccines'/adverse reactions/masks/lockdowns,
immigration insanity, Ukraine, and so many economic lies—perpetuated.
Elites need to incrementally strip us of our 'pursuit of happiness' (assets), using un-
constitutional but quasi-legal proceedings that will shock Americans—but maybe not
stir them to action? As in, bank depositors losing funds (w/out judicial review), funds
they assumed were 'on deposit'—except when banks need our savings to stay viable.
Will the elite get away with it? Maybe. They will point to articles in the mainstream
that under Dodd/Frank, what were 'depositors' became 'investors'—not at the head of
the 'claim line'. Savers will have to take responsibility for 'depositing' funds in unsound
institutions, at no interest paid. Instead, they risked their 'savings'—for nothing at all.
It's BS, but contractual—with no legal remedy for the loss of funds. Elites next step
will be more difficult, but it will be tried. Somehow, the definition of private property
needs changed to 'security entitlement' (easy under tokenized CBDC). In other words,
it's not really yours, it's a 'security' you are 'entitled' to. This applies to stocks and
bonds. They are held in your name; you are 'entitled' to the 'security', but ownership of
the instrument is not 'titled' in your name'. You are 'entitled' to it, but you do not own it.
At that point the definition of 'entitled' is up for grabs. Government, allied with monied
interests, can then default on 'selective securities'—the ones you're entitled to. Relying
on fear, under national security threat, government is forced to confiscate your asset.
Real estate—good luck with that. Few of us ever read Dodd/Frank, and how many
among us have read the terms of our real estate loans? Is it there, in black and white,
that under duress, banks may be obliged to call in your loan to protect bank viability?
We have woken up in an insane asylum. Some of us recognize we are yet sane, but
not understanding the full scope/danger of where this is headed, we best 'witness' be-
fore making decisions to act. What comes, whatever it may be—is a whole new game.
I want to go into how we got here, but leave that for another article. We are here,
and what caused us to get here is unrecognized by 'the many'. Some young person
have made millions in real estate, but not recognizing the peril, could lose everything to
renters unable to pay, and mortgages being called. They just don't think it can happen.
So what is safe? Nothing—but what is safer? This is the George Carlin moment: "I
have one rule—I never believe anything the government tells me." Not listening to their
spiel about 'vaccines' may have saved your life. Not buying into 'Trump derange' got us
some Supreme Court judges, without which the conversation ends—w/out a republic .
Buying on credit at a time like this is sticking your neck out—making you the
Thanksgiving turkey. Anything the bastards can get their hooks into—they will. Along
the way we have to scrutinize, otherwise reasonable pundits such as Brent Johnson
and Robert Barnes—who venture into the category of 'believers' when it comes to the
dollar. Johnson: 'everything is going to go on just like it always has—with the dollar
winning in the end.' Barnes sees the dollar as the currency the world wants to trade in.
Will a US, wrong about everything, in a world aligning in BRICS, win the currency war?
They will not, but along a 'path of misery' they will come for everything you own—
and you with it. Nothing is safe, but some things are safer than others. Gold and silver
is yours, 'to have and to hide', from this day forward. Ammunition is yours. They can
come for both—but will they want to take that chance—when everything is on the line.
Keep in mind the elite have no ethics—and under their rhetoric lies a coward. They
rely on people like us to fight their battles. We rely on ourselves to fight the good fight.