The Hunter B. coverup is getting scary

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Unca Walt

Immortal. So far...
GIM2 Refugee
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Despite cameras in every room...

Those In Charge of the "Investigation" strain ignore the obvious... and strain so hard they have suddenly had a quite serious rupture.

The stories from these diligent investigators have come up with three separate places where the zipper-package snow was found. They posit the bag was there for months while renovations were made. They have no input re: DNA or fingerprints on the bag.

All of this would be pretty shameful for the lobby of a hotel in Brooklyn. But the absolutely self-negating position being taken tells the whole world something important:

1. I posit that the bag contained ANTHRAX.

2. I posit that using the actual explanations from these SS/FBI "investigators", the White House could have had ANTHRAX placed in it by an enemy, and the SS/FBI would not have a goddamn clue as to when and who did it.

3. They cannot figure out who/how/when in seconds? Really? They are that utterly incompetent that anyone in the White House can be murdered by anthrax at any time and these geniuses would not have any idea how to prevent it... much less solve who did it.

4. If the statements of the SS/FBI are accurate, we must vacate the White House because it is NOT a safe environment. Saboteurs/assassins/enemy agents can just walk in, plant deadly items, and walk out free as a bird while the Keystone Kops fall off the truck.

Using only the OFFICIAL words from this, prove me wrong.
I'm a bit surprised the cocaine incident isn't caught on camera. Just my own thought but you'd think every movement in a public area would be under constant surveillance.
Like duh, they pretty much just told ya who done it. They've covered for far worse crimes so ya thought they'd take him down for some white powder?
The stories from these diligent investigators have come up with three separate places where the zipper-package snow was found.
That alone is evidence of a cover up. There should be no discrepancy at all, as to where it was found. The person(s) who found it knows exactly where they were when they found it.

If it were found while Trump was in office, we'd have a multi-million dollar, years-long investigation started looking to prove it was his.
I'm a bit surprised the cocaine incident isn't caught on camera. Just my own thought but you'd think every movement in a public area would be under constant surveillance.
It. Fargin. IS!!

MULTIPLE cameras in every room. Situated so there are no Hollywood "hidden" areas.

Now back to the ANTHRAX placed in a bag by someone with no DNA and no fingerprints (the enemy agent was obviously wearing rubber gloves <-- but that mistake should have been noticed even by the Secret Service). :rolleyes:

Now the question is:

What measures must the Secret Service/FBI take to ensure that:

1. Rubber-glove wearing enemy agents

2. With multiple zipper bags of ANTHRAX

3. Walking through all the White House rooms (private/under construction/public)

4. Depositing the deadly stuff everywhere the cameras do not see

5. Or where no one can find the recorded videos

6. In the few cases where there were functioning cameras installed

7. And in areas the Secret Service and FBI cannot remember where they DID find some ANTHRAX

8 Is not repeated daily.
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It gets worse. MUCH worse. Now it was found in a locker. The KEY to the locker is missing. The search by the SS and FBI is CLOSED.

"The Colorado Republican [Rep. Lauren Boebert] also told Fox News Digital that, during the briefing, she had inquired about specific security measures in place for the lockers where the cocaine had been found. Boebert said the Secret Service had admitted that the key to the locker in question "is missing."

"There are 182 lockers in that foyer and currently... locker number 50 where the cocaine was found, that key is missing," she said. "There were more than 500 people who went through the West Wing during the weekend of when this substance was found, when the cocaine was found in the White House, and none of those people who have come through are classified as suspects."

"We do not know how many were tourists, individual citizens, or staffers, and they currently are not looking any further into those more than 500 people who entered that foyer of the West Wing during that weekend," she said. "Instead, they are quickly wanting to close this investigation and move on to the next Biden crime crisis."

These are the people that can find a grandmother in a crowd of a hundred thousand people in Jan 6... but throw up their hands in confusion when faced with trying to even think of looking through 500 people putting things in a locker in the freaking WHITE HOUSE.

Another question:

Can I get a tour of the White House and keep a souvenir key to the locker they give me without looking at me or having me walk past a camera?

Can I fill my locker with the stuff I need to follow the venerated Jap Unit 731 technique of germ warfare using explosives?

And if I keep the key, they will not stop me, right? I mean, they are the Secret Service...
Forget the cameras. There is no way there weren't fingerprints on the baggie. Everyone with access to that building has their fingerprints on record. Hell, I had to have mine taken every five years. They know precisely whose cocaine that was. The fact that they are lying their asses off - again - tells the American people all they need to know.

And their ridiculous story that just about "anyone" could have walked into the most secure building in the nation and left a mysterious white powder behind makes us look even more ridiculous than we already look. This is just embarrassing. And the leftists are giggling about it.

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I wish I could send an email to Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo (can't, I'm blocked -- I am out of her state).

I'd ask her to put it to the SS: What if it was anthrax and not cocaine? Would the SS still be stymied? If so, what are they going to do about it?

Anybody here in her state? Please pass it on.

I'd ask her to put it to the SS: What if it was anthrax and not cocaine? Would the SS still be stymied? If so, what are they going to do about it?
They were stymied about it when it happened 20 years ago.

We still have never gotten complete answers on that one.
...and those attacks were used to pressure congress into passing the patriot act and the anthrax was shown to have been sourced from a military lab.
There It Is.
The way things in this country are now you had to know nothing would come of this. This goes to show just how stoopid and inept they all are. Why bother even reporting this in the first place?
The way things in this country are now you had to know nothing would come of this. This goes to show just how stoopid and inept they all are. Why bother even reporting this in the first place?

Probably because they have done something even more stupid and inept and are using Hunter's missing coke story to distract us from it.

Despite cameras in every room...

Those In Charge of the "Investigation" strain ignore the obvious... and strain so hard they have suddenly had a quite serious rupture.

The stories from these diligent investigators have come up with three separate places where the zipper-package snow was found. They posit the bag was there for months while renovations were made. They have no input re: DNA or fingerprints on the bag.

All of this would be pretty shameful for the lobby of a hotel in Brooklyn. But the absolutely self-negating position being taken tells the whole world something important:
It couldn't be any other way.

Look...we're dealing with sociopaths, morons, and Alzheimers patients. They lied, stole and grifted their way into the White House, and they're just going to continue to do so until they're stopped.

Because it's what they do. It's who they are.

So this couldn't HELP but escalate. Hunter is a no-load druggie scumbag. Left to his own devices, he'd be stoned in a trailer park somewhere.

Do we think that giving him $50 million or so from Ukraine and the CCP, in graft, is going to make him a Boy Scout?

NO. It just bought caps for his meth-mouth teeth (look it up. Before his dental work his fangs were impressive). Now he wears a suit while he snorts his blow. Always a new suit, because, given his habits, I'm sure he ruins them fast.

Well, now the FBI and Capitol Hill Police are showing their partisanship. As if we had doubts.

And next time it will be something worse. Hunter and Corn Pop have another common interest - little girls. I wouldn't put it past Hunter to invite the Big Guy to take ten percent of his latest conquest....
It couldn't be any other way.

Look...we're dealing with sociopaths, morons, and Alzheimers patients. They lied, stole and grifted their way into the White House, and they're just going to continue to do so until they're stopped.

Because it's what they do. It's who they are.

So this couldn't HELP but escalate. Hunter is a no-load druggie scumbag. Left to his own devices, he'd be stoned in a trailer park somewhere.

Do we think that giving him $50 million or so from Ukraine and the CCP, in graft, is going to make him a Boy Scout?

NO. It just bought caps for his meth-mouth teeth (look it up. Before his dental work his fangs were impressive). Now he wears a suit while he snorts his blow. Always a new suit, because, given his habits, I'm sure he ruins them fast.

Well, now the FBI and Capitol Hill Police are showing their partisanship. As if we had doubts.

And next time it will be something worse. Hunter and Corn Pop have another common interest - little girls. I wouldn't put it past Hunter to invite the Big Guy to take ten percent of his latest conquest....

Look at some of the photos found on his laptop. Very young girls. Many snorting coke. Extremely inappropriate.

Pretty easy to get away with it when you have the SS and the FBI running cover.
In court today. Getting a special probation.
^^^Looks like plea deal fell through.

Understand what happened here:

1. The plea deal was laboriously hashed out and agreed to over a month ago. Both sides had to have understood what was being agreed to.

2. BUT they never put the actual plea agreement terms on the court docket where the public & the media could read it

3. Not until they were in front of Judge Noreika this morning did the nuts and bolts of the actual plea deal start to be exposed when the judge began questioning the parties about it.

4. Judge Noreika very perceptively zeroed in on the immunity clause of the deal, and the fact no plea deal like this one had EVER BEEN PROPOSED IN FEDERAL COURT BEFORE. She got the government's lead prosecutor to admit this under questioning.

5. This questioning on immunity led to the surfacing of a continued disagreement between the parties: the prosecution is saying the Judge accepting plea deal does NOT give Hunter immunity from being prosecuted in the future as a result of ongoing federal criminal investigations into things like FARA violations. The defense immediately disputed this, telling the court it was their understanding that Hunter WOULD be getting immunity from future prosecution/s if she accepted the negotiated plea deal.

6. Since the judge rejected the initial negotiated plea agreement, both parties are hashing out a new deal where its made clear to both prosecution and defense that Hunter does NOT have future immunity should other federal investigations result in criminal charges against him.

I hope everybody was able to follow all of that. 😬

This is so stupid.


Hunter just pleaded not guilty now that the judge has tossed the original plea deal, and his lawyers did not want to accept a deal without immunity.

They are going to trial.
They have him cold on perjuring himself when he was testifying that he was too broke to pay child support payments as well, but nothing will happen to him because he's a Biden. The entire family is grifters. Look at all those shell corporations in the children's and grandchildren's names. Why all the shell corporations if everything is legit? What, exactly, was Hunter providing to the board of a Ukrainian Energy company to warrant $83,000 a month?
They have him cold on perjuring himself when he was testifying that he was too broke to pay child support payments as well, but nothing will happen to him because he's a Biden. The entire family is grifters. Look at all those shell corporations in the children's and grandchildren's names. Why all the shell corporations if everything is legit? What, exactly, was Hunter providing to the board of a Ukrainian Energy company to warrant $83,000 a month?
When this guy is getting taken daily by Bubba and his crew only then will justice be served. Nothing gonna happen to this pos or his old man. Watch.

Understand what happened here:

1. The plea deal was laboriously hashed out and agreed to over a month ago. Both sides had to have understood what was being agreed to.

2. BUT they never put the actual plea agreement terms on the court docket where the public & the media could read it

3. Not until they were in front of Judge Noreika this morning did the nuts and bolts of the actual plea deal start to be exposed when the judge began questioning the parties about it.

4. Judge Noreika very perceptively zeroed in on the immunity clause of the deal, and the fact no plea deal like this one had EVER BEEN PROPOSED IN FEDERAL COURT BEFORE. She got the government's lead prosecutor to admit this under questioning.

5. This questioning on immunity led to the surfacing of a continued disagreement between the parties: the prosecution is saying the Judge accepting plea deal does NOT give Hunter immunity from being prosecuted in the future as a result of ongoing federal criminal investigations into things like FARA violations. The defense immediately disputed this, telling the court it was their understanding that Hunter WOULD be getting immunity from future prosecution/s if she accepted the negotiated plea deal.

6. Since the judge rejected the initial negotiated plea agreement, both parties are hashing out a new deal where its made clear to both prosecution and defense that Hunter does NOT have future immunity should other federal investigations result in criminal charges against him.

I hope everybody was able to follow all of that. 😬

This is so stupid.


Hunter just pleaded not guilty now that the judge has tossed the original plea deal, and his lawyers did not want to accept a deal without immunity.

They are going to trial.

if the maggot does get convicted , won’t the Big Guy just pardon the son?
More than likely but he won't get much if anything at all. This is all right in our faces now they don't give a rat's ass if you know or not.
More than likely but he won't get much if anything at all. This is all right in our faces now they don't give a rat's ass if you know or not.
Yup. The closing stage of Revolution.

Voting no longer matters. Protest has been criminalized. Law enforcement has become political persecution.
Dare I say it?

"TMBS" introduced me to "Normalcy Bias." It's an interesting concept...but, my friend, my appears you're now suffering from it.

The people are being shown; and what they SEE...THEY DENY. I know this; I see what my other old-codger neighbors do with the information presented them.

They're in Reality Denial - as some of them cling to Face Diapers; most have gotten three-plus of the poison Jabs; and they believe EVERY...STINKING...WORD coming off the Idiot Box with the catty skirts smearing Trump as a White-Supremicist revolutionary.

I don't know why; but critical-thinking is just COMPLETELY gone. Brain Fog is part of it, I guess. Mind-Control, of the sort that we had seen in Soviet-Bloc nations and banana republics, is another part.

But they're just not picking it up. And dammit, the lying nooze mediuh are being SUCCESSFUL by blocking whole volumes of FACTS - about the billion-dollar graft; about the whores Hunter likes; about how their empty-headed hero likes little girls, including his own daughter when she was one. The votes, the vote counts...the transvestite freaks, the queering of the military, the PROVOCATION, the OVERT THREATS given to Russia - HOPING to start that nuclear war.

We can show them no more. The next thing they will be shown, is a fireball in the sky.

America was never like this; but it is, now. introduced me to "Normalcy Bias." It's an interesting concept...but, my friend, my appears you're now suffering from it.

The people are being shown; and what they SEE...THEY DENY. I know this; I see what my other old-codger neighbors do with the information presented them.

They're in Reality Denial - as some of them cling to Face Diapers; most have gotten three-plus of the poison Jabs; and they believe EVERY...STINKING...WORD coming off the Idiot Box with the catty skirts smearing Trump as a White-Supremicist revolutionary.

I don't know why; but critical-thinking is just COMPLETELY gone. Brain Fog is part of it, I guess. Mind-Control, of the sort that we had seen in Soviet-Bloc nations and banana republics, is another part.

But they're just not picking it up. And dammit, the lying nooze mediuh are being SUCCESSFUL by blocking whole volumes of FACTS - about the billion-dollar graft; about the whores Hunter likes; about how their empty-headed hero likes little girls, including his own daughter when she was one. The votes, the vote counts...the transvestite freaks, the queering of the military, the PROVOCATION, the OVERT THREATS given to Russia - HOPING to start that nuclear war.

We can show them no more. The next thing they will be shown, is a fireball in the sky.

America was never like this; but it is, now.

Your average liberal democrat is so mind controlled that if CNN tells them that it is merely an asteroid and that Trump is responsible for it, they will believe it without question.
Grasshoppers... Think about getting a mountain to move.

Looking at the actual thoughts and words in the two posts above, we see:

Two years ago no one would be typing those sincere words so forcefully and with an "it's obvious!" tone.

That is a fact. What you are seeing is the fact that where you guys are standing has moved. What was a ledge is now a flat plain. To you, all have been shown and zip has happened. 'Tisn't so.

All of us here have long derided and ignored the messages from the mockingbird media. We were a small minority compared to the general poplulation. WE were "fringe types" <-- Gold bugs. We all saw the dollar for what it is: Monopoly Money that people accept as real.

OK... They Must Be Shown. So inflation hits the CNN watcher. They cannot blame Trump. So they just sort of accept it. But among some of the "immovable herd"... there was movement. Some of them saw crazy things with sex and BIG money going on. <-- Hard to hide from (and many still do).

There was a noticleable sea change.

The Internet has made the ridiculous LGBQ parades, school readings, etc. noticeable to some of the immovable herd. Many of that herd just refused to see anything about portly generals in dresses and kept their eyes closed. But some began thinking.

The sea change became irrevocable when the mockingbird media began to take the halo off of Xiden. CNN announced "problems" with the Hunter "Just Us" plea deal. And it began to roll from there.

The Internet is filling in many gaps in the knowledge of the Great Unwashed out there. It is now impossible to be unaware of presidential family shenanigans.

TV stations have now broadcast the gloating video that is proof of treason: "Well, sonofabitch! He got fired!"

It is not over yet, Grasshoppers. When the mountain itself cascades down, it will be very violent.

So be it.
Your keyboard to God's ears.

We must have some sort of cosmic justice, lest the rational people all go insane.
To be frank, the whole freaking town probably runs on more coke that you'd believe. Was it something else, maybe, but coke would be pretty pedestrian at that level. Don't ask me how I know...

Attorney general elevates Hunter Biden prosecutor to special counsel​

Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss as a special counsel in his investigation of President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden, Garland announced on Friday.

Weiss asked Garland to be appointed special counsel on Tuesday and Garland said he concluded it was in the public interest after considering the request.

A senior Department of Justice official told reporters that this is the first time Weiss has asked to be appointed special counsel. Weiss himself has said the same before, pushing back on claims by an IRS whistleblower.

"This appointment confirms my commitment to provide Mr. Weiss all the resources he requests," Garland said. "It also reaffirms that Mr. Weiss has the authority he needs to conduct a thorough investigation and to continue to take the steps he deems appropriate in dependently based only on the facts and the law."



Attorney general elevates Hunter Biden prosecutor to special counsel​

Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss as a special counsel in his investigation of President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden, Garland announced on Friday.

Weiss asked Garland to be appointed special counsel on Tuesday and Garland said he concluded it was in the public interest after considering the request.

A senior Department of Justice official told reporters that this is the first time Weiss has asked to be appointed special counsel. Weiss himself has said the same before, pushing back on claims by an IRS whistleblower.

"This appointment confirms my commitment to provide Mr. Weiss all the resources he requests," Garland said. "It also reaffirms that Mr. Weiss has the authority he needs to conduct a thorough investigation and to continue to take the steps he deems appropriate in dependently based only on the facts and the law."


Lol. some sort of joke. He appointed the prosecutor who JUST gave him the sweetheart and illegal plea deal. OH, and now he won't be "able" to be subpeona'd for that by Congress. What a joke.

Attorney general elevates Hunter Biden prosecutor to special counsel​

Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss as a special counsel in his investigation of President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden, Garland announced on Friday.

Weiss asked Garland to be appointed special counsel on Tuesday and Garland said he concluded it was in the public interest after considering the request.

A senior Department of Justice official told reporters that this is the first time Weiss has asked to be appointed special counsel. Weiss himself has said the same before, pushing back on claims by an IRS whistleblower.

"This appointment confirms my commitment to provide Mr. Weiss all the resources he requests," Garland said. "It also reaffirms that Mr. Weiss has the authority he needs to conduct a thorough investigation and to continue to take the steps he deems appropriate in dependently based only on the facts and the law."


Might as well make the top investigator one who has already spoken his opinion (in lockstep with the DS/Dem/Cabal) Very much akin to giving the FBI the laptop to "deal with".

A quote from the Good Guys regarding this farcical appointment (from ABC news, yet):
"As a practical matter, it makes no difference whether Weiss requested special counsel or special attorney authority," Shapley's attorneys said. "Under no circumstances should 'the process' have included the political appointees of the subject's father, because Congress and the public had been assured it would not -- but it did."

Garland may well be on his own road to impeachment.
I don't think any of these are going to be removed, except the way Nicolae Ceausescu was retired.
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