Just so you know, you are now clinically insane.
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clinically insane
What a load of excrement.Mary Trump speaks to SiriusXM radio's Dean Obeidallah about Donald's dangerous mental decline, his fear of prison, why he cares about the NY fraud case and more
I was just about to post that. LolWhat a load of excrement.
She and NYC are going to be held liable. But again, this seems obvious.This is an opinion piece on how thing could go down. Take it fwiw (dyodd.)
First, search. Then, seizure. How Tish James will go after Trump’s bank accounts and other assets.
Donald Trump faces a Monday deadline to delay enforcement of a $454 million civil fraud judgment.
NEW YORK — Frozen bank accounts. A sheriff at the door. And maybe even a private plane put up for auction.
Donald Trump could soon face any of those scenarios if he can’t come up with a roughly half-billion dollar bond by next week to stop the enforcement of a civil judgment after a judge found that he and his company committed widespread corporate fraud.
If Trump can’t find an underwriter to guarantee the amount on his behalf — and if he fails to persuade a court to give him an 11th-hour respite while he appeals the verdict — New York Attorney General Tish James can begin seizing his assets.
Monday marks the end of a 30-day grace period that James granted Trump, and she has said she is prepared to act.
“If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets,” she told ABC News last month. And James has already taken preliminary steps: She has filed the Manhattan judgment in neighboring Westchester County, a precursor to any enforcement actions there.
Judge in New York hush money case places limited gag order on Trump
The judge in Donald Trump's criminal hush money case in New York has granted the Manhattan district attorney's request for a limited gag order on the former president.abcnews.go.com
If he's so obviously a crook, why ain't he in court over any of that?Donald Trump Is Not the Victim of ‘Lawfare.’ He’s a Crook.
One of the reasons Republicans were so reluctant to accept Donald Trump’s nomination in 2016 is that he was quite obviously a crook. “His business record reflects the often dubious norms of the milieu: using eminent domain to condemn the property of others; buying the good graces of politicians — including many Democrats — with donations,” editorialized National Review. Marco Rubio lambasted him as a “con artist.” The Wall Street Journal editorialized about Trump’s deep ties to the mafia and his fulsome praise of its work. (After Trump won the nomination, the Journal spiked a second editorial about his mob links.)
Time reveals everything....One of the reasons Republicans were so reluctant to accept Donald Trump’s nomination in 2016 is that he was quite obviously a crook.
Trump posts $175 million bond in New York civil fraud case
The bond, reduced from the $464 million judgment that was originally due March 25, prevents the seizure of Trump's assets while the case is under appeal.www.nbcnews.com
This guy makes a living, gets paid to write nonsense?"Hastening his deterioration": Dr. John Gartner on impact of court trials on "Trump’s fragile brain"
"He is cognitively weak and closer than you might think to being completely disabled"www.salon.com
This guy makes a living, gets paid to write nonsense?