Trump Indictments (NY, GA, Jan 6, etc.)

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Bragg said in a video announcing his bid. “We must follow the facts wherever they lead, regardless of how influential the person under investigation is.
Yet he ignores crimes by those in his own party, and campaigned specifically on getting Trump.
He's a fucking stalinist.

If Trump wasn't running for office, he'd have never brought these bogus charges against him, and you know it as well as I do.

I don't expect much to come of it, but you never know...
Bit off topic but related:

Trump’s guilty verdicts make 34 cases for gold​

If you want to understand why gold is more valuable than ever just ask Donald Trump.

Right now he can probably think of 34 good reasons. One for each guilty verdict in his hush-money trial.

That’s because in the era of the internet, smartphones and cloud computing, where everything leaves a digital footprint, gold has become the only major financial asset that still guarantees privacy.

If Trump had paid off Stormy Daniels with gold coins he wouldn’t be in this predicament. There would be no evidence he had ever paid her a nickel. New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg would have been left pounding sand.

Instead Trump, through former attorney Michael Cohen, paid off Daniels through the regular banking system. The digital trail was easy to follow. And here he is: A convicted felon, staring at a possible if unlikely jail term, and the conundrum of trying to run for president from behind bars.

How could someone be so inept and naive? It makes no sense. There again, we’re talking about someone who managed to go bust, repeatedly, while running a casino—a game rigged in favor of the house.

Memo to Donald Trump: If you’d been a regular reader of MarketWatch you wouldn’t be in this mess.

Ordinary people may wonder what this has to do with them. Few, after all, are likely to find themselves in any type of situation like this.

More here:

Bit off topic but related:

Trump’s guilty verdicts make 34 cases for gold​

If you want to understand why gold is more valuable than ever just ask Donald Trump.

Right now he can probably think of 34 good reasons. One for each guilty verdict in his hush-money trial.

That’s because in the era of the internet, smartphones and cloud computing, where everything leaves a digital footprint, gold has become the only major financial asset that still guarantees privacy.

If Trump had paid off Stormy Daniels with gold coins he wouldn’t be in this predicament. There would be no evidence he had ever paid her a nickel. New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg would have been left pounding sand.

Instead Trump, through former attorney Michael Cohen, paid off Daniels through the regular banking system. The digital trail was easy to follow. And here he is: A convicted felon, staring at a possible if unlikely jail term, and the conundrum of trying to run for president from behind bars.

How could someone be so inept and naive? It makes no sense. There again, we’re talking about someone who managed to go bust, repeatedly, while running a casino—a game rigged in favor of the house.

Memo to Donald Trump: If you’d been a regular reader of MarketWatch you wouldn’t be in this mess.

Ordinary people may wonder what this has to do with them. Few, after all, are likely to find themselves in any type of situation like this.

More here:

Didn't work for Menendez
So you agree that it was all for political purposes. That they are using lawfare in an attempt to deny people their Right to elect who they want to elect.

Gonna be honest here, I think it has to do with several reasons.

Trump struts around like a king rooster in a hen house. People are sick and tired of it. Look at all the presidents before Trump and go back to Eisenhower. No matter how many terms they served they split the scene when they were out of office. Trump didn't. People are sick and tired of listening to him rant and rave like a lunatic.

Regular folks do not like loud moth bombastic bullies.
Regular folks do not want to hear someone constantly whining about losing an election.
Regular folks do not want to hear someone constantly telling them how rich and smart they are.
Regular folks believe that a woman's health concerns are between her and her doctor.

I could go on and on but I'm sure you get my drift. I don't know for sure, but I honestly believe that had Trump simply left office after he lost the last election none of the charges would have been filed.

Just my opinion, but his best bet is to state publicly that he is out of American politics for good, then have his lawyers contact Joe Biden and ask for a pardon.

jm2c fwiw.
I could go on and on but I'm sure you get my drift. I don't know for sure, but I honestly believe that had Trump simply left office after he lost the last election none of the charges would have been filed.
So in other words, be ok with all the evidence of your side having cheated in the election?
That's actually funny. The only side I'm on is my side.
Regular folks, or should I say morons, is why the government has gotten to be the way it is.

Most people are simply trying to keep their heads above water. They vote and then they're done with politics.

You sure spread their propaganda all the time.

C'mon. I post news and once in a while I may post an opinion. It's all in how you take a post.

I read a lot of posts, and the vast majority goes in one ear and out the other so-to-speak. If a post can help me in some way-shape or form that's one thing. If not.........I may read, listen to or watch it but don't think anything about it.

Some people take posts, especially political posts, way out of context and read far more into them than they should. Take a post fwiw, dyodd and you can't go wrong.
Most people are simply trying to keep their heads above water. They vote and then they're done with politics.
That's why they find themselves at the point of not having time to do anything but struggle to keep their heads above water.

Had the majority of people gave a fuck about politics and how it directly affects their lives, gold would still be $20/ounce.
....but instead we got morons who can't see beyond "what's for lunch?" "Duhhh!", and the few paying attention have to suffer because of it.

C'mon. I post news and once in a while I may post an opinion. It's all in how you take a post.
I gave you props the other day for posting something, but most of it is all hit pieces written by ultra leftists bemoaning anything remotely conservative.

Like the SC stuff. We finally get a court that's not liberal/left in almost 90 years, and then there is nothing but hit piece after hit piece on how awful the court suddenly is. Where were all the concerns about supposed impropriety before? Never heard nothin' about it, because the leftists were getting the rulings they liked.

I don't expect much to come of it, but you never know...

How could anything come of it? Anyone in a position to possibly do something about it, is either an America hating, wanna-be commie, or is beholden to them.

I sure do wish the brics nations well on their quest to dump the dollar. The results will be well deserved and after it happens and everyone's standard of living takes a dump, I'm gonna enjoy the hell outta telling people why it happened, and if they wanna see the main reason, to go look in a damn mirror.

Edited to add:....and when I do that, they'll prolly react like most morons do and wanna act violent about it.

Over words.

Like the idiot yesterday who cut me off by making a left turn right in front of me. I had the Right Of Way, not him. Was close enough to smack his car with my hand in order to get his attention, then he wants to get assy with me and act like he wants to get out of his car to fight. He's lucky I didn't kick his quarter panel. All I did was tell him to his face what I thought of his driving and where he could go and what he could do when he got there.

For some strange reason, telling morons the truth makes them become irrationally irate. Lol
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Regular folks, or should I say morons, is why the government has gotten to be the way it is.
All they want is coffee in the morning, a good dinner and get laid before bed. What's wrong with that?
All they want is coffee in the morning, a good dinner and get laid before bed. What's wrong with that?
Nothing, as long as between those things, they are keeping an eye on and understanding what their servants are doing in their names.

The American people have largely abdicated their political responsibilities, and it shows.
....and it's gonna end up costing all of us.
So what happens when Trump goes to Rikers for a year? Does his security detail also go to protect him? If he is still elected does he get to pardon himself? Is that even possible? Probably not relevant since they will steal this election again anyway.
Trump struts around like a king rooster in a hen house. People are sick and tired of it. Look at all the presidents before Trump and go back to Eisenhower. No matter how many terms they served they split the scene when they were out of office. Trump didn't. People are sick and tired of listening to him rant and rave like a lunatic.
exactly, just your opinion.

Trump is a showman. He's real. People love him for it.
Gonna be honest here, I think it has to do with several reasons.

Trump struts around like a king rooster in a hen house. People are sick and tired of it. Look at all the presidents before Trump and go back to Eisenhower. No matter how many terms they served they split the scene when they were out of office. Trump didn't. People are sick and tired of listening to him rant and rave like a lunatic.

Regular folks do not like loud moth bombastic bullies.
Regular folks do not want to hear someone constantly whining about losing an election.
Regular folks do not want to hear someone constantly telling them how rich and smart they are.
Regular folks believe that a woman's health concerns are between her and her doctor.

I could go on and on but I'm sure you get my drift. I don't know for sure, but I honestly believe that had Trump simply left office after he lost the last election none of the charges would have been filed.

Just my opinion, but his best bet is to state publicly that he is out of American politics for good, then have his lawyers contact Joe Biden and ask for a pardon.

jm2c fwiw.
I'd say you're pretty biased against Trump. You and the other ladies on the View are absolutely entitled to your opinion. I also think he failed in many areas as President. However in other areas like foreign policy he did extremely well.
Where he failed was in US policy for real Americans. Higher debt. Takes credit for and still pushes the vaccines. Failed to drain the swamp and failed to put even 1 person from the swamp behind bars. I might be wrong on that last point but I can't think of anyone. Hillary still walking free after destroying 30,000 emails that she was ordered to retain.

To address your other points.
Regular folks do not like loud moth bombastic bullies. Thats fair and I agree.
Regular folks do not want to hear someone constantly whining about losing an election. You mean like Hillary who wrote a book on the subject when she lost fairly? Trump didn't lose, the election was stolen and plenty of evidence to back that up. Sadly a rigged justice system prevents any looks into the truth.
Regular folks believe that a woman's health concerns are between her and her doctor. Nothing has changed in that regard. It's just been removed from the federal level and sent back to the states where it rightly belongs.

Here's a few of my own

Regular folks are tired of being called names that don't apply to them and are only used as tools to divide all Americans
Regular folks are tired of hearing that JB is the most popular President ever when in fact he is one of the most corrupt politicians to ever exist in DC. His running mate got 1 vote in the primaries when she ran and is now VP. Next in line to be President and voted the least likely candidate to succeed.
Regular folks want the truth reported by the media, not government propaganda. On average I think Joe Rogan gets more viewers than all of the major networks and at times, all of the major networks combined. Just depends on who his guests are.

As I have stated many times, I didn't vote for Trump last election. In fact I didn't even bother voting. At the end of the day my vote doesn't matter and has no impact on my life unless there are locals issues to be voted on. In the last 4 years what's changed in my life? Higher prices and those were coming regardless of who is residing in the WH.

What really needs to happen going forward is a renewal for team America. one team where there is no sides other than the people versus big government. Big government should become little government and that alone would begin to fix our issues in this country. Sadly both teams fail to realize that simple fact.
Where he failed was in US policy for real Americans. Higher debt
Any potus woulda left office with higher debt. That was baked into the system decades ago.

Takes credit for and still pushes the vaccines.
I don't like 'em and didn't take one, but a lotta peeps I know did.
....but I don't anyone around me dropping dead from causes I would attribute to it.

I have known of eleven people who have died in the past three and a half years, but five were extended family passing of old age, one was cirrosis of the liver from heavy drinking, one oldish one that was overweight and in generally poor health, one was a heart attack pre-vaccine being available, two were during and attributed to wuflu (also pre vax) another heart attack but I'm pretty sure he didn't take the vax either, and one who died of cancer he already had prior to all the wuflu/vax bs.

Were any of those due to the shot? If it had anything to do with any of 'em, I have no way of proving it. Could it have helped speed along one or two of 'ems demise? Who knows? I suppose it is possible.

Failed to drain the swamp
He can't fire other politicians. Draining swamp means the people have to quit supporting the swamp critters. He did say that "we" are gonna drain the swamp. (While addressing a crowd)

failed to put even 1 person from the swamp behind bars.
They'd have impeached him again, had he actually tried.

They impeached him for just having merely asked if there was anything to the biden allegations.

Regular folks do not like loud moth bombastic bullies. Thats fair and I agree
"Regular" folks are mostly idiots that know more about what's on TV tonight, than they do about how the local dog catcher operates, let alone how the works. We got SC justices that know less about the Constitution than you do, and that's not hyperbole. It's documented.

Sadly a rigged justice system prevents any looks into the truth.
No one was willing to risk the woke mob pouring down upon themselves and their families, if they had taken an honest look at it.
....and yea, they're a buncha pussies for it, too.

Regular folks believe that a woman's health concerns are between her and her doctor. Nothing has changed in that regard. It's just been removed from the federal level and sent back to the states where it rightly belongs.
Liberals and most dems are mentally incapable of comprehending such a concept.

They see the States as political subdivisions of the all mighty federal government that they see as akin to their mommy and daddy when they were 9 years old.

Most of the people alive today shouldn't celebrate the 4th of July, as what it represents no longer truly exists.
July 4th 1776 is when We The People gained the Right of Kings. How many reading feel like they have anything even close to that today?

The People let that be taken from them 91 years ago.

What they really should be celebrating, is the start of the nanny State our gov has become.

Regular folks are tired of being called names that don't apply to them and are only used as tools to divide all Americans
Especially when coming from the idiot that campaigned by claiming he was gonna be a uniter of the American people. What fucking joke.

Regular folks want the truth reported by the media, not government propaganda. O
These days "regular" folks are unable to tell the difference.

Higher prices and those were coming regardless of who is residing in the WH
Yep, inflation marches on no matter who the potus is. Same as the nat. debt. Might be higher or lower with some, but it's always there.

What really needs to happen going forward is a renewal for team America. one team where there is no sides other than the people versus big government. Big government should become little government and that alone would begin to fix our issues in this country. Sadly both teams fail to realize that simple fact.
That would take a real uniter, not the fake one that (supposedly) 81 million Americans were duped by, or some uniting event.
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@Cigarlover - Agree with the "one team with both sides working for Americans" concept. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening any time soon. Lust for power, bribes, personal opinions, religious beliefs, etc. will stand in the way until something cataclysmic comes down the pike and unites everyone behind a common cause.

As for "the view" made me smile with that. Is it still on tv?

We all have our own opinions especially when it comes to politics. I enjoy hearing other people's opinions and what they're based on. Ya never know what you could learn.
Even if Trump wins re-election they could be setting him up to be the bag holder and blaming him for the upcoming collapse and everything else?
Short 1 minute vid on what happens next. Not political content. Facts only.

Thats an optimistic view but I honestly don't think they came this far to not put him in jail. The left doesn't give a shit about optics. They play to win and if jailing him keeps them in power and takes him out of the game then that's what they will do. Just my opinion. After the election Joe may pardon him when he cant do any further damage to the left.
Thats an optimistic view but I honestly don't think they came this far to not put him in jail. The left doesn't give a shit about optics. They play to win and if jailing him keeps them in power and takes him out of the game then that's what they will do. Just my opinion. After the election Joe may pardon him when he cant do any further damage to the left
One thing's for sure, we'll all find out together.

However, it seems as though the more they do to him, the more support he gets.

I saw where McConnell was even supporting him on this matter, and that's after Trump said Mitch has got to go.

Record breaking donations have pouring in. Nearly $35 million in one day from approx a half million people. Almost a third of which were political virgins who'd never donated to any political campaign before. Those are either new/young voters, or people who previously were not interested enough in politics to donate anything.

Imho, that is good news.

When the demoncrats recently raised a buncha money in one day, around $25 million or something like that if I recall correctly, it was from around 50 super rich mofos trying to buy influence from pedo joe. Ie: narrow support.

Meanwhile, Trump's support seems to be getting broader.

As I said, in coming weeks, we'll see what happens.

- Could this all be some sort of a show? Kinda a bread and circus thing where the outcome has already been decided. And all the shit we're watching is an act?

- Have our politicians decided we the people are fools who enjoy tv so much they're putting on a show to garner votes with a "look at me - I'm crazy" act?

- Or have we finally reached rock bottom in elected officials and were now living in a freak show with one foot on a dictatorship and the other on a banana peel?

- Maybe all three rolled into one?
@Cigarlover - Agree with the "one team with both sides working for Americans" concept. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening any time soon. Lust for power, bribes, personal opinions, religious beliefs, etc. will stand in the way until something cataclysmic comes down the pike and unites everyone behind a common cause.
You are describing biden and in general, the democrats you seem to support.

Case in point. Biden said during the campaign that as potus he wouldn't have authority to make people take the vax, but afte gettng in office he did the exact opposite by threatening people with their jobs if they didn't take it.

He campaigned on being a uniter of the American People, but has went out of his way to continuously demonize his political opponents.

Those are but two examples. There are many more.

So how do you propose that we can achieve what you wrote in the quote above? Biden sure as hell is not gonna get us anywhere close to that. It's driving us further away from it.
Could this all be some sort of a show? Kinda a bread and circus thing where the outcome has already been decided. And all the shit we're watching is an act?
Of course it is. It's all been planned by those currently in power to eliminate their political compeition.

Are you finally catching on?
Have our politicians decided we the people are fools
They decided that 91 years ago.
....and we the people proved 'em right by going along with it.

Or have we finally reached rock bottom in elected officials
That happened with Obamo and Biden.

Hit bottom with Barry, bounced up with Trump and landed in the ditch with Biden.
Contact from space aliens (real or imagined) would unite the entire planet.
So you're saying our only hope lies in staging a fake alien invasion?

We already have a real one going on, but hasn't worked to unite everyone.
There's always Russia. Setting off a nuke in Ukraine or invading a NATO member.
So it's either alien invasion or nuclear armeggedon?

That's our best prospects with Biden?

How 'bout peace and no alien invasion with Trump? Like we had for the first three years of his term before the dems worked to fuck it up?
Peace and prosperity............that's where it's at or should be.
I don't know if it's a show or not. If Trump gets in they could be setting him up to take the fall during an economic reset. Or the Left is power hungry and out of control while the Right sits and watches.

I have little doubt the outcome has already been decided because there are no more ethics in anything anymore. Nothing makes sense. I do not know what the outcome is however?
David James Manning, Harlem preacher aka the Lord's servant, chimes in with his take on the Trump conviction. I don't think he's a fan of Donnie. BTW.......some people think the good preach is a tad nuts.

Truth Convicted Trump: God Rejected Maga

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