Fuckery is pretty much all that's ever gone on in congress for longer than anyone reading these words has been alive. Why change it now?And the fuckery continues.
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Fuckery is pretty much all that's ever gone on in congress for longer than anyone reading these words has been alive. Why change it now?And the fuckery continues.
Round 2 is scheduled for today. Scuttlebut on Twitter is that Jordan will likely end up with less votes today than he had yesterday. His pressure campaign targeting Rep spouses appears to be backfiring.
When was the last time the US budget was passed on time?We haven't had a budget passed since the 90s. That's never gonna change until we get a new system.
There will be no vote for House speaker on Thursday, two sources confirmed to CBS News, with Rep. Jim Jordan instead temporarily backing empowering Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry.
Jordan intends to keep running for speaker and try to shore up votes until January, according to a source familiar with Jordan's thinking. He remains the Republican nominee for speaker, and he is not dropping his bid. In the meantime, he will back empowering McHenry through Jan. 3.
No money for America. It's a foreign aid package or if your a DC insider, it's a money laundering scheme to transfer money from American taxpayers into politicians war chest for re election via shell companies.How will congress deal with Biden's proposed $100 billion foreign aid package? Is there any money in that package for Americans?
House Republicans voted to drop Rep. Jim Jordan as their nominee to become the next speaker after he failed to win a majority three times this week, sending the party back to the drawing board.
The House Republican Conference voted on whether Jordan should remain the nominee in a closed-door meeting following an earlier vote on the House floor that made clear his support was eroding.
Voting by secret ballot, 86 members said Jordan should remain in the race, and 112 said he shouldn't, according to one lawmaker who was in the room.
At least eight people have emerged as potential candidates to lead the House immediately after a closed-door House GOP vote on whether to keep Jordan as speaker designate.
Republicans are expected to meet behind closed doors on Monday evening for a candidate forum before a conference-wide election via secret anonymous ballot on Tuesday.
He'd be a fine choice.I nominate Ron Paul