What’s Cracking In The Garden

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Ground Beetle
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Well pilgrims here we go…………

fall has arrived here , the next 10 days and temps will hover around 70 in the day and 40’s at night

we will harvest all of the tomatoes soon whether they are green or red , the green ones will just have to be put in a grocery sack and put under the cabinet to get ripe , that is what we don’t eat , fried green tomatoes and okra are high on the menu

we have canned up peaches , apple sauce , and , made jalapeño and plum jellies and syrup , next up is making some pico de gallo or salsa and can it

we will be planting some garlic around the first frost , tilling up the garden for fall and planting some winter wheat for a cover crop and a place for the chickens to graze this winter

this years victory garden was a huge success , hell , every victory garden is a success no matter how big or how small , we all can exercise our constitutional freedoms by planting a victory garden!


I thought our last frost would kill almost everything in the garden. Had about 5 hours of 30 degrees or lower. It didn't seem to phase any of the plants, even the basil. Kind of weirds me out. I have seen basil have a hard time with 40 degrees before.

I spent about an hour on Saturday washing and cutting celery to freeze. I figure I have about 2 more hours worth of that. I still need to wash and freeze peppers and maybe some cherry tomatoes.

A few freezes in the forecast this week. I can't complain. It was a great year for the food garden. Went several months not having to purchase any produce. Granted it was extremely dry, watered almost every night.

Probably will pull the deer fence and the soaker hose this week and start the winter prep.
we have a bout a bushel of turnips to harvest

arent they cousins to parsnips?
Wifey picked about half of the tomatoes still on the vine and laid them out to ripen. Still lots of fresh greens coming out for salad every day. There are a few strawberries still to ripen but only a couple new flowers left so not many more of them to come.

Cucumbers and zucchini still piling up every day and just about time to pick the last of the cabbages. We have some cabbages the size of basketballs and are going to make up a bunch of sourkraut this year.
Looking good, spinalcracker. We had a freeze last night, but it wasn't too hard...we'll see if the tomatoes survive. I expect the raspberries did, and should continue to kick out berries. But we are winding down big time. Cukes stopped producing, as did the beans, so I mowed them down the other day. I'll give it another day or two, then till them up and put a cover crop down.

I did the same with a few rows of sunflowers that we always grow...cut the heads and then mowed down the stalks. Mrs. 32 like sunflowers, and I save the heads in storage totes and feed them to the chickens throughout the winter. The chickens love it when you toss a sunflower head their way...

Still have some butternut squash on the vine, so I hope they didn't get froze out. Will probably pick pumpkins tomorrow, and bake/puree them and stock the freezer. There may or may not be a couple loaves of pumpkin bread in the near future, too...
Well pilgrims here we go…………

fall has arrived here , the next 10 days and temps will hover around 70 in the day and 40’s at night

we will harvest all of the tomatoes soon whether they are green or red , the green ones will just have to be put in a grocery sack and put under the cabinet to get ripe , that is what we don’t eat , fried green tomatoes and okra are high on the menu

we have canned up peaches , apple sauce , and , made jalapeño and plum jellies and syrup , next up is making some pico de gallo or salsa and can it

we will be planting some garlic around the first frost , tilling up the garden for fall and planting some winter wheat for a cover crop and a place for the chickens to graze this winter

this years victory garden was a huge success , hell , every victory garden is a success no matter how big or how small , we all can exercise our constitutional freedoms by planting a victory garden!

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Anyone have any insights into what a victory garden for northcentral Florida could look like? I am recently relocated to this area and am told that we enjoy basically 2 growing seasons. The challenge is the ground is very sandy, its very hot/humid in the summer. I want to design and implement a garden capable of providing for perhaps a dozen or so people. Was initially thinking about using raised beds and filling them with soil as that would be much easier on my back - but thats the easy part. The harder part is figuring out what will grow well down here. I have a canal not too terribly far away and plan on installing a ram pump to push the water up from the canal.
Anyone have any insights into what a victory garden for northcentral Florida could look like? I am recently relocated to this area and am told that we enjoy basically 2 growing seasons. The challenge is the ground is very sandy, its very hot/humid in the summer. I want to design and implement a garden capable of providing for perhaps a dozen or so people. Was initially thinking about using raised beds and filling them with soil as that would be much easier on my back - but thats the easy part. The harder part is figuring out what will grow well down here. I have a canal not too terribly far away and plan on installing a ram pump to push the water up from the canal.


you are n garden heaven

i am not familiar enough with Florida weather and agriculture to answer your question

but yeah , if you have the correct soil , and I like your raised bed ideas , you can probably grow anything in that beautiful climate!

if it was me , I would see if there were any local Florida Gardening Forums and check it out to see what everyone is growing down there

otherwise , here is the old ww2 plan and one other to start with

obviously these plans can be tweaked to fit your needs


last of the summer wine

looks like got lucky and have about 10 more days of good weather , 70’s day 40’s at night

first frost maybe near the end of the month?…..awesome!

I have one Molokai Frost that desperately needs 3 more weeks of sunshine

otherwise everything comes down this coming week

then we plant garlic



Late afternoon when needing a pick me up, i've been grabbing a few toms and get all sorts of energized.
well we had our first frost last night and everything survived ok
We got down to 37° last night at 7K ft. This morning was crisp.
we do not need to much for a couple of Septuagenarians
I never thought of myself as one, but there it is!

If you gardeners have the varieties of those veggies I might try them out myself ...
A few weeks ago I made a few people salads with some of these gorgeous green peppers cut up in them....only to find out after making them they are indeed HOT! So.... I ended up eating all the salads. :p

Just picked these a moment ago. I've got two of these plants sharing a plastic tote for a container so I will hopefully successfully stretch their season by bringing them indoors soon.

I definitely gotta be more organized with WTH I'm actually growing next year. 🤠
A few weeks ago I made a few people salads with some of these gorgeous green peppers cut up in them....only to find out after making them they are indeed HOT! So.... I ended up eating all the salads. :p

Just picked these a moment ago. I've got two of these plants sharing a plastic tote for a container so I will hopefully successfully stretch their season by bringing them indoors soon.

View attachment 1021
I definitely gotta be more organized with WTH I'm actually growing next year. 🤠

more salad for you , can’t beat that

nice haul…if a human was to eat that much everyday , they would be healthy mother truckers

we like to let our jalapeños get red…they seem a little sweeter…but hot
it’s hard to find
one rich man in ten
with a satisfied mind

View attachment 1024
I got a fortune cookie once that read:
"Your health is your form of wealth"

I happily ponder it often. Emotional health is invaluable, incalculable and cannot be bought for all of the GOLD & SILVER in the world!
I got a fortune cookie once that read:
"Your health is your form of wealth"

I happily ponder it often. Emotional health is invaluable, incalculable and cannot be bought for all of the GOLD & SILVER in the world!


I have been seeing a lot of ads lately about using psychedelics as an alternative form of therapy

never thought I would live to see the day
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