Xi to drive Bitcoin higher?

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Well now. I was wondering why crypto was outperforming other markets yesterday and couldn't really think of anything that made sense. This seems plausible. Xi's power move having Hu removed from the ceremony might have been a catalyst for capital flight.
I would buy gold and a catamaran.

China Fiscal Deficit Balloons To Nearly $1 Trillion As Economy Cools​

October 26, 2022 5:36 am

China’s fiscal deficit ballooned to an all-time high of nearly $1 trillion in the first nine months of the year, analysis of government data by Bloomberg showed, as a real estate crisis and tax rebates to boost a cooling economy emptied government coffers.

The budget shortfall for all levels of government from January to September was 7.16 trillion yuan ($980 billion), according to an analysis based on data released by Beijing’s Ministry of Finance on Tuesday — almost three times the 2.6 trillion shortfall over the same period last year.

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