Border Security - Immigration

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The only ones playing politics with this issue is the Stalinists/democrats.

Vid from before the Stalinists/democrats showed their true colors, and were still able to fool people.

Ok, we've got evil Stalinists and dirty rotten democrats. But there are far more important issues at hand.

Need to talk about which massage I should get and the dinner menu at the spa. Important stuff! When you get a chance let me know. I posted links in the Trump / Putin thread.
***This one in from England. Not making any statement by posting it. Simply thought it interesting, especially since it's the first article like it I've come across.

British Man Receives 2-Year Prison Sentence for Anti-Immigration Sticker Offense​

A British man, Samuel Melia, aged 34, hailing from Pudsey in West Yorkshire, has been handed a two-year prison sentence for his involvement in propagating racial hatred through the creation of an online repository of downloadable anti-immigration stickers. The Leeds Crown Court, as reported by BBC News, found Melia guilty of inciting racially aggravated criminal damage.

Melia, identified as the Yorkshire coordinator for the British Nationalist Group Patriotic Alternative, was implicated as the leader of the Telegram Messenger group “Hundred Handers,” responsible for producing printable anti-immigration stickers that were affixed in public spaces, according to court documents.

These stickers bore various messages, including “We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066” and “It’s okay to be white.” Notably, some stickers were adorned with the logo of the left-wing Extinction Rebellion movement, with messages such as “Sink the boats, save the world” and “Only white people care about the environment.”

Not making any statement by posting it.
Why not? What do you think it means, when stuff like that goes on? Is it good? Is it bad?
.....and if either, why is it good or bad?

Those people are having the nation they had, be utterly and completely changed (some would say destroyed) by decisions that no one ever voted for.

Why can there not at least be a public debate about it? They're answer is is just to forcefully shut down anyone even trying to have a public debate about it.
....and the same thing is starting to go on here.
Why not? What do you think it means, when stuff like that goes on? Is it good? Is it bad?
.....and if either, why is it good or bad?

Don't live there so I can't really comment as to it being right or wrong. They have different laws than us. Have to respect that.

....and the same thing is starting to go on here.

Gotta get out and vote. Vote for whom ever you think will do the best for you, your family and the values you hold high. When you really think about it, that's all anyone of us can do.
When you really think about it, that's all anyone of us can do.
No, it's not. We can also have public debate about the issues. People hearing/seeing/reading arguments both for and against issues can help form public opinion by exposing everyone to ideas that they may not have ever considered on their own.

We should embrace controversy, not shy away from it, as so many today seem to do.
No, it's not. We can also have public debate about the issues. People hearing/seeing/reading arguments both for and against issues can help form public opinion by exposing everyone to ideas that they may not have ever considered on their own.

Both agree and disagree. One of the bars I go to has a bunch of retirees who talk about politics and there are no problems because they respect views / opinions that are different than theirs.

But some (a shit load of) people aren't like that. It's their opinion that's the right opinion and screw anyone who doesn't think like them. When you encounter peeps like that, in my opinion, discretion is the better part of valor.

But some (a shit load of) people aren't like that. It's their opinion that's the right opinion and screw anyone who doesn't think like them.
You're describing the democrats. They have zero interest in debate on any of their pet issues. We on the other side have been begging for debate.

The Future of Immigration Is Privatization​

The two African refugees arrived in Oneonta, New York—a quaint, upstate college town of just over 12,000 people—in summer 2023. By then a group of volunteers had been preparing for them for "six, seven, eight years."

Mark Wolff, communication chair of The Otsego Refugee Resettlement Coalition (ORRC), says his group had to put its hopes of helping refugees on hold during the Trump administration, which cut the refugee cap to its lowest level ever. Even after Joe Biden's inauguration, with promises of a more humane immigration policy on the horizon, things didn't look good for their plans: Oneonta was more than an hour away from the requisite refugee caseworkers in Utica. During the bitter upstate New York winters, help would be even slower to arrive.

The ORRC had already begun to raise money and identify community partners. It had done its homework and it had momentum. So when the Biden administration announced the Welcome Corps—an initiative that would let private citizens take the lead on sponsoring and supporting refugees, rather than the longstanding government-led approach—the coalition knew it had found its way to welcome newcomers. "We were one of the first [private sponsor groups] in the United States to get approval," Wolff says.

Read the rest:

his group had to put its hopes of helping refugees on hold during the Trump administration, which cut the refugee cap to its lowest level ever.
That's written as though it was a bad thing.

Even after Joe Biden's inauguration, with promises of a more humane immigration policy on the horizon,
What his promise really was, was to fuck Americans over by letting millions of fake asylum seekers in so that they can compete with Americans for jobs, thereby increasing pressure for lower wages, and simultaneously putting upward pressure on rents.

Both are the opposite of what Americans needed.

The ORRC had already begun to raise money and identify community partners. It had done its homework and it had momentum. So when the Biden administration announced the Welcome Corps—an initiative that would let private citizens take the lead on sponsoring and supporting refugees, rather than the longstanding government-led approach—the coalition knew it had found its way to welcome newcomers. "We were one of the first [private sponsor groups] in the United States to get approval," Wolff says.
Why isn't this shit illegal? These people deserve to be locked up, and for a very long time. They are working to subvert American.
I always thought Americans were being fattened up for a reason!

From the link:

EL PASO, TX — After hearing about the size of the average American, Haitian cannibal gangs rushed the southern border near El Paso this week in a race to be first in line for the smorgasbord.

"Hey man, look at dat," Haitian cannibal and political leader Barbecue said. "Those are some chunky, chubby, rolly polly people coming at me. Hang on, let me grab my bib and steak knives. It's lunchtime!"


US Supreme Court's Alito extends pause on Texas immigration law​

WASHINGTON, March 18 (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito on Monday extended a temporary pause on a Republican-backed Texas law allowing state law enforcement authorities to arrest people suspected of crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

Alito's action gives the justices more time to weigh a request by President Joe Biden's administration to freeze a judicial order allowing the Texas law to take effect while its challenge proceeds in the lower courts. The administration has said the Texas measure violates the U.S. Constitution and federal law by interfering with the U.S. government's power to regulate immigration.



Supreme Court allows Texas to begin enforcing controversial immigration law​

The Supreme Court on Tuesday cleared the way for Texas to immediately begin enforcing a controversial immigration law that allows state officials to arrest and detain people they suspect of entering the country illegally.

The court’s three liberals dissented.

Legal challenges to the law are ongoing at a federal appeals court.

I can only imagine how crazy it is on the Texas border right now. Texas' State troopers and Fed CBP both wrangling for jurisdiction to process illegals as they emerge from the Rio Grande. WWCND? (what would Chuck Norris do?)
FWIW (dyodd)

Migrants Who Overpowered National Guard May Be Allowed Into US​

After federal agents spent four hours Thursday detaining and moving migrants following an attempted southern border breach in El Paso, Texas, the undocumented persons are going through processing for possible entry into the U.S.

Texas continues to be an epicenter of the national immigration debate. It has engaged in litigation while state officials vow to continue enforcing Texas policies and tactics to deter a record-setting 2.4 million migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2023—up from approximately 1.7 million in 2021.

Videos taken Thursday from the scene showed migrants from such places as Africa and Venezuela "overrunning" the Texas National Guard, according to a New York Post reporter, who said hundreds were involved in the "riot."

The footage drew strong reactions from officials and social media users, some of whom implored the Texas National Guard and federal agents to use lethal force in response to surging immigration attempts.

On Friday, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CPB) spokesperson in El Paso told Newsweek that the border surge began at approximately 11 a.m. local time on Thursday and included a large group of migrants. They breached Texas National Guard concertina wire barricades located between the Rio Grande and the border wall, near Midway Drive and Loop 375.


Demcad opinion piece, dyodd.

Migrant Crisis Exposes Ugly Truth About Blacks & Democratic Party!​

Migrants Who Overpowered National Guard May Be Allowed Into US
Does that make any sense to you? Any sense at all?

If they are willing to do that to National Guard troops, what chance will you or your friends and neighbors have, if these guys see any of you as being in their way?
Are these the kind of people America needs?
Does that make any sense to you? Any sense at all?

If they are willing to do that to National Guard troops, what chance will you or your friends and neighbors have, if these guys see any of you as being in their way?
Are these the kind of people America needs?

I don't know how true the article is that's why I posted

FWIW (dyodd)

The actual claim was made by Jennie Taer who, in my opinion, takes "creative license" to extremes.

Opinion piece, nothing more.

From the link"

This year marks the 100th anniversary of one of the worst laws in American history: the 1924 Immigration Act. This was the law that ended the era when most immigration was presumptively legal, and shifted to the opposite presumption: that most would-be immigrants are presumptively barred from the United States. My Cato Institute colleague David Bier, a leading immigration policy expert, summarizes some of its awful consequences:

The 100th Anniversary of One of America's Worst Laws—the 1924 Immigration Act

See? He's a lying pos. He told us he had no power to take executive action to do anything about the border.
He told us that it required congress to act before he could do anything.

Yet here he is issuing executive action on the border issue.

So was he lying pos before, or is he taking illegal action now?

Gotta be one or the other, because there ain't been no congressional action taken yet, and he swore that he had no authority to do anything about it.
The 100th Anniversary of One of America's Worst Laws—the 1924 Immigration Act
Wrong! Was one of the best laws.

Or are you ok with our nation being over run with 100's of millions more people? Because that's what'll happen with unrestricted immigration.

The third World creates ~80million new people each year. Allow unrestricted immigration and those are the numbers we can expect to come. If not more.

Having America become super densely populated in relatively short order, would only serve to diminish our standard of living.

What we need as far as immigration goes, is small enough numbers that allow time for those coming to assimilate into American society and culture.

Or is the plan to overwhelm our nation in order to alter its society and culture? Seems like that is the reason imho.

Migrants from around the world traverse California desert to reach US​

JACUMBA HOT SPRINGS, California, June 6 (Reuters) - Propped up against the rusty steel slats of the border wall, migrant families who hours before crossed the U.S.-Mexico border rest under tarps and tents and await Border Patrol officers.

Some of the families along this remote desert stretch in San Diego County have brought their children with them, including small infants.

In recent months, the San Diego-Mexico border has become one of the busiest crossings for migrants seeking safe haven and opportunities in the United States.


June 14, 2024 | Austin, Texas | Press Release

Governor Greg Abbott, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), and the Texas National Guard continue to work together to secure the border; stop the smuggling of drugs, weapons, and people into Texas; and prevent, detect, and interdict transnational criminal activity between ports of entry.

Since the launch of Operation Lone Star, the multi-agency effort has led to over 513,700 illegal immigrant apprehensions and more than 44,000 criminal arrests, with more than 38,600 felony charges. In the fight against the fentanyl crisis, Texas law enforcement has seized over 489 million lethal doses of fentanyl, enough to kill every man, woman, and child in the United States and Mexico combined during this border mission.
Texas has also transported:
  • Over 12,500 migrants to Washington, D.C. since April 2022
  • Over 45,700 migrants to New York City since August 2022
  • Over 36,900 migrants to Chicago since August 2022
  • Over 3,400 migrants to Philadelphia since November 2022
  • Over 19,200 migrants to Denver since May 2023
  • Over 1,500 migrants to Los Angeles since June 2023
Operation Lone Star continues to fill the dangerous gaps created by the Biden Administration’s refusal to secure the border. Every individual who is apprehended or arrested and every ounce of drugs seized would have otherwise made their way into communities across Texas and the nation due to President Joe Biden’s open border policies.


Long read with pics. Can not comment as to the veracity of the article.


When a Legend Airlines Airbus A 340 landed at San Salvador airport on July 15 after an 18-hour flight from the United Arab Emirates, its crew quickly realized something was wrong.

Salvadoran officials refused to connect the jet bridge to allow the roughly 300 passengers, all Indian nationals, to disembark, according to three former crew members on the flight who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity.

Several passengers told the cabin crew they planned to travel onward to Mexico and cross the border there illegally into the U.S., one crew member said. Others said they were going on vacation to the Mexican border city of Tijuana, another crew member said.

Salvadorean officials were already on high alert when the flight landed. Several months earlier, U.S. and Salvadoran authorities had noticed an unusual pattern of charter aircraft landing in El Salvador carrying primarily Indian nationals.

The planes were arriving full and leaving empty, a U.S. official said.

And some passengers claiming to be tourists brought only a backpack for weeks-long trips. U.S. authorities later discovered that nearly all of the charter passengers disembarking in San Salvador had crossed the border into the U.S., the official said.

Such charter flights represent a new phase of illegal immigration to the U.S., five U.S. officials said in interviews with Reuters. Increasingly, they said, migrants from outside Latin America are paying smuggling networks hefty fees for travel packages that can include airline tickets – on charter and commercial airlines – to fly to Central America and then bus rides and hotel stays en route to the U.S.-Mexico border.


Trump's proposed green cards for graduation program is likely to exacerbate tuition inflation I would imagine. It will be a boon for colleges though.
Texas has also transported:
  • Over 12,500 migrants to Washington, D.C. since April 2022
  • Over 45,700 migrants to New York City since August 2022
  • Over 36,900 migrants to Chicago since August 2022
  • Over 3,400 migrants to Philadelphia since November 2022
  • Over 19,200 migrants to Denver since May 2023
  • Over 1,500 migrants to Los Angeles since June 2023
We need to up those numbers. Simce the dems are the ones wanting them here, all of 'em coming in should be shipped to those cities.
...and less than 3500 to Philedelphia?!? That's pathetic.

I saw recently that Denver had foolishly taken in more than 70,000 illegals, (the city is only 750k population to begin with) and are now begging the suburbs to take some off their hands.

I hope the people in those dem run areas that are taking in these illegals, choke on their own stupidity.

Simply put, those people are what's wrong with this nation.
He should be impeached for doing that.

He told us he could not legally act without congress enacting legislation permitting him to do anything about the border.

Was he lying then, or is he a criminal now?

Line from the song: "Never looking back again"

Those people were coming with the intention of assimilating into American culture. The current crop of those coming are bringing their old ways with them, and have no intention of assimilating.
The current crop of those coming are bringing their old ways with them, and have no intention of assimilating.

You're painting with a broad-brush Joe. Evelia Coyotzi immigrated from Mexico. Worked like a dog and now has a brick and mortar.

I know some who started out cutting grass and now have rentals. Some are in the health care field. Food service, etc.
You're painting with a broad-brush Joe. Evelia Coyotzi immigrated from Mexico. Worked like a dog and now has a brick and mortar.

I know some who started out cutting grass and now have rentals. Some are in the health care field. Food service, etc.
Sure, some do, but the majority wanna bring their old country here. That's why we got enclaves of various ones all around the nation. Look at Dearborn Michigan for a great example.



ICE created a fake university. Students can now sue the U.S. for it, appellate court rules​

Students who enrolled at a fake Michigan university set up by immigration agents have the right to sue the U.S. government, a federal appellate court ruled.

A decision last week by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit means hundreds of students who paid tuition at the University of Farmington in Farmington Hills – created by undercover agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement – have a legal basis to continue pursuing their claims in court. Farmington Hills is about 20 miles northwest of Detroit.

In 2020, a lawsuit was filed against the U.S. government in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims by attorneys on behalf of Teja Ravi and other students enrolled at the University of Farmington, which was shut down by ICE after agents arrested about 250 of its students. The lawsuit said the government breached its contract with the students by stealing their tuition money, about $11,000 per year for each student. Students are asking for their money back and other punitive damages.


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