European Reality Check

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Actually, it's round four! Most of eastern Europe is quite angry about the sanctions on Russia, primarily because the technocrats in Brussels never asked them their opinion before imposing them. The economic wound will be self inflicted and will quickly go gangrenous.

That's when the war goes hot.
Right out of the Bernanke playbook. I guess the plan is to set the world financial system on fire and end this magnificent experiment.

It is a race to the bottom! Whoever gets there first WINS!

On a more serious note. If Europe continues down this road, things will get so bad, just like in the 30s, that the people will embrace ANYONE who claims that he can solve their woes. So, as the race to the bottom accelerates, watch for a new "Hitler" to come on the scene claiming to fix everything. Read the playbook of the 30s to see exactly where Europe is headed.

Greece looking at it's 3rd bailout...
That's too funny! Those Greeks are smart like a fox. The current government will collapse, Syriza will step in and occupy what has become a power vacuum, then they will repudiate the quarter trillion dollars they got from the Troika. Brilliant. I should have thought of it sooner.
Apparently its against the rules to default on your debt

Its not a problem to fail to meet a payment and have to borrow more though ........

Uh yeah, compound interest is a bitch and there is no escape from the event horizon.
Every time we see something developing that looks like it could destabilise the system, the rule makers simply change the rules / create and position electronic digits to calm things down.

I mean ffs what happened to all those derivative bets that were going to trigger if oil fell below $30 ?

I reckon it will need something genuinely 'left field' to scupper the system.
Latest Italian banking news: Italian govco's hands tied by EU regs on bailing out banks. Current proposal was not well received by capital markets (seen as too weak).


Let's not forget about Greece:

tl;dr - EU wants Greece to adopt more pension reforms. Greek people have been protesting for last two days. IMF may be pulling out of bailout plan unless plan includes debt relief for Greece (as otherwise it's unworkable/unsustainable for Greece). Situation still in flux.
See my comments from a couple weeks ago in post #174:

Tick tock...

I thought you were joking. Then I thought it was satire (like The Onion). That's a real report from a real radio station? Surprises me that there is a critical mass of people in the USA that are paying attention. Then again, I guess there is a large Italian community over there.
When I first looked at it, I thought it was going to be some company selling emergency supplies, but it seems to be a legit story. That certainly is not all preppers doing that shopping, and while a couple sheeple might have just happened to be shopping, it would seem that the mass of people in the middle are starting to get concerned finally as well. I hope they all stock up well and stay stocked up, less people trying to take stuff from me.
Remember, remember - the Italian referendum is in November.
So that Italian referendum is fast approaching and it looks like the rabble are a bit riled up. Oh, and Italy's economic woes appear to be accelerating.


O really?

I took the week off from the internets for the Thanksgiving holiday week. Enjoyed some time with my family. It was pretty nice to unplug from the news cycle for a while. I'm starting to dig in this morning and see what's going on and it looks like almost every items ZH has published this morning is about the looming Italian referendum. Markets are starting to move supposedly in anticipation of it, so I guess it's finally important. FT is reporting on the risk of a bail in with eight Italian banks.

Some speculation on what happens next in Italy:
Cross posting from another forum that I visit:
He's just been convicted of being racist.

I suspect theres something that prevents someone with a criminal record being allowed to become Hollands PM ...........
I'll go for -

Treaty violation
EBC prints to oblivion with a few CB currency 'swaps' like happened in 08 / 09
Germans huff indignantly but roll over because the alternative is even more scary
The Dutch elections are over. Rutte is the new PM, but Wilders' party won 20 seats (out of 150). Kind of a mixed result with respect to globalism/nationalism and the EU.

Even so, the G20 appears to be reacting to the new reality of President Trump:
Italy's 5 Star League wins big in their elections, but not enough to govern outright. They are going to have some turmoil trying to establish a coalition government amongst leaders/parties that don't get along.


Is it that time again? Did we catch up to where we kicked the can last time around?
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